Chapter 899

Regarding the distribution of spoils, the Ministry of National Defense of Southern Africa and the Umbrella Company have relevant regulations. In principle, soldiers seized on the battlefield belong to individuals. However, in order to take care of the interests of all commanders and fighters participating in the war, the spoils must be turned in uniformly and distributed uniformly after the war. , The officers and soldiers on the front line will get more money.

In any case, the officers and men of these two armored vehicles are about to make a fortune. The value of a few hundred Arabian horses may exceed one million pounds. Even if the excessive quantity will cause the price to drop, each Arabian horse is equivalent to a large farm.

As for the size of the farm, it depends on the location of the farm. In the Transvaal and Nyasaland, there may be only a few hundred acres, and in Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, it may be tens of thousands of acres.

Martin doesn't care about the small profits captured on the battlefield. Martin's goal is Basra. Zubayr is only ten kilometers away from Basra. It is just a kick for the alligator armored vehicle, but Basra has more than 15 Ottomans. Garrison, Martin wants to mobilize more troops to surround Basra and try to capture more prisoners.

There is no need to wait until after the war, after occupying Basra, Martin will transform Basra, completely erase all traces of the Ottoman Empire in Basra, and turn Basra into the property of the Adan Company, which may cause huge financial expenditures, but will get A brand new Basra will minimize future disputes, so everything is worth it.

"The army from Damascus is marching towards Egypt. Both Colonel McMahon and London have sent telegrams asking us to send more troops to Egypt." Li De didn't sleep after Britain declared war on the Ottoman Empire, his eyes were bloodshot , but the spirit is extremely excited.

"Does your lord have a telegram?" Martin didn't care about Colonel McMahon or London. Rock was Martin's immediate boss.


"Then don't worry about it. Let's take Basra first, and then attack Damascus. If Cairo has already been captured by the Ottoman Empire at that time, then we will fight back." Martin's absolute priority in southern Africa, the Suez Canal is for Britain It is of great significance. The troops and materials of Australia and India must pass through the Suez Canal to reach the UK at the fastest speed. For southern Africa, it does not matter who controls the Suez Canal. Shipping to Europe.

"Basra's army is retreating, they want to run—" Tang En hastily reported that the Ottoman Empire's troops had never fought, and the war had just begun, and they wanted to run away, which was a good idea.

In fact, it was not that the troops of the Ottoman Empire were not fighting, but that the Russian Empire was launching an attack on Constantinople. Before the war broke out, Enver Pasha did not expect that the war broke out because the Russian Empire declared war first.

A long time ago, the Russian Empire coveted Constantinople. Only when Constantinople is controlled, can the Dardanelles be controlled. Only when the Dardanelles are controlled, the Black Sea will become Russia's inner lake. , So the first time war was declared, the Eighth Army of the Russian Empire, led by Alexei Brusinov, launched an attack on Constantinople.

The Eighth Army may be the only active force in the Russian Empire right now.

After the outbreak of World War II, the Russian Empire suffered heavy losses in East Prussia. The Second Army was wiped out in the Battle of Tannenburg, and the First Army was defeated in the Battle of Masurian Lake. The current commander-in-chief of the Russian Empire is Nicholas II. Cousin Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, his opponent was Hindenburg, commander-in-chief of the German Eighth Army, and Hindenburg's chief of staff, Ludendorff.

After the Battle of Masurian Lake, the Russian Empire had lost 52 people, and 16 soldiers were captured by the German army. Even in such a difficult situation, the Russian Empire resolutely launched an attack on Constantinople. It can be seen that Tsar Nicholas II How deep is the world's resentment towards Constantinople.

In response to the Eighth Army of the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire had to deploy troops from Basra and Damascus to strengthen the defense of Constantinople. The attack on Egypt continued, but there was only one brigade left for the attack. The commander of this brigade It was the Germans. Although they did not really capture the Suez Canal, they still scared Britain into a cold sweat.

Regardless of Constantinople and the Suez Canal, Martin mobilized six divisions to besiege Basra. At the same time, Martin ordered the 206th Division stationed in Ahwaz to detour to the rear of Basra in an attempt to surround Basra.

The 206th Division moved very fast and completed the outflanking of Basra within 24 hours of receiving the order, but it was still not as fast as the Ottoman army. On October 31, after a symbolic battle, it was surrounded by the Fifty thousand Ottoman troops in Basra surrendered to Martin.

Martin immediately ordered the troops to continue to attack Damascus. In Damascus, the attacking troops finally met the stubborn resistance of the Ottoman defenders. At this time, the fighting in Ypres finally stopped, which is known as the first battle of Ypres in history.

