Chapter 867

Before Frenzi set off with the expedition, Kitchener wrote a letter to Frenzi.

In the letter, Kitchener clearly wrote: The most careful attitude must be taken to minimize the casualties of the troops. I hope you understand that your troops are independent and you do not have to accept the command of anyone.

In other words, the Anglo-French coalition forces had their own ghosts at the beginning of their establishment, and the French army and the British expeditionary force were not under each other. This caused many problems in the coordination between the British and French coalition forces in the early days of the war. Relatedly, the problem wasn't largely resolved until late in the war when Ferdinand Foch became Allied Commander-in-Chief, but that was four years later.

In order to organize more cannon fodder, the Ministry of National Defense of Southern Africa not only mobilized Africans in southern Africa, but also began to recruit troops in the Kingdom of Mozambique, the Kingdom of Congo, and the Republic of Congo.

"You can be exempted from paying war taxes by joining the army. The monthly salary is two rands. The salary is divided into two parts, one part is paid to the person, and the other part is paid to the government. If we want to form an army of 50, then the monthly salary The expenditure is 100 million, but we don’t need to be fully responsible for this 100 million, but it is jointly borne by London and the federal government, London is responsible for 60.00%, and each person is three pounds per month.” When Roque explained to the cabinet, the cabinet members They snickered.

Now the rand is still pegged to the pound, and the exchange rate with the pound is one to one. London pays everyone a salary of three pounds. Southern Africa gives one pound to the soldiers themselves, and one pound to the Kingdom of Mozambique and the Congo. Kingdom, and the Republic of Congo, the governments of the three countries, then there is still one pound left in southern Africa.

If the army was recruited in southern Africa, then there would be two pounds left over.

"Lord, I think you should be the Minister of Finance. I have always believed that if you are the Minister of Finance, then our finances must be very healthy." Secretary of the Treasury Bob Giles tricks rainbow farts, talking about making money, Luo If you dare to recognize the second, no one in southern Africa would dare to recognize the first.

It seems that the hundreds of thousands per month are a little less, but the accumulation of small amounts adds up to several million per year. In addition to the tax revenue created by exporting goods, the federal government's financial turnaround is imminent. After so many years of digging, he finally felt proud. Bob Giles wanted to hug Rock and kiss him.

"This money should go to our Ministry of Education. We have more and more newborn babies, and we need more and more schools. We need to provide better education for our children. This is related to the future of our southern Africa." Money Before he got it, Douglas, who had just succeeded Young Smolts as Minister of Education, began to figure out the money.

"No, we should give the money to the Ministry of Health. We need more hospitals and more medical staff. The infant mortality rate is still high every year. We need to reduce the infant mortality rate to an acceptable level. Already affecting the natural growth of our southern African population." Health Secretary Derek Gibson is also in demand.

"The Ministry of Justice also needs more funding. We are in the middle of a war, and the Ministry of Justice has a heavy task—" Henry was also complaining, but he was attacked by several ministers as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Lord Fawalt, you are enough, your Ministry of Justice already allocated the most money!" Douglas was the first to fire.

"Nonsense, the Ministry of Defense allocates the most money." Henry argued, and Rock lay down.

"The Ministry of Justice is the only one of all departments that has the money to pay bonuses, and Lord Farwalt is also qualified to be the Minister of Finance—" Derek Gibson quoted strangely, and Bob Giles was innocently lying on the gun.

"When will the farms confiscated by the Ministry of Justice be ready to be auctioned?" Louis Botha finally found an entry point. Many of the people arrested by the Ministry of Justice during this period have farms of thousands of acres under their names. All are subject to auction.

"The review work is not over yet, and we have to wait for the auction to be unified after the end." Henry argued with the Confucianism, it is not the Ministry of Justice's fault that the Ministry of Justice has money, it is determined by the nature of the work.

"Gentlemen, calm down, I haven't got the money yet—" Ade is also very helpless, as long as the money gets in the way, the well-dressed and gentle ministers are like hungry wolves who see their prey, and their eyeballs is red.

Rock is also very helpless. If possible, none of the ministers would like to end up shirtless and tear up. It is really poor.

"Who will pay for the cost of forming the army?" Ade didn't care where Rock got people, but who paid for the start-up costs.

Forming an army requires the minimum weapons and equipment. In short, the personnel will be in place within a month, and after three to half a year of training, the troops can be sent to Europe to participate in the war.

