Chapter 881

In another time and space, the Ottoman Empire did not join the war until November. From August to November, the Allied Powers and Allies were working hard to win the Ottoman Empire into their own camp. In this respect, the Ottoman Empire was obviously not as smart as the Kingdom of Italy. The Ottoman Empire chose Instead of the Allies, the Kingdom of Italy chose the Entente.

The Kingdom of Italy entered the war in May of the second year after the outbreak of the World War.

Although the Ottoman Empire has not yet made a choice, it has already begun war mobilization, and judging from the direction of troop mobilization, the Ottoman Empire has already made a decision.

"The Najd Sultanate now has four divisions, Port Elizabeth has two divisions, and Egypt has one division from us plus two regiments from the mainland. In addition, the three divisions this time are still not enough. Basutoland's The 17th Division and the 19th Division of Lorenzo Marquez were transferred there, and at the same time sent a telegram to Mumu and Aldridge, and then transferred a division each from Fort Honor and the Kingdom of Mozambique, and two divisions from the East India were also transferred to Port Elizabeth, Egypt can be ignored, Elizabeth Oilfield can not have any accidents.” Rock dare not be careless, although the Ottoman Empire performed poorly in the Italian-Turkish War and the two Balkan Wars, but this ancient empire that has existed for hundreds of years, who They dare not take it lightly.

Compared with the main British army, the Ottoman Empire's army is relatively small, with a division of less than 5000 people.

However, the army of the Najd Sultanate is smaller, with only about 1 people in a division, and they are all cavalry. These cavalry units can become a force that can change the situation of the battle if they are used well.

Relatively speaking, the two divisions in Port Elizabeth are strong and strong. These two divisions are composed of professional mercenaries from the Umbrella Company. Their combat effectiveness is comparable to that of the Rhodesian Northern Division and the First Cavalry Division. If it is purely defensive In other words, with these two divisions in Port Elizabeth, Rock does not need to send more troops to the Sinai Peninsula.

Rock's goal is not just Port Elizabeth. The World War is the last swan song of the Ottoman Empire. After the war, the Ottoman Empire was dismembered. The huge empire that once spanned Asia, Africa and Europe was dismembered into more than 40 countries. Rock hopes to get The mouth of the Mediterranean Sea hopes to get the fertile Mesopotamia, and hopes to limit the British power to the south of the Suez Canal. If possible, Rock even hopes to get the mouth of the Black Sea. To achieve so many strategic goals, only Port Elizabeth The two divisions are useless.

"The Sinai Peninsula cannot afford so many troops. London has always hoped that we can transfer more troops to France. Now we have only nine divisions in France. If all these troops are transferred to the Sinai Peninsula, then we will be able to send more troops to the Sinai Peninsula." There are 15 divisions, what does this make London think?" Dodd is of British descent, and he still has a more or less emotional tendency towards the local, which cannot be avoided.

"17—" Rock calculated, and there were obviously more than 15: "No, 16—"

A group of scumbags!

Looking at it this way, the prospects for southern Africa are also worrying.

"Sixteen, each division has almost 7000 people, and the total strength exceeds 27. If each person consumes 2.5 liters of water per day, then nearly [-] tons of water is needed every day—" Dodd complained, mobilizing so many troops A large amount of logistics materials are needed, and the Sinai Peninsula is extremely short of water. The supply of various logistics materials will overwhelm the logistics department.

"Two oil tankers were remodeled to deliver water to the troops. How long has it been since you have disembarked troops? The troops can also fetch water by themselves in the Sinai Peninsula." Rock is not worried about this problem, saying that problems that can be solved with money are not problems .

Rock now no longer needs to specifically plan the development direction of the military industry in southern Africa, but there are still many articles that can be done, such as drinking water for soldiers in the field. The British and French armies have not paid enough attention to drinking water. Soldiers drink water when they are fighting. Unboiled water is normal, which leads to many unnecessary diseases, such as cholera.

When Roque was born, cholera was still rampant around the world, infecting millions of people and killing 10 people every year.

In fact, it is very simple to prevent cholera. The cleanliness of the water source is very important. Boiling clean water before drinking can prevent cholera to the greatest extent. In the 21st century, almost everyone knows the common sense of life. Vibrio cholerae was isolated once.

The isolation of Vibrio cholerae does not mean that cholera has been eliminated. Until the 21st century, cholera is still threatening people's safety.

Thanks to Rock's strict requirements on water sources and drinking water, cholera in southern Africa is not serious. It is actually very simple for soldiers to fetch water in the field. A simple plastic bag and a clean container can get distilled water, even if It is the same with sea water.

"Lord, I know what you mean, but if we want to achieve our goal, we must let the Ottoman Empire see the dawn of victory, and then the Ottoman Empire will enter the war. If we deploy so many troops to Port Elizabeth, then if the Ottoman Empire does not participate in the war What to do?" Dodd cut in from another angle, hoping that Rock would change his decision.

