Chapter 89 The Zulus

In the 21st century, various media often advocate the integrity and fairness of Western officials.

In fact, it is all nonsense. There are indeed some officials who are fair and honest, but not all of them, at least the Cape at the beginning of the [-]th century, most of them were not. If you are an official of the Cape colonial government, there will be many "nest cases" like the Cape Police Station.

By the same token, the generals in the Expeditionary Army Command would not be so clean, otherwise the Boers with a total number of only 44 would need to mobilize 45 regular troops to defeat them?

Those regular troops are probably all paper.

"Sorry Locke, I don't know what's going on with the military supplies on the market." Henry opened his eyes wide and said nonsense, I'm afraid he didn't believe it himself.

"Okay, I'll think of other ways." Rock didn't force it, because the way in the bureau didn't work, Rock had other ways.

Night, Table Mountain Hotel.

"The first batch of lighters has been delivered to the Expeditionary Force Command. The cost of this batch is a bit high. After all, we lost money, but the situation will improve later. The Expeditionary Force Command has added an order for 1 lighters." Ada is definitely good at doing business. The first batch of lighters delivered to the Expeditionary Army Command were all made of silver, and some lighters were even inlaid with diamonds. They were exclusively used by the generals in the Expeditionary Force Command. No matter the cost, it can be called luxury.

"Ada, can you get a batch of military tents from the expeditionary army headquarters?" Rock's back is Ada, and Ada has more methods than Henry.

"Okay, why do you want a military tent?" Ada really has a solution, let alone a military tent, Rock's "sun" was obtained by Ada.

The sun is a thoroughbred horse, which is recognized as the best riding horse breed in the world. In the 21st century, a thoroughbred horse can be sold for 5000 million US dollars. Ada got the sun out of the expeditionary army headquarters. It cost less than 100 pounds. According to the records of the Expeditionary Force Command, the sun was disabled due to injuries and was no longer suitable for use as a war horse, so it was sold at a low price.

Even the most important war horses of the expeditionary force can be produced, let alone military tents. In fact, if Roque is willing, Roque can also buy them in the Cape Town market, but Roque cannot buy them by himself, Roque A different excuse is needed to use those military tents in the refugee camps.

"Donate? Is it necessary?" Ada didn't understand why Rock made such trouble.

"It is very necessary, think about it, the Cape is the Cape of the Boers after all, so if we want to live better in the Cape, we must have a good relationship with the Boers. This is the most appropriate opportunity to take care of those who are The women and children of the war who were locked up in refugee camps, all the Boers will be grateful to you when the war is over." Roque's gaze is unmatched, and in ten years the Cape will be on par with the Transvaal, Nata The Province of Ontario and the Orange Free State merged into the Federation of South Africa and began to self-govern. Don't look at the excitement now, but be careful about pulling out the list in the future.

"Well, it's necessary if you say it's necessary—" Ada was already tired and wanted to sleep—


Early in the morning, before Ada got up, Rock returned to Oak Town.

Christian was already waiting in Oak Town. Last night, after knowing that Rock wanted to see him, Christian came to Oak Town overnight and slept in the carriage for half the night.

Well, it seems that Christian has also made a lot of money during this time, and he has already started using a carriage.

"Building houses—okay, no problem, knock down all these existing houses, plan the whole town on this basis, widen roads, build sewers, reserve space for squares, parks and green spaces, and Take care to protect the oak trees in the town - oh, and the vineyards, yes, I will try my best to buy the most vineyards at the lowest price - bullying? No, no, no, I'm honest Christian, I Absolutely won't do that—" With more and more requests from Roque, the cold sweat on Christian's head also increased, Roque didn't simply want to build a house, Roque wanted to rebuild Oak Town.

Compared with building a house, rebuilding Oak Town is beyond Christian's ability.

However, Roque did not expect Christian to become a planning master overnight. Roque described his understanding of the city to Christian in detail, and let Christian free the rest. If Christian thinks that he is not capable enough, then Christian will naturally find a way to solve it.

"Boss, are we going to stay in Oak Town? Do you want a house in Cape Town?" Li De didn't understand why Rock did this.

"Of course! We have more and more brothers. It is impossible to all live in Cape Town. Oak Town is so nice. There are mountains, water and vineyards. It is clean enough to be far away from Cape Town. There are no gold mines or diamond mines here. , the British will not notice Oak Town, and ordinary people will not take the initiative to settle when they hear the name of Stellenbosch. When we buy all the surrounding vineyards, this will be our world.” Although Rock The requirements are very high, but Oak Town, perfectly fit all Rock's requirements.

"What does Stellenbosch mean?" Anton's English wasn't good enough.

"City of Cowards!" Rock did not hide.

"Damn!" Anton was taken aback, the name is really——

Isn't this a curse? !

"Cut, it's better to call it the city of hell." Rock didn't think it was enough, and the name should be as bad as Yingfeng's smelly three miles.

"No, the city of cowards is fine." Anton was really afraid that Roque would make trouble. Compared with the city of hell, the name city of cowards still makes sense.

Christian moved very quickly. On the second day back to Cape Town, Christian came to Oak Town with a construction team of 50 people.

An all-black construction team.

"Boer laborers are cheap enough, and these Zulu laborers are even cheaper, at twopence a day to hire a Zulu, or pay no wages at all - they eat very little, With just a piece of bread and half a fish, they can work all day without worrying about being lazy, Kaka and Yaya are the supervisors, and they will serve you wholeheartedly." Christian explained why he hired Zulu people.

These Zulus are indeed capable. After arriving in Oak Town, they didn't even take a break and started working directly.

Kaka and Yaya are also Zulus. Christian is very vicious and has the essence of colonialists. With Kaka and Yaya as supervisors, these Zulus dare not be lazy, and they are all very diligent.

This is really not the black man in Rock's impression.

 Ma Dan, open the background, suddenly saw a blocking notification, almost scared out of a heart attack, begging for a wave of comfort——Suddenly remembered, Yutou—heartless—



(End of this chapter)

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