Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 838 Crazy 1 Minutes

Chapter 838 Crazy 1 Minutes

The military observer group not only visits the arsenal, but also observes the training of the troops.

The military training in southern Africa is also notoriously strict. The intelligence office set up by the Ministry of War in Nyasaland reported to the Ministry of War a long time ago about the training of troops in southern Africa. The British have not paid enough attention to the army for a long time. Because of the arms race in [-], the UK is also gradually improving the status of the army, and it has begun to pay attention to the training of the troops.

On the training ground in the camp area, the two remaining companies were training, namely Company D and Company F of the [-]rd Regiment of the First Cavalry Division. Rock would not have arranged similar activities if George White hadn't volunteered. The training is all live ammunition, and it still has a certain degree of danger.

What surprised George White was that there are quite a few technical arms in the Southern African Army. These technical arms refer to soldiers with certain special skills, such as machine gun shooting, field ambulance, driving maintenance and so on.

Every time a skill is mastered, the corresponding icon will be embroidered on the military uniform. The icon of the British army is on the sleeve, and the icon of the southern African army is on the chest, but the style of the icon is different. The triangle represents the tripod and the machine gun. For the shooter, the red cross represents field ambulance, and the icon for driving maintenance is a cross with a circle outside, representing the steering wheel.

George White was surprised to find that almost every soldier has a red cross on his chest, which shows that almost every soldier has the ability to provide first aid in the field. At a time when medical resources are so scarce, this level of popularity is simply unacceptable to George White .

"Battlefield ambulance is not a general practitioner. For different injured parts, as long as you know how to tie a tourniquet and how to simply bandage it, you can firmly fix the wounded in it. Treatment and surgery are the jobs of doctors.” Rock explained in detail that now not only the Johannesburg School of Medicine has a field ambulance major, but Xuanwu City has also established a military medical university specializing in training military doctors. In two years, the medical level in southern Africa There will be another leap.

"Then what's the point of field medical care like this—" George White was very disappointed. He thought that all these soldiers were field doctors, and that would be too scary.

"If wounded soldiers on the battlefield can get timely rescue, then the mortality rate can be reduced by more than 70.00%, and the value of veterans does not need to be emphasized. It is not only pensions that are saved. In order to allow more soldiers to learn battlefield rescue, as long as If you have mastered the basic field rescue technology, you can get an extra salary of five shillings every month." Rock is also doing everything he can, five shillings a month doesn't sound like much, but six pounds a year is still worth it. Very attractive.

The annual income of British soldiers is about fifty pounds, and the salary of soldiers stationed in the colonies is higher, but it has not reached the level of one hundred pounds.

The average salary of soldiers in southern Africa in peacetime is [-] pounds. Once a war breaks out, there will be war allowances. If they perform overseas combat missions, they will also receive overseas allowances. The overall salary level is still very good.

"No wonder the Department of War gives you 500 million a year, and you can only maintain such a small force." George White was heartbroken, 500 million, and it was three dreadnoughts after all—

Bah, give it to Southern Africa, at least it's for the Army.

"We have just formed several infantry divisions all composed of African soldiers. The cost of these troops is still relatively low, and the army can be expanded appropriately." Rock can't just take money and do nothing, and the War Department is not a winner. To see the effect, otherwise the support to southern Africa will be stopped at any time.

Nominally, this money is still an interest-free loan. As for whether to repay it in the future, it depends on the performance of southern Africa. If the performance of southern Africa is good enough, it is not impossible to cancel these interest-free loans.

The UK used to provide more than 2000 million yuan in interest-free loans and financial assistance to southern Africa every year. This year, with the financial problems of the UK, except for the 500 million targeted to the Ministry of Defense, other aid has been stopped.

This made all the newspapers including The Times angry, because while reducing aid to southern Africa, Britain is increasing aid to France, so now some people in the government are called "British traitors" However, Southern Africa, even if self-governing, was always part of the British Empire.

"How many?" George White was concerned.

"Eight, 5000 people in each division." Rock spared no expense. These soldiers also had to be paid, but each soldier only had a little more than one pound a month.

In other words, the cost of professional soldiers is about ten times that of African soldiers.

"It's also such a unit?" George White's eyes lit up. If they are all such high-quality soldiers, it will indeed play a big role.