The first Battle of Ypres was a failure for both parties involved in the war, but the Allied Powers and the Allies unanimously promoted the first Battle of Ypres as their own victory.

The Allied Powers claimed that they held Ypres and the coastal seaports, curbed the German attack, and recovered some lost ground; the Germans believed that they prevented the Allied Powers from attacking and kept the fruits of the first phase of the war.

Both statements are true. The Allied Powers did regain lost ground, but only five square miles, while the Belgian territory occupied by Germany was [-] square miles.

The Germans indeed withstood the counterattack of the British and French allied forces, but the Schlieffen plan had completely failed, and Falkenhayn needed to formulate a larger plan.

In the first battle of Ypres, the German army suffered 10 casualties, and the Anglo-French coalition forces suffered about 13 casualties. However, according to British newspapers, the German army’s casualties reached 30. At this rate, it will not take long. Germany's army-age population will all die.

In British newspapers, Germany had lost 50 people in the Battle of the Marne, plus 30 in the Battle of Ypres. Germany's 79 standing army before the outbreak of the war had all died. The current German army should be all Recruit egg.

The actual situation is definitely not the case. The German army did suffer heavy losses in the Battle of the Marne, but there were not as many as 50. After the New Year, the injured veterans will return to the army, and the newly recruited soldiers will gradually mature, so the scale of the battle will increase. bigger than it is now.

The British Expeditionary Force is facing a huge crisis. The British Expeditionary Force has more than 30 troops in France.

However, in the Battle of the Marne and the Battle of Ypres, the British Expeditionary Force had lost nearly half of its troops. After the Battle of Ypres, Britain abandoned the traditional voluntary service system and began to use the compulsory military service system to supplement its troops.

Another great crisis is the severe shortage of shells.

This problem is not unique to the United Kingdom. It should be said that all the troops participating in the war have a serious shortage of shells.

The scale of the world war is beyond anyone's imagination. Before the outbreak of the world war, Britain believed that the stockpile of shells could be used for six months. , looks well prepared.

It is only when the tide is low that you can see that you are sleeping naked. After the outbreak of World War II, the French shells were all exhausted after the Battle of the Marne. After Grand Duke Nicholas became the commander-in-chief of the Russian Empire, he increased the consumption of shells to 250 per month. 350 rounds, and soon after it was raised to [-] million rounds, the poor British army can't consume much shells, but to provide more shells for the Russian Empire and France, France is better, after all, it has strong industrial strength, its own problems To solve it by itself, the Russian Empire had to ask Britain for help.

"2500 million pounds per month, whose idea is this?" Rock was not angry, anyway, he didn't need to spend money from southern Africa, and no one cared about how the British spent their money.

In order to alleviate the crisis of the Russian Empire, the British government gave the Russian Empire a special loan of 2500 million pounds every month to help the Russian Empire tide over the difficulties.

Of course, these loans are also conditional. For example, materials can only be purchased in the UK, and there are high interest rates. The British government is not a philanthropist, and it is relentless when it is time to make money.

"Who else can it be, the damned Chancellor of the Exchequer!" Winston looked fierce, 2500 million pounds, if all of them were given to the Royal Navy, it would be ten dreadnoughts, or ten per month, of course, dreadnoughts would not generate interest .

"I have to remind you that giving money to the Russian Empire is tantamount to wasting money, be careful of losing your money—" Rock knew the future direction of the Russian Empire, but he couldn't say it too clearly, just like those loan sharks, What you are greedy for is high interest, while others are planning for your principal.

"Then what can we do? We need the Russian Empire to contain the forces of Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, even if more artillery shells of the Russian Empire were captured by Germany instead of being fired on the German positions." Winston was also very helpless, the French The consumption of shells is really consumed on the battlefield, and the Russian Empire is——

It's really hard to say, to put it bluntly, the Russian Empire is the German transport captain.

"How many orders can Southern Africa get?" Roque salivated. This is 2500 million per month. London hopes that Southern Africa can send more troops to France to join the war. They only paid 1500 million for the Russian Empire and the United Kingdom. The government is really generous.

"You can try it, Gregory is in London." Winston had a complicated expression.

"Who is Gregory?" Rock didn't know Gregory. There were many people by that name in Russia, just as William was in England.

"Grigory Yefimovich Rasputin—" Winston said the full name, with a look of disgust on his face, as if he was insulted by saying the name.

Oh oh oh, who did Rock think? If Winston said Rasputin directly, Rock must have heard of him.

(End of this chapter)

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