Chapter 869 Face the gap

The scariest August ever is not over yet, and every month for the next four years will be the scariest month ever.

On August 31, a patrol from the 102nd Division captured four Africans trying to sabotage the Walvis Bay Railway near Windhoek. Their tools were not explosives, but shovels and hammers. It is estimated that they wanted to use shovels Dig up the railroad.

"Fortunately, this place is more than ten miles away from Windhoek. Otherwise, even the residents of Windhoek would have been imprisoned in concentration camps." Lieutenant Sean, commander of the [-]rd Battalion and [-]st Company of the Graleka Infantry Regiment, just graduated from the Army Academy last year. He is a Nyasaland Chinese. He immigrated to Port Edward with his family ten years ago and received education in Nyasaland.

"All Germans should be put in concentration camps, or thrown to Shark Island to fend for themselves, all Germans should die!" Cotton, the deputy company commander, is of French origin. His home country is being invaded by Germany and he hates the Germans. To the bone.

As time went by, the brutal side of the war was finally revealed. Although the Liege Fortress was breached and Brussels had fallen, the Belgians did not surrender, and resistance in the German-occupied areas continued one after another.

In order to suppress the resistance of the Belgians, the German army adopted high-handed rule. They used Maxim to massacre women and children, even priests.

During the Franco-Prussian War, French priests persuaded people to join guerrilla warfare, causing huge casualties to the German army. The German army did not want to see a similar situation happen in Belgium.

Compared with the brutal Germans, Southern Africa's offensives against Southwest Africa and Tanganyika paid much attention to this aspect. As long as the German residents of Southwest Africa and Tanganyika do not initiate attacks on the southern African army, Then the army in southern Africa would not inflict violence on the German population.

Of course, in this regard, Britain is not much better than Germany. The concentration camps during the Second Boer War have been reproduced in Southwest Africa and Tanganyika. All residents within ten miles of the center will be thrown into concentration camps. Although they will not be slaughtered, they will also need to work in exchange for food.

"Cotton, calm down." Sean doesn't hate Germans, and even because of the Nyasaland state government's propaganda, Sean has a good impression of Germans, at least a little better than Irish people who get drunk every day.

When the conflict between Nyasaland and Tanganyika occurred before, the government of Nyasaland State had already noticed this problem. The Germans were the largest group in Nyasaland other than the Chinese. There are also Germans serving in the service. After the outbreak of World War II, the Nyasaland State Government once again stated that Germans in Nyasaland would not receive special treatment. The Ministry of Defense also made adjustments to avoid sending German officers and soldiers to Europe as much as possible. For combat, even if it is to be sent abroad, it is also sent to the Sinai Peninsula.

Before the outbreak of the World War, an infantry division composed of conscripts went to Egypt to serve, and two regiments of the Northern Rhodesian Division and the [-]st Cavalry Division had been established.

"Sorry Sean, I shouldn't have said this. I led a team to capture the farmers behind the scenes, and then escorted them to Walvis Bay." Cotton's apology was a bit perfunctory, which is also understandable. The so-called "peaceful coexistence" is just In the most ideal state, after the outbreak of the World War, there have been many violent crimes against Germans in southern Africa. These cases will not be reported in newspapers. The news that appears in newspapers is that they love each other like a family.

"I guess you can't find anyone. The farmer should have run away." Sean thought it was impossible for the farmer to stay on the farm and wait to die. The four Herero people who came to dig the railway were all farm workers, and they didn't know How did they escape the massacre of the Herero people by Germany a few years ago.

It can also be seen from this point that the current Africans are really obedient. If they are replaced by Africans in the 21st century, if they are asked to perform this kind of mortal task, it is estimated that few Africans will seriously perform it.

As a result, these Herero people came to dig the railway with their shovels so honestly, which really makes people doubt their IQ.

"How to deal with these people?" The smile on the corner of Coton's mouth was a bit creepy, and the eyes looking at the four Herero people were full of cruelty.

"How to deal with it, how to deal with it." Sean will not be sympathetic. It is like this in wartime. Crimes that are not worthy of the death penalty in peacetime will be severely punished during wartime, not to mention destroying railways. crime.

"Understood!" Cotton sneered and greeted several soldiers to form a firing squad. Xiao En didn't want to see those bloody scenes, so he turned his horse's head and walked towards Windhoek.

On the railway not far away, a train was whizzing by at a speed of thirty miles per hour. The windows were crowded with soldiers wearing crooked hats. These were all troops heading to Walvis Bay to take a ship to fight in Europe. Some soldiers shouted and shouted. Sean said hello, and Sean waved to the train, shouting "bon voyage" a few times.

Finally, there was a neat gunshot, and Sean's expression froze for a moment, but he immediately regained his composure.

