Chapter 831

Under the premise of sufficient training, logistics and perfect weapons, there is no generational difference, even Italy, known as "noodles", can perform well on the battlefield.

The training of Umbrella Company is very strict. Needless to say, those retired professional soldiers, the word "professional" fully reflects their combat effectiveness. Even those Gurkhas who have just joined the army have to receive at least six months of complete training. Then you can become a mercenary.

Ali's slave soldiers are different from mercenaries in terms of weapons and equipment, but the training situation is not bad. Their instructors are senior instructors sent by the umbrella company. Many of them are not suitable for continuing to perform front-line tasks for various reasons, and they don't want to leave. Umbrella, that's why they retired to the second line as instructors. All of these instructors are veterans who survived the battlefield. They are the most valuable asset of the Umbrella Company.

"We have set up two intelligence departments composed entirely of Persians, one for Persia and the other for the Ottoman Empire. Damascus is our important target. Our plan is that if war breaks out, we will occupy Damascus within a month at most." Li said. Germany attaches great importance to intelligence work. The umbrella was actually an intelligence department at the beginning, and it gradually evolved into the current umbrella.

Even though it has become a mercenary company, Umbrella still attaches great importance to intelligence work. There are Umbrella Company intelligence networks in Tanganyika and Southwest Africa. Even if a certain network node is exposed, it will not cause too much loss.

"It can't be too fast. We have to consider London's response. London can accept the emergence of a unified country in the desert area of ​​the peninsula, and it will be very difficult along the Mediterranean coast." Rock is fully prepared for difficulties. In another time and space, Feisal's troops entered Damascus first, Then Feisal became king in Damascus, but at the Paris Peace Conference, Damascus still became a French colony. Feisal had nothing and was used by the British and French allied forces for nothing.

During the Paris Peace Conference, "Lawrence of Arabia" went to Paris with Feisal, trying to fight for the rights he deserved. As a result, Feisal was not even eligible to enter the venue, and no one cared about Feisal's contribution.

Rock doesn't want to be used in vain. Compared with Feisal, a long-term worker, southern Africa is a relative who lived alone. If southern Africa occupies Damascus first, then Britain and France will have to consider the interests of southern Africa. ugly.

Of course, this also needs to be properly operated. It involves national interests.

"Properly control the strength of the Najd Sultanate, and we can't make them too powerful." Roque was also worried that the Nejd Sultanate would lose control. Originally, Roque wanted to allow multiple forces on the peninsula to coexist, and more importantly, to operate in the future. During a trip to North Africa, Ali Rashid stood out and was recognized by the Ottoman Empire, successfully unifying the peninsula, which was far beyond Rock's design.

"It shouldn't be a problem. At least half of the Najd Sultanate's troops are under our direct control. Even if an accident occurs, we can cut off the supply of the Najd Sultanate, and the Najd Sultanate's army will collapse soon." Li De told Britain's understanding is not deep enough.

"Don't take it lightly. If that happens, believe it or not, London will become our enemy." Roque never dared to overestimate the moral standards of Britain. In this regard, both Britain and France have criminal records. The reputation and capricious Osman Empire is about the same.

"No way—" Li De was still naive.

"Why not? You'll know in the future." Rock is ready to do both. Now Britain is forced to use southern Africa. When the world war is over and the threat of Germany disappears, Britain will start to pay attention to the south. African threat.

It's just that it may be too late to pay attention to it at that time. By then, Southern Africa will be full-fledged. If you want to restrict southern Africa, conventional means will be almost impossible, unless another war is launched.

We can see whether Britain has the same determination as the Ottoman Empire at that time. It just got out of one war and immediately threw itself into another war.

While Rock and Reed were discussing Damascus, B and D Companies of the Johannesburg Rifles had just arrived in Alamein.

Being in the Nile Delta often gives people the illusion that Egypt is not bad, and it is not much different from the natural environment in southern Africa.

Alamein is located on the edge of the Nile Delta. Strictly speaking, it is already outside the Nile Delta. When Company B and Company D arrived in Alamein, a gust of wind happened to blow up the sky, and the fine sand was overwhelming. They could escape, and the officers and men of Company B and Company D hid beside the camels like guides, and finally felt the violence in the desert area.

