Chapter 871 Sealed

Compared with Victoria, St. George's infrastructure is better.

It's better here, and it's just that there are some first-class palaces in the Muscat Sultanate period in the city, and some tall buildings built by the Germans over the years.

However, these buildings did not form a scale. They were scattered in the city and surrounded by larger slums. Like most cities, St. George's streets are narrow, most of the streets are not hardened, and the entire city is disorganized. There is no planning at all, and it needs to be remodeled It can only be completely demolished and rebuilt.

"Demolish, demolish all these illegal buildings, rebuild the whole city centered on the palace and the governor's mansion, leave the palace to the Lord Sir as a residence, and the governor's mansion to the future governor, and now use it as the office of the three of us." Zhu Fu Eat clean, because the [-]st Cavalry Division has never been dispatched abroad, so the officers and soldiers of the [-]st Cavalry Division missed the feast of dividing up the East India, and missed the expansion of the Sinai Peninsula. They are all cheaper than the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company. Finally, it was the turn of the [-]st Cavalry Division and the Rhodesia Northern Division, the two southern African ace units.

"Isn't that good? Would you like to send a telegram to the lord?" Clement, the chief of staff, rubbed his hands hypocritically with a happy face. Tanganyika, which is 100 million square kilometers, even if it is only 100% Awarded to the meritorious soldiers who participated in the war, each of them can also share more than [-] mu.


"Don't be stupid, don't post it, it will make it difficult for the lord, if you agree, you will offend others, if you don't agree, it will chill the hearts of the soldiers, so let's take it first, the lord is easy to deal with, at most two fines Monthly salary, whoever grabs it will be mine." Deputy teacher Tian Mao has confidence in Rock, and that's how the law does not blame the public.

"Then let's do this, what are we waiting for!" Clement couldn't wait, St. George gathered all the rich people in Tanganyika, and now St. George is a treasure house with its doors open, allowing the first cavalry division Give and take.

When Zhu Fu and the chief of staff were discussing how to transform St. George, the officers and soldiers of the First Cavalry Division were going deep into the streets and alleys of St. George. The Cape Town Hussars were stationed in St. George. The predecessor of this regiment was Cape Town during the British rule. Town Spear Cavalry Regiment, most of the soldiers are from Cape.

St. George and Zanzibar Island face each other across the sea. There are many huge manors by the sea. These manors are the property of rich people in Tanganyika, but they are all confiscated now. This work is done by Cape The Dun Hussars were in charge.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen, this manor is the property of the Earl of Sabekburg, you can't come in—" the old white butler begged at the gate of the manor, not wanting soldiers from the Cape Town Hussars to break into the manor.

This idea must be in vain. The soldiers don't care who the Earl of Sabeckburg is. The German title system is inherited from the Holy Roman Empire. Many families have existed for thousands of years. It's just a number, no different from ordinary people.

This is the case with Sophie, the wife of Archduke Ferdinand. Although Sophie is also a countess, she works for another archduchess because of her poor family. It was not accepted by the royal family of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

"Where is the Earl of Fort Sabeck?" Captain William, dressed in military uniform and holding a whip in his hand, went straight in, followed by more than a dozen soldiers like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. This is the Earl's manor, an opportunity for ordinary people to enter not much.

It can be seen from the appearance that the Earl's manor is indeed very luxurious. Even the outer walls of the manor are made of white marble, and the gate is inlaid with a golden family crest composed of complicated patterns. Really gold, it turned out that the housekeeper was embarrassed right away.

"It's copper—"

"Oh——" There were a lot of meaningful words immediately.

It's no wonder that although there is a lot of gold in Africa, the earl probably didn't have the extravagance for this part. This is the same as many Africans like to hang a big yellow chain around their necks. It really can't float when taking a bath, but It's not worth much to sell.

Walking into the manor, the green trees are shady and the grass is luxuriant. The road paved with cobblestones leads directly to the main building. The gardens on both sides are blooming with flowers. Several African servants are repairing the lawn. When they saw the officers and soldiers coming in, they all gathered in panic Together, the expressions on their faces are incredible.

It's as if soldiers broke in like this, which is an offense to their master.

I guess they don't understand that not everyone can be a slave with peace of mind.

"The Earl of Sabeckburg had returned to Germany before the war. He did not participate in the war. The war has nothing to do with us. Everything here is the property of the Earl of Sabeckburg—" the butler was dedicated to his duties, and he didn't think about it since the earl didn't take him away. , then such an earl is not worthy of allegiance.

"Shut up, everything here is now the property of the First Division of the Southern African Cavalry, how many people are there, let them all gather, and you all have to leave here before sunset." William was decisive, and did not give the earl what he deserved at all. respect.