In remote Pretoria, Rock also knew about the situation in Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, but Rock had more important things to deal with, and had no time to care about what happened to the Germans in Southwest Africa and Tanganyika.

According to the plan of the General Staff, Martin was the commander-in-chief of the Southern African Expeditionary Force in the first phase of supporting Europe in southern Africa. On the eve of Martin's departure, Rock also had something to tell Martin.

"Don't be stupid when you arrive in Europe. Remember your identity. You are the Deputy Minister of Defense in Southern Africa and the Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force. Now you are also a Field Marshal, with the same military rank as Joffre and Frenzi, so you There is no need to accept the restraint of Joffre and Frenzi, everything must be based on preserving strength, and if the momentum is not right, run away--" Rock said earnestly, Martin was just promoted to field marshal, just to be with Joffre and Frenzi Qi's military rank is even.

The current Anglo-French coalition forces are still fighting on their own. To put it bluntly, they have their own ghosts. The defeat a few days ago fully proved the problems between the Anglo-French coalition forces. Joffre is a famous "slow general", and Ferenzi has Kitchener If Martin can't figure out the situation, the troops in southern Africa supporting Europe will really become cannon fodder.

The key is worthless cannon fodder.

"I will, I will be the first to run when it's time to run—" Martin is now on the rise. He was awarded the title of baron when he wholesaled the title in London before. The fief is in Muscat, but it is only 150 square kilometers, and the gold content is the same as before It can be seen from the comparison that when Rock was named the Baron of Nyasaland, the fief was a full 20 square kilometers.

"Don't run so fast, I will replenish you if the troops are lost, and I can't let Xia Fei and Frenzi get caught." This is what Rock is worried about. The speed is not easy to grasp, don't look at the poor performance of the German troops in Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, but in Europe, if you dare to head-to-head with the German troops, you are out of your mind

Martin nodded silently, and Rock also knew that his request was a bit difficult, but he still had to say what had to be said.

"If you have any requirements, hurry up. If I can't do it, it will be the Ministry of War." Rock has such high demands, and he always wants to give some benefits.

"My lord, can you give me some more troops—" Martin's spirit was lifted, and the expression on his face was also very pitiful. He was a commander of an expeditionary force, and he only had one division under his command. There are still five teachers.

It is no wonder that both Germany and France despise the British Army. Kaiser Wilhelm II contemptuously called the British Army a "poor little army", while British soldiers laughed at themselves as "poor old men".

"I transferred a division for you from Honor Fort and the Kingdom of Mozambique, and these two divisions will go to France with you." Rock has a lot of chips, and now Honor Fort and the Kingdom of Mozambique no longer hide their relationship with southern Africa.

The troops of Honor Hold and the Kingdom of Mozambique, similar to the servant army of the Southern African Army, are fighting in Tanganyika with the Northern Rhodesian Division and the [-]st Cavalry Division.

The Kingdom of Congo and the Republic of Congo also have the same status, but these two countries have just been established, and there are not enough troops that can be mobilized, and they still need time to be fully mobilized.

"Then there's no problem!" Martin was satisfied. The army of the Kingdom of Mozambique was a bit weak, but the quality of the Honor Fort troops was good. After all, the Honor Fort troops were always in a state of war preparation, and their imaginary enemy was the German army.

What Rock and Martin didn't expect was that just after Martin set off for Walvis Bay, the bad news from France came.

The 105th Division that successfully arrived in France was sent to the battlefield without enough time to rest. Their enemy was the Fifth Army that had just defeated Frenzi.

Facing the fierce German offensive, the 105th Division was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses. Of the 121 officers and 3000 soldiers who participated in the battle, only 5 officers and 750 soldiers withdrew from the battlefield.

When the news reached southern Africa, Rock and Ade were speechless.

"The 105th Division has been established for more than two years?" Ade is not very clear about the formation process of the 105th Division. This is the scope of Rock's work, and Ade never intervenes.

"Yes, but most of the current 105th Division is recruits. Most of the soldiers when it was first formed have retired, and the troops are not equipped with artillery, so it is normal that they cannot beat the Germans." Rock has long been mentally prepared. The Ministry sent telegrams every day requesting that southern Africa send troops to France as soon as possible. Rock has always disagreed, and Ade also has some criticisms.

Now Ade finally sees the gap between the southern African army and the German regular army, but this does not explain anything. The African division sent to France to fight cannot represent the strength of the southern African army. If the 105th division is replaced by the northern Rhodesia division or The First Cavalry Division, even if it cannot defeat the German Fifth Army due to the difference in strength, at least it can achieve a more beautiful battle loss ratio.

While the 105th Division suffered heavy casualties, the Fifth Army did not go anywhere, and the German army also lost more than 2000 people.

 Push this book, "Extraordinary Limits" is being serialized, newcomers are not easy, seedlings need care——



(End of this chapter)

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