Chapter 842

This is not the first time that Rock has done this kind of thing. It is exactly the same as the method of building the railway between Walvis Bay and Bechuanaland. The Atlantic Company is still selling various military and living supplies to Germany. The British government and the US government cannot follow suit know the same.

Some British companies now also have trade relations with the Atlantic Company, and Herbert Hoover has used both sides to the extreme.

"What guarantee can you give me?" Hussein Kemal had no choice. Roque had already gone to Port Elizabeth with the military observation team, obviously to avoid suspicion and refused to get involved in this matter.

"Everything you want, whether it's weapons, military instructors, or even armed mercenaries, our Delta can provide it." Leo Fowler took care of everything, only from a business point of view, the Delta is indeed highly overlapping with the umbrella .

"How many armed mercenaries do you have?" Hussein Kemal was curious. It's not that he never thought of hiring mercenaries from the umbrella company, but the price of the umbrella company was too expensive for Hussein Kemal to hire.

"It depends on how much you need." Leo Fowler was confident.

"Price?" Hussein Kemal still cared about the price.

Leo Fowler silently handed in the quotation, and Hussein Kemal immediately turned black when he saw it.

Delta’s quotation is exactly the same as that of Umbrella, and even the format of the quotation is the same, but the company name and logo are changed. Unlike the fully armed South African mastiff of Umbrella, Delta’s logo is a yellow lightning bolt, giving people Very impressed.

"Although our company has just been established, it has already had successful demonstrations. Anglo-American Petroleum Corporation is our customer—oh, it is Anglo-Iranian Petroleum Corporation now. If Anglo-American Petroleum Corporation had chosen our services before, they probably would not. Lose Khuzestan." Leo Fowler actively fought for it, and you get what you pay for. The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company's choice of Delta is actually a protection fee, otherwise the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company can only withdraw from the Middle East.

When Hussein Kemal was indecisive, Rock and members of the military observation team were slowly sailing into Port Elizabeth on the southern African passenger ship "Afrikaans".

Most of the members of the military observation group came to Port Elizabeth for the first time, but their attention was not on the scenery of the port, but on the two ships of the Southern African Navy "Tracker" and "Stalker" escorted along the way. Destroyer.

Since entering the Persian Gulf, these two destroyers have been escorting all the way. Compared with the British destroyers, the "Tracker" and "Stalker" have a more streamlined appearance, faster speed, and more powerful firepower, which makes Members of the Military Observer Mission were very interested.

"There is no pressure from the sea in southern Africa. The role of warships is mainly to escort, so there is no need for dreadnoughts and battlecruisers. If divided according to the standards of the Royal Navy, the flagship is only a light cruiser. Destroyers of this level are equipped with 465 mm torpedoes. , It can also pose a threat to battleships." Rock is also very hard to sell, the Royal Navy is also a customer of Edward Shipyard, and Edward Shipyard will be able to deliver aircraft carriers within this year, and Edward Shipyard has begun to lay the second ship.

"South Africa can already build warships?" George White didn't know that the Royal Navy had become a customer of Edward Dockyard.

"Yes, it was done a few years ago. It was to fight against two German warships in the North Sea." Rock put the blame on the Germans. It's really not that southern Africa has ambitions.

"But you are now able to build aircraft carriers, and one will cost 280 million pounds—" George White has been at home for the past few years, and he doesn't know the situation in southern Africa, but Clark Bell knows it very well.

Just like the cost of building dreadnoughts in British shipyards, the aircraft carrier of Edward Shipyard also has to increase costs, from 248 million at the beginning, to 260 million later, and now to 280 million. The cost has greatly exceeded the previous one. contract price.

However, unlike the local shipyards that try to make money, the reason why the price of aircraft carriers continues to soar is rooted in the continuous improvement of carrier-based aircraft by Nyasaran Aviation Group. Each improvement will increase the cost, one or two It doesn't matter, if you zoom in to a few hundred, the price will soar obviously.

"That's because the aircraft carrier is really worth 280 million." Rock is not afraid that the Admiralty will not want it. The aircraft carrier has shown enough potential. If the UK wants to maintain its maritime interests, it is impossible to ignore the role of the aircraft carrier.

"How many such destroyers do you have now?" Clark Bell was not entangled in this issue, which was not within his purview. What Clark Bell cared about was the combat effectiveness in southern Africa.

"Less than twenty ships, as you know, we have no threat from the sea." Rock honestly said that under the wings of the Royal Navy, southern Africa does not need a strong navy. If it is really necessary, Edward Shipyard can open full horsepower.

"Too few—" Clark Bell shook his head, twenty destroyers were not enough for escort.

Sure enough for Southern Africa.

"My lord, welcome to Port Elizabeth—" Terrence Carroll and Tommy Hubbard were waiting to greet Rock on the pier. They were senior managers of Umbrella Company and Adan Company respectively. The task is to be responsible for all kinds of welcoming and sending.

Although the people in charge of Umbrella and Adan on the peninsula are Tang En and Li De, but in name, the people in charge of Umbrella and Adan are Terrence Carroll and Tommy Hubbard. The political correctness of the times, the Chinese are indeed becoming more and more important in southern Africa, but the nominal heads of large companies are all white, which is also to dilute the influence of the Chinese in southern Africa.

To change this, unless Roque becomes the prime minister of southern Africa one day, then the Chinese can really raise their eyebrows in southern Africa, and they don't have to hide their eyes and ears like this.

"Thank you, Terrence—Tommy, you seem to be gaining weight again. It seems that the food here is good." Rock is very relaxed on his own territory. When he was in Egypt, Rock would sleep with one eye open. Eye.

This is really not an exaggeration. Roque has made countless enemies now. It is estimated that many people want Roque to die suddenly. Considering the British record in this regard, Roque will never overestimate the moral bottom line of the British.

"If you ignore the sun and desert here, Port Elizabeth is really good." Tommy Hubbard is a professional manager from France. He and Terrence Carroll are very clear about their roles. Rock is very satisfied with his conscientiousness in his position and never exceeding the rules.

There was a huge crowd at the pier, and everyone who had a reputation in Port Elizabeth was there, and Tang En rushed back to Port Elizabeth from Khuzestan.

Next to the trestle is a guard of honor composed of mercenaries from the Umbrella Company. All of them are carefully selected white mercenaries. They are all about 1.8 meters tall. Standards are strict.

After the simple pleasantries, Rock and the members of the military observers drove to the headquarters of Adan Company "Pantheon" to rest. In the evening, they would also attend the banquet held in Port Elizabeth for the reception of the military observers.

Rock didn't have time to rest, so he arranged for other members of the military observation team. Tang En and Li De still had to report to Rock, mainly the current situation in Khuzestan.

"More and more information shows that Khuzestan may have huge oil reserves, and the reserves should be no less than Port Elizabeth. We have now buried all the oil wells and banned development, and designated the entire Khuzestan as an epidemic area. The situation in Khuzestan is indeed very serious. A severe plague broke out in Isfahan next to Khuzestan last month, and some villages were completely wiped out. The Persian army has also withdrawn from Khuzestan." Tang En The reported situation is shocking. After a catastrophe, there will be a catastrophe, and the Persians are really unlucky.

(End of this chapter)

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