"How is it possible, if that's the case, the federal government will go bankrupt—" Rock's words made George White feel like he was on a roller coaster, great joy followed by great sorrow, and the elderly really couldn't stand such a toss.

In the end, Rock was more considerate of the elderly: "Although they are not as good as these professional soldiers, they are definitely more effective than the Indian troops."

Rock is still sure of this.

"The Indian army is scum, and the empire should not waste time and money on the Indian army." George White gritted his teeth, and he didn't know if his loss in the Second Boer War had anything to do with the Indian army.

"Even if the Indian army can't fight, it's okay to be responsible for logistics—" Rock has no confidence in the Indian army, but the war is imminent, and all the forces that can be united must be united. No matter how lazy the Indians are, whips and sticks are always Make them work harder.

"You mean, let our children go to the front line to protect the safety of Indians?" George White asked a sharp question. This question is really difficult to answer. Let Indians go to the battlefield. and not in the interest of Great Britain—

Mind blowing!

Fortunately, there is no need for Roque to worry about it. This is a question for the generals of the Ministry of War to consider.

"Son, show me your gun." George White finally noticed a sniper rifle used by a sniper.

No, it should be called a precision shooter now.

In southern Africa, the pinpoint shooter's motif is a scope.

The soldier didn't obey immediately, but looked at Roque first, and after seeing Roque nodding, he reluctantly handed the rifle to George White.

George White had obviously seen a rifle equipped with a scope. He pretended to aim it, then handed the gun to the soldier, and casually asked about the standards for accurate shooters in southern Africa.

"Nine out of ten shots at a 100-meter head target without a scope." Rock has high requirements. Ordinary soldiers shoot chest targets at a distance of 100 meters. Of course, the requirements for precision shooters are higher.

Then Rock noticed George White's dull expression.

It was only then that Rock remembered that the British army was still shooting with a thin red line of guns these days, so the concept of head target was too advanced for George White, just like making current pilots understand beyond-visual-range air combat.

Not in one dimension at all.

"Son, can you do it?" George White didn't doubt Rock's words. Rock wasn't bragging about this kind of thing, but it was unbelievable. In fact, there were precision shooters in the British army, but for precision Archers don't pay much attention to it, and there is no special training in this area.

"Of course, all of us can do it." The precision shooter was not accurate. He meant that all precision shooters could do it, and ordinary soldiers certainly couldn't.

"Locke, I think you should arrange a show." George White seeing is believing.

Rock doesn't care, he always has to prove to the War Department that the annual 500 million is worth it. Accurate shooters have to spend a lot of time every day for training, and live ammunition is fired every day. Rock has confidence in them.

Since it was to "perform", Roque selected more people. As a result, the two companies had a total of more than 40 accurate shooters. This ratio is really amazing.

"There was a problem with the military expenditure last year. Some of the troops in southern Africa were laid off, and ordinary soldiers were retired directly. These technical arms were retained to supplement the Rhodesian Northern Division and the First Cavalry Division, so the number of precision shooters is relatively large." Rock still said. Explain one sentence, so that George White's mentality will not be out of balance.

In fact, not only George White, but all military observers are already on the verge of losing their mentality. A division of the British army may only have a dozen precision shooters. When it comes to southern Africa, any company has more than 20. Now even Rock wanted to cancel the "performance", but the military observers would not agree. They wanted to confirm with their own eyes that Rock didn't waste the precious funds of the Ministry of War.

"Take off the scope, ten bullets per person, 100-meter head target, and enter the combat position—" Following the order of Captain Brod of Company D, more than 40 precision shooters filed into the combat position.

George White picked a random pinpoint shooter and stood beside him to make sure there was no cheating.

The other military observers also learned from them. They observed very carefully, especially the preparations of the precision shooters, which made them feel very novel.

"This is to make better use of the power of Lee Enfield. The German Mauser rifle has a five-round magazine, while our Lee Enfield has ten rounds. Fire more bullets, and these precision shooters have a standard called "crazy 1 minute", which refers to emptying all ten bullets within 1 minute." Rock took the initiative to explain, and then George White and other military personnel Observers immediately learned what "1 minute of madness" is.

(End of this chapter)

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