Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 828 Lawrence of Arabia

Chapter 828 Lawrence of Arabia

According to the requirements of the British War Department, in addition to being responsible for the security of coastal areas such as Alamein, Matruh, and Sairum, the troops in southern Africa are also responsible for the vast inland areas, including oases such as Siwa, which are also in southern Africa. within the responsibility of the military.

Although Rock and Paul Coker had prepared for the difficulties they would face after coming to Egypt before departure, they still underestimated the difficulties. On the first night in Egypt, more than a dozen people in the army fell ill. He fell and was rushed to a hospital ship docked in Alexandria for treatment.

"The troops going to Siwa have to carry more than twice the supplementary supplies. It is difficult for the troops to get supplies in Siwa. There is nothing but water and robbers there." Paul Coker's eyes are bloodshot, red scary.

Siwa is an oasis in the interior of Egypt, about 560 kilometers away from Cairo. There are temples and stone tombs left over from the Ptolemaic Dynasty and the Roman era. It is now a paradise for robbers. The Egyptian government has lost control of Siwa.

"Don't worry about Siwa, take your time little by little." Rock is not in a hurry, and controls the Mediterranean coastal area first, so that he can get supplies through the port.

As for the desert in the inland area, as long as the bandits in Siwa do not harass Cairo, Roque will not help the Egyptian government recover Siwa.

The so-called bandits are actually the Ottoman troops who are still resisting. They persisted in fighting with the Italian army in Cyrenaica. The British garrison in Egypt was insufficient to effectively manage Siwa.

For some unspeakable reasons, Roque will not take the initiative to attack Siwa. Italy has not yet chosen a camp. If Italy chooses to join the Allied Powers, Roque will immediately send troops to Siwa.

If Italy is still trying to benefit from both sides, then Roque will let it go, and it would be good not to take the initiative to provide help to the Ottoman army.

"The conditions here are too harsh, there is no fresh vegetables and beef, the price of fruits is outrageous, and the quantity is very small, there are beggars and homeless people around the camp, their sanitation is terrible, I don't know what the officials here are doing .” Paul Coker had just been in Egypt for a day, and he already missed southern Africa very much.

After leaving southern Africa, I realized how good southern Africa is. Compared with Egypt, which is like hell, southern Africa is really a paradise.

In fact, this has nothing to do with whether the products are rich or not. Before the Chinese came to southern Africa in large numbers, southern Africa was also a barren land in the eyes of many people. The whole southern Africa is better around Cape Town, and other areas are just like now. Egypt is about the same.

The Chinese have brought great changes to southern Africa. The former barren land has now become a paradise on earth. Ten years ago, when Rock first arrived in Nyasaland, he didn’t even have a hotel, so he could only live in the church with Xiaosi Now Nyasaland has become the most prosperous area in Africa.

"The officials here are appointed by London. They work here for a period of time and then go to other areas, or live in rich areas, and don't care about the life and death of the poor. We describe this situation as 'officials do not repair the government'. The people here People also have problems. They don’t know how to pursue a better life, or the pursuit is useless. Many newly built cities in Nyasaland are full of fruit trees, so the price of fruits is very cheap and can be found almost everywhere. Here is It's very troublesome, unless the chief executive makes a strong push, it also requires a professional and efficient team of officials." Rock knew the problem, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Egypt today is just like southern Africa in the colonial period. Although Egypt does not have as rich natural resources as southern Africa, the Nile Delta is actually very fertile. If you make good use of it, plus the addition of the Suez Canal, Egypt Also very promising.

The key is that the Egyptians cannot control their own destiny. They were squeezed by the Ottoman Empire before, but now they are enslaved by the British. The prosperity of Cairo is no less than that of Cape Town, but there is Pretoria in southern Africa besides Cape Town. There is also Johannesburg, and the more prosperous Little Rock and Port Edward, while Cairo is the only jewel in Egypt.

"It's a good thing we live in southern Africa. If it were in Egypt, I think I'd be crazy." Paul Coker was thankful that this kind of comparison is the best patriotic education.

"Paul, if we are in Egypt, then I believe that Egypt will become a paradise on earth just like southern Africa." Rock was full of confidence.

The key is people, not natural conditions. Fate is fair. When a door is closed, a window will be opened at the same time. The key is whether you can find where the window is.

