Chapter 886

Although Martin is also a marshal, Martin, the colony marshal, obviously cannot compare with the marshals of Joffre and Frenzi, the two most powerful countries in the world. Smith Doring also expressed his opposition, but just after the Battle of the Marne, the British and French forces started a new round of offensive, this time targeting Belgium.

The results of the Battle of the Marne were sent back to southern Africa, and Ade summoned Rock again, hoping that Rock could go to Europe in person to serve as the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force.

"Locke, you are Viscount Nyasaland, Minister of Defense and Minister of War in Southern Africa, and also a Marshal appointed by the British Empire. Only if you go to Paris can we better safeguard the interests of our southern Africa." Ade was in a state of confusion. In fact, he is also a battle-hardened man who is no stranger to war, but the cruelty of the world war clearly exceeds Adelaide's understanding of war.

Adelaide was frightened by the battle report of the Battle of the Marne. Last month, the French army suffered 26 casualties. Adelaide could not care about it, because it was not the British who died.

Now that September is just halfway through, the casualties of the British and French coalition forces have exceeded that of August, and the Southern African Expeditionary Force has also suffered heavy casualties. If this continues, Ade is really worried that the troops in Southern Africa will not last until the end of the year.

According to official data, there are less than 500 million whites, Chinese, and Africans in southern Africa, and even if there are concealments, the maximum number is no more than 2000 million. Thousands of 4000 million, so regardless of how powerful the industrial capabilities of southern Africa are, the war potential really cannot be compared with such powerful countries as Britain, France and Germany.

A strong country not only has strong industrial capabilities, but also has a very important population base.

Fortunately, there are still populations in southern Africa who don't know how many Africans can be squeezed, just like Winston said, southern Africa will squeeze Africans dry during the world war!

"Okay, I'll go to France in a few days." Rock agreed to Ade's arrangement. Originally, Rock wanted to digest Southwest Africa and Tanganyika before going to France. Now it seems that Martin is still a little softer. Can't stand the pressure of Joffre and Frenzi.

This is the disadvantage of the guest army. No matter how good Martin is in southern Africa, France is not southern Africa after all.

"Do you want to bring the Northern Rhodesian Division or the First Cavalry Division with you?" Ade had no reservations about Rock's support. Even if Rock wanted to take both the Northern Rhodesian Division and the First Cavalry Division, Ade De would agree.

"No, the Northern Rhodesian Division and the [-]st Cavalry Division will deal with the Tanganyika German Army. Before the Tanganyika German Army surrenders, the Rhodesian Northern Division and the [-]st Cavalry Division cannot leave Tanganyika." Roque would never move the Northern Rhodesian Division and the [-]st Cavalry Division until the battle at Gurnika was over.

"Then deploy a few more infantry divisions. If you go to France, you can't bring a group of African-American troops." It's not that Ade doesn't believe in African soldiers. Martin is in France, and the skin color of the soldiers under his command doesn't matter. When Rock goes to France, he still has to take care of his face. All in all.

The skin color of a soldier does not represent combat effectiveness, but skin color is a symbol of status. Almost all servants in Yaya's house are white, and it is for this reason.

"I'll transfer the Second Cavalry Division from Port Elizabeth over there." Rock didn't move the conscript troops in southern Africa. The Second Cavalry Division was composed of mercenaries from the Umbrella Company, and the other division was the Third Cavalry Division. The Northern West Asian Division and the First Cavalry Division are not far behind, and have more combat experience. There are whites, Chinese and Africans in the troops.

"Cavalry—" Ade didn't know that the current cavalry was different from the cavalry during the Boer War.

"The Second Cavalry Division does not ride horses. It is equipped with trucks like the First Cavalry Division. However, the Second Division has no armored units, and the output of tanks is still too small." Rock is very regretful. If there is an armored division now, then the war may be true. can be completed within six weeks.

Even if it can end within six weeks, Rock will not use tanks on the battlefield. Although the world war is a catastrophe for mankind, it is an opportunity for the rise of southern Africa. What do many military enterprises eat.

Rock had been preparing for World War for years, not just for a few weeks of good business.

"Doesn't the [-]st Cavalry Division and the Northern Rhodesian Division both have armored regiments—" Ade wanted to strengthen the strength of Rock's troops as much as possible.

"My lord, compared to France, Tanganyika is more important." Rock will not deploy armored troops, and it will be almost the end of next year. By then, southern Africa should be able to save one or two thousand tanks, and then Rock will prove to the British and French coalition forces The power of the tanks, all the tanks were packaged and sold to the British and French allied forces.

"Take Sidney with you, Sidney, your only task is to ensure that Locke does not go to the front, preferably not even France." Ade sent Sidney Milner to watch Rock, and Rock Southern Africa is too important, Ade dare not take risks.

"Okay uncle, I will definitely keep an eye on Lord Nyasaland." Sidney Milner was serious. He had already changed into a military uniform, and he was actually a major general.

Roque, the Minister of Defense, didn't even know.