However, the cost of this weapon and equipment is a big problem. For 50 people, each person needs tens of millions of dollars for a set of clothes and a gun. The federal government will definitely not pay for this money.

"Of course it's paid by London, and London promised that all the materials needed to form the army will be purchased in southern Africa." Rock was confident, and the ministers understood why Rock didn't tear it up just now. With an order worth tens of millions in hand, Rock Don't care about the small profits every month.

Henry was also elated. Part of this batch of orders also belonged to Fawalt Steel Company.

"Then act as soon as possible, and end the war in Southwest Africa as soon as possible. Yesterday, the Ministry of War sent four telegrams a day, requesting to transfer troops from Southwest Africa to Europe. You can explain this question. I don't even know how to explain it. Hundreds of thousands of African troops sent only one division to France." Ade used to think that the number of troops was too much, but now it seems that it is far from enough.

"There is no need to explain. We are already at war with Southwest Africa. Before the war in Southwest Africa ends, there will be no extra troops sent to Europe. Our army is seriously insufficient. There are only more than 300 troops in a territory of 30 million square kilometers. We can't cover the entire country, we must first ensure the safety of the homeland before we can give more assistance to Europe." Rock will not change the established plan, and he must have a begging attitude when asking for help, and he can't be domineering everywhere. Compared with other overseas territories, Southern Africa is already excellent.

Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have all stated that they will not be able to send troops to Europe until next year. Only India has a very positive attitude, saying that the troops can start at any time.

Although India's attitude is positive, it has not received enthusiastic response from London.

Like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, India's army was formed hastily and temporarily, and India also built an army of 200 million in one go, vowing to save the British Empire from fire and water.

Just say this, and no one will believe it. Let alone India's inefficient mobilization capabilities, it is impossible to complete the training of 200 million troops in a short period of time. It is impossible for the Indian army to form combat effectiveness in half a year or a few months.

Now the British don't know enough about the combat effectiveness of the Indian army. It will not be until the Indian army actually participates in the war that India will reveal the nature of the third brother, and then a large number of Indian troops will be used as porters.

Even the porters, the Indian army is not qualified, because at that time there will be an even better group of porters, laborers from the Qing Dynasty.

"Then what about the engineering troops that also exceed 20?" Ade asked. This is also the reason why the Ministry of War sends four telegrams a day. In addition to the standing army of two divisions in southern Africa, there are more conscript troops.

These conscript troops have been distributed with weapons and go to the states of the federal government to maintain local stability. From the perspective of the Ministry of War, there is actually no need for so many troops to maintain stability. In addition to the standing army and conscripts, there are also a larger number of militia troops in southern Africa. The National Guard, the National Guard is enough to take care of this job. Several northern states such as Nyasaland, Rhodesia, and Transvaal don’t even need the National Guard. The police system is enough to ensure local stability.

"The engineering army is our last resort. If France falls and the war spreads to the British mainland, then I will send all the troops to the mainland to support it. It is not used yet. The war has not yet reached such a serious level. France has the ability to protect itself. We can't throw all our chips away." Rock strongly disagreed, even if the war spread to the British mainland, Rock would never send engineering troops, but this cannot be said clearly.

In fact, many people understand this fact, but most of the senior officials who are eligible to participate in the ministerial meeting are officials appointed by the British mainland. It is not easy for them to accept this fact.

"We can serve the British Empire, but we are not obliged to fight for the French." Unexpectedly, the first person to support Rock was actually Louis Botha.

This is why Roque is working hard to maintain the relationship with Louis Botha. On the issue of whether to support Europe, Roque and Louis Botha have the same interests. Others such as Adelaide, Philip, and even Henry, even if they don’t want to Supporting the United Kingdom will not make a clear statement on this issue.

"France is our ally after all, we have to work together—" Ade half-spoken, sighed and shut up.

Britain and France formed an alliance because they were threatened by Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, not because they had a good relationship with France. George V and William II were still cousins, so Britain and France were in the same bed in this war, so After the war, Britain will spare no effort to help Germany stand up again.

While Southern Africa went all out to attack Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, the situation in France was deteriorating.

On August [-], Britain declared war on Austria-Hungary.

On August [-], Russian troops invaded East Prussia.

On August 23, Germany invaded France through Belgium, and the French army was defeated across the board. In Mons, the expeditionary force led by Frenzi finally encountered the main force of the German army.

(End of this chapter)

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