It was really blocking out the sky, I couldn’t see anything, I didn’t dare to open my eyes, my mouth was full of sand when I opened my mouth, and I could only hear the sound of howling wind, the sand hit my face and caused pain, and it ran down my clothes It is almost pervasive, and all the protective measures prepared before departure are useless. In the face of the violent nature, the power of the individual is indeed very small.

Dalton, the company commander of Company B, and Mallory, the company commander of Company D, were hiding in the armored vehicle. They could clearly hear the sound of sand and stones hitting the steel plate of the vehicle. Both of them had ashen faces. McMahon sent Franklin, the liaison officer, looked as usual. This kind of situation is really very common in the desert.

"Don't worry, the sandstorm will disappear within 10 minutes at the most. We are not very lucky. There are not many such weather." Franklin enjoyed it very much. There is iced wine in the armored vehicle, which is specially prepared for Franklin, from southern Africa Soldiers are prohibited from drinking alcohol while on duty.

"I'm worried about our soldiers. I don't know if they can hold on. We should bring more armored vehicles." Officers and soldiers do not need to hide under the belly of the camel.

Companies B and D came to Alamein with only six armored vehicles. These armored vehicles were mainly used for defense. When the troops went out to patrol, they still had to ride camels.

Having experienced the power of sandstorms first-hand, Mallory and Dalton agreed to reduce the number of patrols they did as much as possible.

"What's our camp like? It's not a tent, is it?" Dalton was right to be worried. If it was a tent, it might be blown away by a gust of wind.

"Of course not. We built the camp according to the requirements of the War Department." Franklin's eyes flickered, and Dalton and Mallory immediately raised the alarm.

The requirements of the Ministry of War are a bit flexible, and the standards for temporary camps are quite different from permanent strongholds. It is estimated that Egypt is unlikely to prepare permanent strongholds for the southern African army, and there is not enough time.

But before seeing the camp, Mallory and Dalton didn't say anything, but both of them hummed with bad expressions. If it was really that kind of temporary camp, then Franklin would like to drink it next time, let alone iced wine. No ice water at all.

Franklin was right. After only a few minutes, the sandstorm that was overwhelming just now disappeared without a trace.

The magic is that at this moment, there is no cloud and the sun is sunny, the golden sand dunes stretch to the end of the line of sight, and the blue sky is as intoxicating as the one washed by water.

Dalton and Mallory hid in the armored vehicle and had no personal experience of the sandstorm just now. Those officers and soldiers who faced the sandstorm were more unlucky. As soon as the sandstorm passed, the officers climbed out of the sand and began to organize their teams. Swearing, swearing at everything from God to the King to the guerrillas.

Dalton and Mallory didn't care, but Franklin's face was ugly.

"Don't pay attention to these details, let them vent their emotions. Believe me, they are the king's most loyal fighters." Dalton put his arm around Franklin's shoulders, and Mallory stood behind Franklin with a half-smile.

"I understand. Let's set off as soon as possible. We are very close to the camp." Franklin could only pretend not to hear. It's an honest soldier.

Fortunately, the troops suffered no loss of personnel in the sandstorm just now, only two camels probably took advantage of the chaos to escape.

Camels don’t matter. Company B and Company D brought a lot of camels when they set off, and the troops of more than 300 people brought more than 500 camels. If one or two is missing, it will be regarded as an offering to the Pharaoh.

After returning to the road, Mallory was still puzzled; "Since Alamein is by the sea, why doesn't Alamein even have a port?"

"Yes, but unfortunately it was destroyed by the guerrillas, so we have to land in Alexandria." Franklin was also helpless. The destructive power of the guerrillas was amazing, otherwise Egypt would not have asked the Ministry of War for help.

Franklin's words were unbelievable. It took almost an hour to arrive at the so-called "very close". Only when they arrived at the place did Dalton and Mallory know why Franklin had an unnatural expression when he mentioned the camp just now. The emotional camp has not yet been completed. Not to mention the permanent stronghold, there are no tents, only a few low stone houses that are common in deserts, and it is obviously not enough for more than 300 people to live in.

"Where's the camp?" Dalton's eyes were fierce at the moment, and Franklin felt chills all over his body.

"Sorry, the news I received is that the camp has been completed, why is this happening?" Franklin probably didn't expect the situation to be so bad.

"Forget it, let's go back to Alexandria directly. When the camp is built, when will we come back." Mallory will not sleep in the wilderness. The temperature difference between day and night in the desert is very large. In the middle of the night there might be a real fire.

(End of this chapter)

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