"Germany is not for Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, Locke, be careful in everything." Adeqian urged, although Rock's military achievements are outstanding, he has not experienced the test of a large corps battle.

On September NO.15, Rock boarded a ship from Port Edward and went to the Sinai Peninsula to meet with the Second Cavalry Division, then crossed the Mediterranean Sea and arrived in Marseille on September 31, and then changed to a train to Paris.

At this time, the British and French allied forces had already invaded Belgium, and together with the Belgian army and the German army fought fiercely in the fields of Flanders, known as the first Battle of Ypres in history.

As early as a week ago, the German heavy artillery units destroyed the fortresses outside Antwerp one by one. The Belgian army was forced to abandon Antwerp and join the British and French forces to fight against the crazy German attack.

Smith Doering was right. The elite German troops suffered heavy losses in the previous phase of the offensive. The newly added troops were all conscripts who had just been conscripted. Many soldiers were even students who had not graduated, and the youngest was only 16 years old.

After the capture of Antwerp, the elite troops of the four armies of the German army were mobilized, some to reinforce the Eastern Front and some to reinforce the Western Front. The German offensive opened the coastal sluices, and the sea water poured down into the lowlands of Flanders. The German attack was slowed down, and the British and French allied forces were unable to attack through the chest-deep sea water. The battle situation fell into a stalemate.

"We suffered heavy losses in the previous phase of operations, and now there are only three infantry divisions and two infantry brigades left, with a total strength of 5.6. Commander-in-Chief Joffre sent us two artillery brigades as reinforcements, but only 75mm infantry Cannon, Marshal Frenzi totally disregarded our inferiority in firepower, and his daily orders were only attack, attack, I'm sorry, my lord—" Martin looked ashamed, perhaps because the southern African army performed so well in the Battle of the Marne , so in the ensuing battle, the southern African army was used as the main force.

It's a bit ruthless.

"It's not bad, there are still more than 5, which is better than I imagined—" Rock gently comforted, Martin will go to Port Elizabeth next, and he also has a heavy responsibility: "Next you go to Port Elizabeth, and when the troops arrive Prepare to launch an attack on Basra and Damascus. The Ottoman Empire will join the war in October. You have to seize the Damascus province of the Ottoman Empire before the British and French allied forces, and get the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea. In the Sinai Peninsula, your military rank is the highest, and you don’t care about others. I have only one request, take the Sinai Peninsula, and at least take the coast of the Persian Gulf."

Rock only made requests and did not interfere with Martin's specific command. This time in France, Rock led the 11nd, 202th, and 11nd Cavalry Divisions. Both the 8000nd Cavalry Division and the 202th Cavalry Division had 5000 troops. The reorganized division, the 10nd division has a relatively small number of [-] people, plus the existing troops, the southern African expeditionary force in France exceeded [-] for the first time.

In the evening, there was still a welcome dinner as usual. Roque went with Chief of Staff Paul Cocker and Adjutant Sidney Milner. The banquet was held in the famous Palace of Versailles, and the French President Raymond Poincaré hosted the banquet.

It is unbelievable that France does not have a prime minister right now.

Gaston Doumegue resigned after less than a month as Prime Minister, and then Raymond Poincaré appointed Alexandre Ribo as Prime Minister, and Alexandre Ribo quit after only three days as Prime Minister, Poincaré has yet to find anyone who is willing to be prime minister, and French prime minister is indeed a high-risk occupation.

"Marshal Locke, welcome to France, I hope you will enjoy your stay here—" Raymond Poincaré is a successful lawyer, a fellow of the French Academy, and a best-selling author, even if it is improper President, Poincaré also has more options.

"Your Excellency, it's a pleasure to meet you—" Rock smiled. This was Rock's first trip to France and his second trip to Europe. The last experience in London did not leave a pleasant impression on Rock.

"Please allow me to introduce you, this is the great French Army Commander-in-Chief Joseph Joffre—" Raymond Poincaré gave Roque enough face, French government officials and army generals gathered together, Frenzi, Haig, and Smith Doring of the British Expeditionary Force were also present, as was King Peter the Beard of the Kingdom of Serbia, who had performed well in the Austro-Hungarian invasion of Serbia some time ago.

After the Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on the Kingdom of Serbia, it immediately launched an attack on the Kingdom of Serbia. One day after Belgrade was occupied, Peter announced with his rifle on his back that he would relieve the soldiers from their oath to fight for the king and the country, and he would fight against the Austro-Hungarian Empire alone. The army launched a counterattack.

Peter successfully inspired the patriotism of the officers and soldiers, and the veteran general Radom Putnik led the troops to drive the invaders out of the Kingdom of Serbia tenaciously.

Speaking of Radomy Putnik, he was still traveling in Austria before the outbreak of the World War, but was captured by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Kill Putnik, but Joseph still sent Putnik back to the Kingdom of Serbia in accordance with medieval etiquette.

Franz Joseph is the Duke Xiang of Song in Europe.

(End of this chapter)

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