Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 850 There Are No Strictly Bad Guys

Chapter 850 There Are No Strictly Bad Guys

As a multi-ethnic immigrant country, Southern Africa pays special attention to the issue of racial discrimination, especially in the Transvaal, Nyasaland and other Chinese-dominated states, which pay more attention to this issue. , Using insulting nouns to insult other people can be punished, which means that calling people "assholes" is fine, but calling people "white pigs" is not. No matter what it is, as long as it is linked to racial discrimination, it will cause serious consequences.

Nyasaland's regulations in this regard are also very strict. The state government even established a special supervisory committee to regulate and supervise the behavior of the government and the people. Although Erwin's incident had little impact, it was very bad in nature. If Fawalt Steel took hold, Erwin would lose his job at Rand Bank and even face criminal charges.

The general manager of Rand Bank in Xuanji City, George Bell, is a member of the supervisory committee. The day after Erwin apologized to Daniel, the Rand Bank branch in Xuanji City held a special meeting to emphasize this issue again.

"Gentlemen and ladies, I have reminded you many times that even if your neighbor is an asshole, you can only scold him in your own bedroom if you want to, and you must control your volume so that the asshole neighbor cannot hear it. Otherwise, once a dispute arises, not only will you have to bear the corresponding legal responsibilities, but the bank will also punish you internally. Losing your job is a trivial matter. If the bank’s reputation is affected due to personal reasons, you will have to bear all the losses caused by it—"George When Bell spoke, his eyes were fixed on Erwin who was sitting on pins and needles. Rand Bank also has a supervisory department. If this matter is known to the headquarters, George Bell will also be in trouble.

"I'm sorry, sir—" Erwin began eagerly, but was interrupted by George Bell as soon as he spoke.

"Erwin, you don't need to apologize to me, you need to apologize to all your colleagues, as well as Rand Bank, the 182 staff members of the entire Xuanji City branch have worked hard for ten years to achieve the reputation of our Rand Bank in Xuanji City , our civilized service, customer first, elegant environment, actively participate in various social activities, everyone is working hard to maintain the honor of Rand Bank, but look at what you have done? You can do it if you don’t like your German neighbors Language and violent attacks? Your colleagues Norman and Jenny are both Germans, do you have any objections to them? My grandmother is also German, so am I unworthy to live in the UK?" George Bell opened fire, It’s fine to discriminate against Africans. This is political correctness. It’s ridiculous that whites discriminate against each other.

Erwin was sweating profusely. Both Norman and Jenny were executives of the Rand Bank. Jenny was sitting opposite Erwin, staring at Erwin with angry eyes. She was trembling, and it seemed that if she hadn't considered that she was in a conference room, she would have poured her head over her face.

Norman was sitting at the other end of the long table, leaning against the back of the chair and looking at Erwin with his chin in one hand, his gaze behind the lens was also dangerous.

"Maybe you have overlooked the fact that in our Rand Bank, Irish people are also a disadvantaged group. You are the only person in this conference room who is Irish. According to your logic, can we also join hands to deal with verbal violence, or Isolate you quietly, exclude you, and apply to the headquarters to transfer you to India, are you willing?" George Bell really couldn't figure out why there were such stupid subordinates, the boss of Rand Bank was Chinese, and the general manager He is of French descent, and the deputy general manager is of Boer descent. It would be courting death if he dared to be racially discriminated against while working at Rand Bank.

"I'm sorry—" Erwin was ashamed and repeated this sentence with his head down, looking very pitiful at this time.

But poor people must have something to hate, no one has pity on Erwin, he deserves it!

"George, I have to declare my attitude. I can't accept working with such a person. If some people continue to stay in Xuanji City, then I will apply to be transferred to another city, and Whale Bay doesn't matter—" in business attire Short hair is neat and tidy, and Yan Ni, who is less than 30 years old but already a senior appraiser, has a decisive attitude. She also has the identity of Ada's niece.

Don't ask why a Frenchman has a German niece, ask a European grandmother.

"Me too!" Norman added. His position is a senior financial manager, and his clients are mainly professors from Nyasaland University.

Walvis Bay has now established a branch of the Rand Bank, but because of the complicated regional situation and the threat of war, no one has been willing to go there. Now both Yanni and Norman have stated that they would rather go to Walvis Bay to create a situation than get along with Erwin. It's almost like forcing a palace.

"Don't be like this, Yanni, you are the beautiful symbol of our Xuanji City branch, we can't do without you in Xuanji City—" The passers-by who were hanging high up seemed to wake up from a dream, the second-level account manager Jerome tried Relaxed atmosphere.

