Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 888 The world is not worth it

Chapter 888 The world is not worth it

The field hospital covers a large area, but the surrounding environment is not very good. There are too many officers and soldiers who died some time ago. Next to the field hospital is a huge cemetery. It is said that nearly ten thousand officers and soldiers are buried in it. The soldiers guarding the hospital lit a bonfire, but it still couldn't dispel the chill.

"Now there are 325 doctors and 674 nurses in the field hospital. The expeditionary force headquarters sent half of the doctors and nurses to the mainland to enrich the major hospitals in the mainland. We now have two field hospitals, and the other is in Calais, here The conditions in the field hospital in Calais are not bad, but the conditions in the field hospital in Calais are even worse.” Derek Gibson introduced as he walked, that the conditions in the field hospital are actually not bad, although the wards and operating rooms are tents, the ground in the hospital has been leveled Yes, although there has been a lot of rain recently, there is no stagnant water in the hospital, and there are independent canteens and toilets. Martin sent a battalion to be responsible for the safety of the hospital, and equipped the hospital with fifty trucks. If the hospital is in danger, all All doctors and nurses, as well as equipment and medicines in stock can be withdrawn as quickly as possible.

The French are indeed romantic. Even in field hospitals, there are gardens and lawns in the middle of the hospital. It can be seen that many flowers and trees are temporarily transplanted, and workers are mowing the lawn.

Rock is really strange, can't build a complete hospital if you put your mind on these details?

"Why is it in Calais?" Rock had an impression of Calais. Back then, the "Strong Wind" fighter jet flew over the English Channel from Calais. Calais is the closest French territory to the British Isles in a straight line.

Derek Gibson didn't answer immediately, he looked around ghostly, and then cautiously: "Calais is the closest to the mainland, if necessary, we can evacuate from France at any time—"

That's the reason!

Rock suddenly realized, no wonder Frenzi insisted on launching the Battle of Ypres, Flanders is by the sea, and now the British Expeditionary Force is concentrated in Flanders, if the situation develops unfavorably, then the British Expeditionary Force can always be under the cover of the navy Down retreat.

The war has only been going on for two months, and the British and French allied forces are fighting each other like this. It would be hell to win.

The chief doctor of the field hospital was Edward Chesterton, who had participated in the Russo-Japanese War. Before coming to France, he had been the vice dean in charge of teaching at the Johannesburg School of Medicine.

When I saw Edward Chesterton, Edward Chesterton had just finished an operation. He was wearing a blood-stained white coat, his hair was disheveled, and his expression looked very tired.

"We need more medicines, more doctors and nurses, and warmer houses. Winter is coming, and the war will obviously not end before winter—" Chesterton looked haggard, he The vice president has to do more than ten operations every day and has to work more than fifteen hours a day.

"Leave the hospital problems to me. I promise that before winter comes, doctors and nurses can live in clean and warm houses." Rock is really distressed. A professor at the level of Edward Chesterton is one of the best in southern Africa. A national treasure, but now it is used as an ordinary doctor to die—a damn war!

Even if Roque hoped that southern Africa would rise through the world war, but now that he saw the harm of the war to people, Roque would feel pity in his heart.

"Damn bastard, what are you doing? You're murdering me, I—" Before Rock could reflect on his soul, there was a burst of violent shouting from a nearby tent, and then the sound of something being knocked over .

"Your hands are shaking all the time, it's normal that you can't find your blood vessels, relax, you are safe here—" A gentle voice sounds nice.

"Couldn't it be possible to get someone else? Damn it, are you experimenting with me?" The irritable voice was still clamoring.

Rock walked into the tent, and there were six hospital beds in the tent of less than [-] square meters. The Chinese head nurse in uniform was comforting the irritable wounded, and a white female nurse was squatting on the ground tearfully tidying up the overturned hospital bed. Medical equipment, there is a clear footprint on the belly of her uniform.

Seeing Roque come in, the head nurse and several nurses immediately lined up and stood at attention to salute. Before they came to France, they were temporarily converted to military status so that they could enjoy the treatment of officers.

Rock stared gloomyly at the wounded on the bed.

The wounded looked away, not daring to look at Roque, and obviously realized that his behavior was inappropriate.

Although Rock is also wearing regular clothes, the marshal collar badge on the collar is still very conspicuous.

"What's going on?" Derek Gibson asked without Rock asking.

"Major Henry just had an operation, and one of his legs was amputated—" the head nurse looked sad.