If you just lie on the ground basking in the sun to catch lice like those beggars and tramps outside the military camp, then life will never be hopeful.

If you are like those who are physically and mentally strong, and have to fight tenaciously even if you are suppressed by fate, then your fate may be changed.

The main thing is what kind of lifestyle you choose.

"Yes, Lord, we all thank God—" Paul Cocker didn't follow the direction led by Rock, but it didn't matter, as long as he had faith.

Just like what Roque said, people in the rich area really can't see the suffering in the slums. Rock still has activities at night, this time to celebrate the signing of the "Bucharest Peace Treaty".

This "Bucharest Peace Treaty" is a contract formed by the Second Balkan War that just ended. Yes, the Second Balkan War has ended not long after it started. This is actually the third outbreak of the Balkan Peninsula in just two years. The war, but the outbreak and end of the last war was too hasty, so it is collectively called the first Balkan war, and this is the second.

In the "Bucharest Peace Treaty", Bulgaria lost almost all the land acquired through the First Balkan War. Adriatico.

Like the "London Treaty" signed after the end of the first Balkan War, the "Bucharest Peace Treaty" will not bring peace to the Balkan Peninsula, but will make the conflict more acute. Bulgaria chose to form an alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary for revenge. Serbia Negro, Romania, and Greece are closer to Britain and France. Now the Balkan Peninsula only needs one Mars to detonate the whole world.

Strictly speaking, the signing of the "Bucharest Peace Treaty" has nothing to do with Egypt, but Egypt is still the territory of the Ottoman Empire in name after all, so it is understandable for the Ottoman Empire, as a victorious country, to celebrate.

Rock was also invited as Viscount Nyasaland.

"If I could, I'd rather sleep in a hotel than attend this kind of boring garden party." Rock was also very helpless. Time was wasted like this, and if he wrote it in a novel, he would be scolded and watered down.

"This is a part of aristocratic life. There are too few such activities in Nyasaland, so it lacks aristocratic genes." Ada was also invited, and she was wearing the summer evening dress launched by Itno this year, Compared with traditional evening dresses, they are more close-fitting and can better show women's body curves.

Although the designer of Eternal is bold enough, the evening dress he designed is still incomparable with the dresses of the 21st century. Although the evening dress has no sleeves, the matching white lace gloves reaching to the elbows do not show much.

"It takes three generations to cultivate a nobleman, and Nyasaland has only a few years of history." Rock doesn't care about noble genes. The current British nobles are actually pirates in their ancestors, so there is nothing to brag about.

It's just that Rock's personal will sometimes can't change the consensus of the whole society.

After solving the problem of food and clothing, more and more people in southern Africa are now pursuing a better life. Although the aristocratic lifestyle is not worth advocating, the pursuit of a better life can be encouraged.

This time the dinner was held at a manor on the outskirts of Cairo that formerly belonged to the Ottoman sultans and is now the official residence of Lord Ronald Storrs, British Secretary of State for the Middle East.

Rock and Ada came a little late, and they were planning to show up and leave. Anyway, this time Rock is not the protagonist, so he can leave early.

Naturally, no one dared to accuse Rock of being late.

When Rock and Ada arrived at the scene, the banquet had already entered the free time. Rock went to find a seat at random and just sat down, when he saw a young man beside him smiling.

Rock politely smiled back. As long as the other party is not blatantly racist, Rock is usually very friendly.

"Lord Nyasaland, good evening." The young man greeted politely.

"Good evening, the moonlight today is really good—" Rock's very old-fashioned opening remarks, in fact, old-fashioned means the best effect, otherwise it would not have been spread for such a long time and has such a wide range of applications.

"Lord Nyasaran, my name is Thomas Edward Lawrence, and I am working for Mr. Howard Carter now—" Lawrence introduced himself.

"Oh—Mr. Relic Supervisor—" Ada had a lot of meaning, the relic supervisor is actually a tomb robber.

The relic supervisor that Ada mentioned is the official position of Howard Carter, and the job content of this position is archaeology.

The so-called "archeology" of Britain in Egypt, the main work is to dig the tomb of the pharaoh, which is the legendary "Captain Mojin".

"Mr. Lawrence, hello—" Rock offered his hand, and Thomas Lawrence was flattered.

Rock didn't care who was going to excavate the pharaoh's tomb. The young man in front of him was the Lawrence known as "Lawrence of Arabia".

(End of this chapter)

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