"You guys are simply too much!" The butler was still personable, and his voice was not too loud when he was angry.

But the butler immediately shut up, William's smile was meaningful, and the soldiers around seemed to be indifferent, but their rifles were in their hands, and the holster of the pistol on their chest had been opened. When it is loaded, the rattling sound sounds malicious.

"Tom, go and call all the servants." The butler dared not disobey William's order.

An African servant responded and left. Although most of the servants had returned to Europe with the count, there were still twelve male servants and six maidservants in the manor.

A few servants were still in disheveled clothes, which didn't seem very good in broad daylight.

After all the servants had gathered, William sighed and looked away.

The main building is also made of marble, with a height of more than 15 meters. The parts of the outer wall that can be hollowed out are all hollowed out, and the places that can be carved are all carved. Even the marble columns in front of the corridor are not spared, and there are carved statues on the base.

It can be seen from the statues that the Caucasian gods are also very difficult, with very little clothes, and many people even have no clothes to wear.

"Pack up your own things and leave here before dark. Soldiers will check your luggage. Those who steal things will be chopped off, and those who steal money will be shot." William was murderous, and he was a little scruples about the First Division of the White Cavalry, even if the Africans Yes, killing is in vain.

Walking into the living room, there are all kinds of splendor again. This time, brass is not used to make up the number, and there are sparkling crystals and gold leafs everywhere.

Compared with the decorations, the furnishings in the living room are obviously more valuable. Now the butler is much more honest, and the explanations are more detailed.

"This is the heavy armor used by the heavy cavalry during the Holy Roman Empire. The ancestors of the Earl of Sabekburg participated in the Crusades. This is what the ancestors of the Earl of Sabekburg once used-this sword on the wall is also said to be This is a reward given by the Holy Roman Emperor to the ancestors of the Earl of Fort Sabek—this is the spoils brought back from the Far East by the Earl of Fort Sabek, and it is said to be the sword of a certain emperor of the Qing Dynasty—"

It doesn't matter if you don't go into details, just an inconspicuous teacup here, the housekeeper will hold it up and down for hundreds of years, if these vulgar big-headed soldiers accidentally break one, it will cause irreparable damage.

"The sword of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty?" William was curious. Rock was Chinese, and everyone knew his preference for cultural relics of the Qing Dynasty. There are no less than ten museums related to Chinese history in Nyasaland. The emperor's sword should be very interesting. of value.

"Yes, it must be the emperor's sword. The scabbard is inlaid with rubies, the white hilt is made of ivory, and the entire scabbard is made of gold. The sapphire on the hilt is as large as ten More than five carats." The butler was full of pride, the master is so powerful, the butler is also very proud.

William didn't talk nonsense, and motioned to the two soldiers to take off the sword directly, and then asked the butler for the box.

"You can take whatever you like, but can you give me a receipt, or I can't explain to the earl." The butler was about to cry. He thought William and the others were robbers and left after grabbing a fortune. William and the others had to be stationed permanently, so they were so restrained, otherwise the soldiers would have started pulling the curtains to move things.

Of course, it is normal for some relatively small things to be lost, such as necklaces and rings. William also turned a blind eye. Soldiers fought bravely on the front line. Looting during the war was a part of the war.

When the cannon fired, it was worth ten thousand taels of gold. This was a redistribution of wealth in Tanganyika by the whole society.

The farms, cities, and ports of Tanganyika have nothing to do with ordinary soldiers, and they will definitely be divided up by dignitaries in the end. The wealth scattered by the people is the spoils of war for the soldiers.

After every war, some soldiers will leave the battlefield and return to their hometowns. Most of these people have made a fortune. Sometimes a ring is worth tens of thousands, which ordinary people cannot earn in their lifetime.

"I told you just now that everything here belongs to our [-]st Cavalry Division now, and has nothing to do with your earl." William walked out of the living room with the sword box in his arms, and ordered two soldiers to seal all the doors and windows of the main house. After closing it, someone will be responsible for counting the value of the property here, and William and his rewards will be issued soon.

"You can't do this, you can't do this—" The old butler didn't care about his dignity at this time, and his nose and tears looked miserable. He probably served that earl for a lifetime, and he might be an earl for generations The butler, so he lost his job with the earl, and the butler might not even find a place to rest tonight.

"Let's go, let's go, let's all get out of here—" The soldiers have already started to drive people out, and the servants and maids are each carrying a small bag indifferently. There is no joy of liberation on their faces, only the uncertainty of the future. fear.

(End of this chapter)

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