"Derek, let's figure out one thing. Whether the Ottoman Empire will participate in the war is not up to them. Even if we take the initiative to attack the Ottoman Empire, then we must be unable to bear the provocation of the Ottoman Empire." Compared with Dodd, Roque It's the real law of the jungle.

"Okay then—" Dodd had nothing to say, this kind of Rock was the Viscount Nyasaland of the British Empire.

With Roque's order, the war mobilization in southern Africa entered a new stage.

In the past, the war mobilization in southern Africa was not thorough. Roque formed more than a dozen African divisions, all of which were prepared to be sent to Europe to achieve success. Now that Roque wants to plot the Sinai Peninsula, it is not appropriate to use the African division. Roque It is necessary to use conscript troops composed entirely of Chinese and whites to go to the Sinai Peninsula, and let the Chinese and whites appear in the Sinai Peninsula as conquerors, so that the Sinai Peninsula can be truly included.

Looking back at Europe, although Roque did not send more ground troops to Europe to participate in the war, Roque spared no effort in other aspects, such as field doctors, such as air force, and for example, the southern part that has joined the British Navy sequence and undertakes escort missions. African Navy.

Although Southern Africa can already produce aircraft carriers, the aircraft carriers are to be sold to the British Admiralty. The most powerful warships in the Southern African Navy are still light cruisers, and there are only four of them so far.

Compared with the British home fleet with 22 dreadnoughts, super dreadnoughts, 5 battlecruisers, and more than 200 cruisers and destroyers, the naval power in southern Africa is not worth mentioning, and Winston even gave it generously. The six light cruisers that are about to be phased out in Southern Africa will be used for local port defense in Southern Africa, so that Southern Africa can deploy new warships that have just entered service for sea escort.

Just escort, that's all Winston expected from the southern African navy.

It is different for the Air Force. Before the outbreak of World War II, the United Kingdom had purchased more than 500 aircraft including four-engine bombers from southern Africa. However, the United Kingdom did not have enough pilots and needed southern Africa to send pilots to the British mainland to participate in the war.

That's right, it is the British mainland. Kitchener has promised that he will not send pilots from southern Africa to France, only to defend the British mainland.

After the outbreak of World War II, the airship force formed by Germany shined brilliantly.

As early as August 8, the Zeppelin airships of the German airship force bombed the Liege Fortress in Belgium. On August 5, the German airships bombed Antwerp for a week. On August 8, the Zeppelin air raids on Paris, The French pilots flew into the air with the fake "Strong Wind" Voisin aircraft, but there was no firing coordinator installed on the Voisin, nor a dedicated aviation machine gun, nor the armor-piercing shells specially prepared by the Nyasaland Military Industry Group for Zeppelin airships. Incendiary package, so the effect is not good.

In order to solve these problems, the French also racked their brains.

Without a firing coordinator, the French designed Voisin as a two-seater aircraft, with a pilot and a shooter.

There is nothing wrong with such a design, but the French engine technology is not good enough, and the thrust generated is not enough. Changing a single-seater aircraft into a two-seater aircraft will increase the weight of the aircraft and seriously affect the maneuverability of the aircraft. Therefore, whether this design is good or bad still needs to be determined. Verified in war.

The machine gun used by the shooter on the Voisin aircraft is not a powerful aviation machine gun, but a 0.303-inch Lewis machine gun that has been eliminated in the United Kingdom. The caliber Lewis is too powerful and has insufficient range to be used on aircraft, and it is difficult to pose a sufficient threat to the large and well-defended Zeppelin airship.

As for armor-piercing bombs and incendiary bombs, it depends on when the French realize this problem. I hope Paris has not fallen by then.

The aircraft sold to the Ministry of War in Southern Africa was an earlier version of the Tornado, the current Tornado has a stronger engine, a larger fuel tank, and a wider combat range, even the earlier version of the Tornado, against the Zeppelins of the Germans The airship is also very easy, so Rock is very relieved to sell all the "Strong Wind" installed by the Southern African army to the United Kingdom. Next, Southern Africa will deploy a more advanced and improved "Strong Wind".

Although this behavior seems to be not loyal enough to the British Empire, Kitchener is obviously very satisfied, and George V is also very satisfied, so on the list of honors in May next year, Rock's name will be on the list, and then he will be the earl up.

By May of next year, Rock will also be the third Earl of Southern Africa, the other two are Ad and Philip, and Philip is also on the list of honors for next year.

After the outbreak of the World War, southern Africa had sent 750 pilots to the British mainland, and Rock only left behind the instructors of the flight academy and the pilots who wanted to stay in Tanganyika to perform reconnaissance missions.

(It’s a bit of a pitfall. In order to read this chapter of the brothers, I think the book I wrote has been bound as the rudder——)

(End of this chapter)

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