Chapter 855 Plan No. [-]

In the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1913, the emaciated camel was bigger than the horse, and it was also one of the few powerful countries in the world.

When Rock received the news of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, he was leading the children to bury the big man under a big tree next to Eagle Fort.

From 1900 to the present, the big man has been with Rock for 13 years. Although Rock has been busy with work these years and has not had much time to pay attention to the big man, as long as Rock is free, he will always try his best to spend time with the big man. , Sometimes I go for a stroll in the garden, sometimes I bask in the sun on the balcony, and most of the time when Rock is working, the big guy just lies at Rock's feet, and he doesn't make noise or move around. He is Rock's most loyal friend.

Rock didn't know that the big man was gone until after attending the inauguration ceremony of the General Staff Department. It passed away peacefully in a dream, as peacefully as if asleep. When it passed away, it was pillowed on a pair of shoes worn by Rock. Roque's taste.

For Rock, the big guy is his most loyal friend. Since Rock came to this world, the big guy has been by Rock’s side. From Cape Town to Johannesburg to Nyasaland, the big guy has been with Rock all the time. Be by your side, accompany Roque through the most difficult days, and enjoy the glory of victory with Roque.

"Dad, where did the big guy go? Will he come back as it says in the book?" Alvin still had tears on his face, and he was the saddest when the big guy passed away.

"Yes, the big guy went to Wang Xing, and when you graduate from middle school, the big guy will come back to see you." Rock couldn't bear to break the children's fantasy, they should be carefree.

"I dreamed about the big guy last night. We went fishing together by the river and took a bath in the river—" Gavin, who was dressed in a boy scout uniform, was covered in sweat, and his black hair was wet in strands and stuck to his forehead In fact, he can now understand the meaning of life and death.

Rock covered the big guy with a blanket that Rock often used, and Gavin put the big guy's favorite toy next to the big guy. Alvin finally couldn't help crying, and Rock sealed the first shovel.

At this time, Barton quickly came to Roque and whispered the news of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife to Roque.

Rock's mood was extremely complicated in an instant. The sword of Damocles hanging above his head finally fell down. Rock felt instantly relieved, and then became extremely heavy.

The First World War lasted for four years, and a total of 30 billion people from more than 15 countries were involved in the war, causing a total of 3000 million casualties. When these cold numbers in the history books become fresh lives, no one can take it calmly Of.

Some people are busy next, but before that, Rock will send the big guy away first, fulfilling his promise as a friend.

Then there is meeting after meeting, and endless work.

Just like Roque said, the preparations will never be perfected. The 100 million recruits recruited by the British War Department have not yet completed their training, and only 200 of the 50 million rifles ordered from southern Africa have arrived. It will take half a month at the fastest from national mobilization to shipment. There are still a lot of problems in southern Africa that have not been resolved. Some people are ready to move and will definitely use this opportunity to spread rumors. There must be some people who are unwilling to participate in the war, and some people will take the opportunity to instigate the complete independence of southern Africa, and there may be some people who will collude with the Germans. These things must be prevented before they happen.

"Notify Dodd and Martin to start the No. [-] Scheduled Plan." Rock has long been prepared. Whether the war first breaks out in Europe or around southern Africa, the Ministry of National Defense has different plans to deal with it.

"Yes, my lord—" just as Barton left, Angie came over quickly.

"Lord, the Prime Minister asked you to go to Pretoria as soon as possible." Angie picked up Alvin's small shovel to help.

"Prepare the train, we'll leave at night." Rock was absent-minded. The Archduke Ferdinand and his wife in another time and space were assassinated in 1914. This time and space was a full year earlier. Compared with another time and space, many things in this time and space are different. Changes have taken place, so will there still be the Battle of the Somme, will there be the October Revolution?

Rock doesn't know now, he doesn't even know when Britain declared war on Germany, it seems to be a month later, so there is still time.

Rock had dinner at home before going to the train station. During dinner, there were all kinds of gossip. The children's emotions came and went quickly. When it was dinner, Gavin and Alvin buried the big guy in the afternoon. After doing some physical work, she ate too much for dinner. Judy, who was just a toddler, felt a little uncomfortable. La went to get a doctor for Judy, and he didn't even take a few bites after a meal.

"The crown prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was assassinated—" Roque explained the situation to Phyllis. In the next few years, it is estimated that Roque will rarely have time to accompany Phyllis.