At Rand Bank, a second-level relationship manager is the equivalent of a branch vice president.

According to the regulations of Rand Bank, the branch level of Nyasaland is equivalent to a branch, and the level of Xuanji City is almost a branch.

However, Xuanji City has a special status, so the level is also a branch. The same is true for Port Edward, Johannesburg, and Cape Town. These cities are all at the same level as branches.

"Jerome, I'm not joking!" Yanni corrected seriously.

"Okay, okay, my fault, I'll reflect—" Jerome immediately admitted his mistake, but his attitude was still not correct.

George Bell didn't speak, and watched Erwin waiting to make a statement. It was obvious that Erwin could not pass the test easily.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Erwin spoke with difficulty: "I have apologized to Daniel face to face, and I have obtained Daniel's forgiveness. I really didn't mean to target Yanni and Norman. Everyone said I was an asshole, and I have realized it. My own mistakes, but my hatred for Germany is not out of thin air, my grandfather and my father, my two uncles died in the war against Germany, they gave everything for the country, but only received a meager amount Pension, I studied hard and worked hard to leave Ireland and come to Nyasaland, just to prevent me from repeating the tragedy of the previous generation—"

When Erwin spoke, the circles of his eyes were red, and his voice was a little choked. The atmosphere in the meeting room was almost frozen. Yanni finally let go of the hand holding the water glass, and Norman sat up straight.

"Nyasaland makes me feel at ease. I live here with my wife and children. Everything here fascinates me. I have fallen in love with Nyasaland and want to spend the rest of my life here-but Unexpectedly, even when I went to Nyasaland, I still couldn’t escape the shadow of war. The newspapers were full of propaganda, factories were producing all kinds of weapons and ammunition day and night, the army and police were practicing to deal with emergencies, and depositors began to exchange money. Cash hoarding supplies, I admit, I was frightened, so I’m sorry, I’m really sorry——” Erwin deeply reflected that no snowflake was innocent during an avalanche, and southern Africa, as a country that just appeared After ten years of administration, people's confidence in the federal government still needs to be strengthened.

"But Erwin, this cannot be a reason for you to hurt other people." George Bell can accept Erwin's explanation, but this does not mean that he has forgiven Erwin for his mistakes.

In fact, there are very few real bastards in Nyasaland. Those real bastards were found out early and kicked out of Nyasaland. Those who immigrated from the Far East were repatriated to the Far East, and those who immigrated from Europe were repatriated to Europe. Other states are easier. , Just throw it on the train and let it fend for itself, there is no way to settle in Nyasaland.

"I know, so I accept any punishment, I just hope to stay in our team—" Erwin still has feelings for Rand Bank.

In fact, even if Erwin leaves Rand Bank, he can find a new job in Xuanji City.

Like Rand Bank, Imperial Bank also opened a branch in Xuanji City. In recent years, several new banks have emerged in southern Africa, such as the South African Bank headquartered in Rhodesia, Cape Bank headquartered in Cape Town, And the Pacific Bank headquartered in Port Edward, etc. These banks have branches in Xuanji City, and the employees who leave Rand Bank are ruthless in the welcome of these banks.

George Bell rubbed his face and announced the end of the meeting, and then left Jenny, Norman and Jerome for a closed-door meeting, obviously to discuss what kind of punishment should be given to Erwin.

Erwin was as sad as a concubine, and he was still heavy when he returned to the office.

"Come on, Erwin, it's not terrible to make mistakes, and you'll be a real man if you get through it." A colleague came to comfort Erwin. The thing is so strange. Erwin, who clearly provoked trouble, now looks like a victim.

"Thank you—" Erwin was depressed and didn't know what kind of treatment he was going to face. Now Erwin could understand Daniel's mood very well.

More people didn't care about Erwin. In the open office, several employees gathered together and whispered. When they saw Erwin, they immediately dispersed. To Erwin's heartache, the price of racism was too high.

In the morning, when there is usually too much work to finish, it has become very leisurely. Others are still busy, and Erwin seems to be forgotten. Since entering the office, the door of the office has never been opened again.

It was not until lunch time at twelve o'clock that George Bell came to Erwin's office.

"Erwin, you can stay at Rand Bank, but you have to donate two months' salary to the Ministry of Defense and undertake one hundred hours of community service. Would you like to?" George Bell's words made Erwin surprise.

"Of course, I would!" This lesson Erwin will never forget.

George Bell nodded, patted Erwin on the shoulder and turned to leave.

Erwin had just breathed a sigh of relief when George Bell's secretary came to Erwin with a large stack of documents, which should have been dealt with in the morning.

Erwin had never thought folders so cute.

(End of this chapter)

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