"It's all your fault. I didn't need amputation at all. It was your medicine that caused the infection—" The major who was lying on the bed suddenly became agitated.

"I performed your operation, and our medicine is fine. It was the infection you caused during the early treatment, and you sent it too late—" Chesterton had an impression of Henry.

"I delivered it in time, but you made me lie in the damn corridor for six full hours." Henry was emotional, and picked up a cup on the coffee table by the bed and threw it at Chesterton.

It was not accurate, and the cup hit Rock directly.

"Nimma——" Angie was furious, and with a swipe, she pulled out the nearly ten-centimeter-wide armed belt outside the military uniform.

Button grabbed it.

"Henry, I have explained to you that there are many wounded in the hospital, you are important, and so are others, you just lost a leg, many people lost their lives, and they never had a chance to be admitted to the hospital "Chesterton is not angry, he can understand Henry's mood, and it would be unacceptable for anyone to be disabled for life before the age of 30.

But compared to those who died in battle and were more seriously disabled, Henry was lucky again.

Since you are lucky, you should be grateful instead of venting your negative emotions on innocent people.

Or the one who saves himself.

"What's the matter with this footprint?" Rock finally spoke, not entangled with who cut off Henry's leg at all.

"Linda gave Major Henry an infusion just now, and Henry's hands were shaking badly. Linda searched for several times but couldn't find the location of the blood vessel—" The head nurse didn't mean to favor anyone. Linda, who still had tears on her face, might not be skilled enough. It's not hard, but it doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

"You kicked it?" Rock looked indifferent.

Henry dared not speak, his eyes were full of fear.

"Throw him out." Rock is decisive. Although Rock has served as the deputy minister of justice in southern Africa, Rock is not a judge, and Rock has no time or mood to listen to the whole story. In this matter, Rock It has a natural position.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, you can't do this. Henry is a battle hero, and he deserves better care—" Before Henry could speak, there were people helping on the hospital bed next to him, and they also had a position.

"Everyone is a hero, including our nurses, one day he can kick our nurses, tomorrow he can be knifed, Derek, Edward, I remind you again, we must protect our doctors and nurses , Any attack on doctors and nurses must be severely punished!" Rock is not used to bad things, and those who are eligible to receive treatment in the hospital are military officers. honestly.

"Yes Lord, I remember—" Derek Gibson is strictly speaking equal to Rock, and Rock and Derek Gibson have a good relationship, but at this time, there is no doubt that Rock is the leader of the expedition core of the army.

"Thank you, my lord——" Edward Chesterton's eye circles were a little red. Although the head nurse and the nurses didn't cheer, their eyes were full of joy, and they looked at Rock almost adoringly.

"I was wrong, Lord, please don't do this—" Henry panicked, how bad the situation outside the hospital was, Henry knew very well that if he was thrown out of the hospital, he would have to wait for death.

"Major Henry, pray to God. If you can survive, I hope you learn to respect others." Rock didn't talk nonsense, some things really can't be solved with an apology.

"My lord, if you drive Major Henry out of the hospital, then drive us out together—" The bearded colonel on the hospital bed next to him supported Henry. The soldiers were still bloody, and Rock liked it very much.

"You think I dare not? Derek, seek the opinions of all the wounded. If they want to leave, let them all leave!" Rock didn't care about the impact of doing so. The bearded colonel might feel like a colony's marshal, He didn't dare to be so presumptuous on the land of France, but the bearded colonel didn't understand Roque. Even in London, if the medical staff in southern Africa were treated unfairly, Roque said he would turn his back.

"Lord—" Derek Gibson never expected that things would develop to this point.

"Find out a fact, Colonel, southern Africa is not French territory, we are fighting in France for justice, we are not your slaves!" Rock ignored Derek Gibson, officials in southern Africa need time to adapt to southern Africa The fact that has risen.

To the embarrassment of the bearded colonel, no one was willing to leave the hospital, including Henry and the bearded colonel, so when Henry, who was crying and howling, was carried out of the hospital and was still at the entrance of the hospital, all the wounded were silently watching .

The wounded may hate Rock in their hearts, but they dare not show it. If they dare to question Rock's decision face to face, then Rock, a werewolf, will not be relentless.

That's right, if you can't be loved by everyone, then you will be afraid of everyone, so that when the wounded want to vent their anger in the future, they have to consider the consequences.

As for whether this will affect the relationship between southern Africa and France, it depends on what the French military and political leaders think. If they think this is Rock's disrespect for France, then they will not respect it.

There is nothing to respect in such a France.

(End of this chapter)

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