"Frantz? It's really sad news, he's a nice guy—" Phyllis is no stranger to Archduke Ferdinand, and the whole world knows that the crown prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire gave up the right to inherit his descendants because of his wife , Archduke Ferdinand also became a representative of not loving the country and loving the beautiful.

Speaking of which, the royal family of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is all lovers. The old emperor Franz Joseph I, his wife is the famous Princess Sissi. The acquaintance between the old emperor and Princess Sissi was full of drama. At that time, Princess Sissi Only 15 years old was her sister Helen the intended marriage partner of Franz Joseph I.

Franz Joseph I fell in love with Princess Sissi at first sight, and finally married Princess Sissi home when she was 17 years old. However, their marriage was not happy. Princess Sissi was assassinated in Geneva, Switzerland in 1898. My family was not around when I died.

The former crown prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was Prince Rudolf, the only son of Franz Joseph I and Princess Sissi. Rudolph's life was full of tragedies. His father was busy with political affairs, and his mother was irresponsible. Rudolph never enjoyed The warmth of the family, and he has no autonomy in marriage. In 1889, Rudolph and his lover committed suicide, so Archduke Ferdinand became the crown prince.

"A war of unprecedented scale will break out next." Rock was helpless. In this kind of matter, the focus of women's attention will always be different from that of men.

"And then? Who is the murderer? The Austro-Hungarian Empire will definitely take revenge." Phyllis didn't care who the murderer was. She was preparing a fairy tale for Judy to tell at night, which was a family tradition of Phyllis.

"Serbs, but if the Austro-Hungarian Empire declares war on Serbia, then France and Russia will declare war on the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and then Germany and the Ottoman Empire will also participate." Rock feels that he has found the wrong person, and Phyllis should chat The story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

"Are you going to fight again? Southwest Africa or Tanganyika? I don't think you need to go. Let Angie and Patton go to defeat the Germans." I still understand it very well. It is estimated that An Qi and Barton would be crazy if they knew that Phyllis had such a high opinion of them.

"Maybe I'm going to Europe, or to the Sinai Peninsula, who knows, but I'm going to Pretoria later." Rock still doesn't know how far the war will go, and Franz The relationship between Joseph I and Archduke Ferdinand may not be pursued by the Austro-Hungarian Empire at all.

This is not impossible, the famous saying of the Habsburg family is: let others go to war, happy Austrians like to marry.

Therefore, the expansion of the Habsburg family was not based on force, but on peace.

According to the information that Rock had already learned, after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, the old Emperor Franz Joseph I said: A higher level of power has restored order, which I failed to do.

Simply put: it is God's will.

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't go with you, Gavin and Alvin still have to go to school, and Judy's health is not good--" Phyllis realized that her husband was going to travel far away, but it was very important for Phyllis. It's normal to say that Rock seldom spends time at home, and Phyllis is also experiencing widowed parenting.

"I hope we can relax in a few years, and we will go on vacation together." Rock felt a little guilty. The work is endless, and there will be new jobs after the end of the world war. Vacation is a luxury for Rock.

"It's okay, you take care of the outside and I take care of the inside. I will take good care of the family." Phyllis is no longer the innocent little girl she used to be. She is now the mother of three children and the mistress of Nyasaland. There are not so many romances.

Two hours later, Rock went to the train station. All the train stations in southern Africa were extremely busy this evening.

Although the United Kingdom has not yet entered a state of war and has not issued a general mobilization, in southern Africa, it has been preparing for a world war for several years. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand received a mediocre response in Europe. At the beginning, it is necessary to enter a state of full production, and the products produced on the farm must be purchased and sold. Of course, all this is not decided by the federal government, but by various cooperatives and agricultural companies all over southern Africa. These organizations are the decisive forces that control the future of southern Africa .

Compared with the general mobilization of the whole society, the mobilization of the army is an order. The content of the No. 24 scheduled plan involves all the troops in southern Africa. After the No. [-] scheduled plan is launched, the southern African army will enter the first-level combat state. Rhodesia The Northern Division and the [-]st Cavalry Division must be ready to dispatch within [-] hours. The African Servant Army must leave its station and move towards the border between Southwest Africa and Tanganyika. The engineering unit composed of conscripts must put down their wrenches and shovels and pick up their rifles. , They will disperse to ten southern African states, and the national reserve service has also issued a call-up order. Within half a month, southern Africa will form twelve new infantry divisions. If necessary, they will also go to Europe to support.

(End of this chapter)

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