Chapter 901 Trust

In southern Africa, due to the strict management of governments at all levels, incidents of racial discrimination have rarely occurred.

But outside of southern Africa, racial discrimination is a common phenomenon of political correctness. Almost all restaurants in Paris refuse to serve non-whites, not for Chinese, but for all non-whites, even mixed races. Normal service at most public facilities.

The two wounded soldiers of Chinese descent probably came out to hang out while recovering from their injuries. They were still carrying paper bags provided by Paris merchants with huge merchant logos printed on them. After shedding blood, he contributed to the commercial prosperity of Paris.

"Excuse me, can you speak English?" The soldier's English is still pretty good to be able to wander around Paris.

But when it comes to English, the expressions on the faces of the waiters are even uglier. Even though the British and French allied forces are fighting against the Germans side by side, Parisians still don't like the British.

Not dislike, but undisguised discrimination.

Not to mention the British, Parisians don’t like anyone, they’re like drunk all day, I’m number one in the world, Americans are nouveau riche, British are antiques, Germans are devils, French people outside of Paris are all It's a redneck.

"Sorry, you can't dine here, please leave the restaurant immediately—" the waiter repeated in English, as if he didn't realize that his English accent would be laughed at in London.

The world is as black as a crow!

This time the two wounded soldiers finally understood, and their faces turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, definitely not because of shyness, but because of anger.

"What did you say? Say it again?" The wounded soldier couldn't believe it. If this kind of behavior happened in Nyasaland, the wounded soldier would have called the police immediately. No matter how big the backstage was, the restaurant would be closed that day.

"I said—you can't dine here—please leave here immediately—don't affect the mood of our other guests—" the waiter simply said every word, clearly expressing the attitude of the restaurant.

"Get out, don't stay here—"

"This is not a place you can afford—"

"Go back to where you were supposed to go—"

Sure enough, racial discrimination is politically correct. The waiter's words not only did not stop other customers, but echoed one after another.

It was as if the presence of two wounded soldiers in the restaurant would lower the tone of the restaurant a few notches.

In such a situation, Christian must not sit idly by.

Before the wounded soldier broke out, Christian glanced at Cole, who also had an extremely ugly expression.

Cole, who felt the same way, shot up.

"Shut up! They are soldiers who just came back from the front line. The bandages on their bodies are the military medals of heroes. How the hell can you treat these two heroes who fought bloody for France so rudely, and you guys, if you don't Fighting soldiers on the front line, you still have a chance to eat steak here, go home and eat it!" Cole slammed the case and at the same time, he did not forget to unbutton his suit, and the silver-white gun handle under his armpit was on the black suit. It is clearly visible between the inner lining and the black vest.

"First, sir, this is the rule of our restaurant—" the waiter stammered, not daring to look at Cole, but Cole had really killed someone.

When describing a villain, most of them will use "violent spirit" to describe it. Although this "vicious spirit" is relatively abstract, people who have killed people are really different from those who have never killed people. The so-called "murderous spirit" can really be felt Yes, animals feel this more clearly.

Cole is such a villain. Before working for Christian, Cole was a slave catcher in the Congo Free State. To put it bluntly, he was a slave trader. He had [-] or [-] lives in his hands.

Of course, Cole has changed his mind and started a new life. The year before last, Cole became a southern African citizen and became a real Afrikaner. Last year, he paid 120 rand in personal taxes and was praised by the Los Angeles city government.

"Damn bullshit rules, is this how you treat your heroes, I'm a southern African like them and they don't affect my mood, I'd love to dine with them and pay for their meals , you should be grateful for your stay in Paris, if your behavior is in southern Africa, you and your damn boss will still be sent to prison for mining for a lifetime!" Cole continued to breathe out, the waiter Trembling, the expressions on the faces of the other guests who were clamoring just now were as ugly as if they had eaten flies, but no one dared to speak.

This is the true face of these people, if you are weak to them, they will get worse, if you are tough to them, they will compromise.

"Sir, please pay attention to your words—" The restaurant manager had no choice but to come forward. Cole had already scolded the boss together. Unlucky Prime Minister Louis Baldo.

Prime Minister of France is indeed a high-risk job. Poengale couldn’t find anyone who was willing to be prime minister. Louis Baldoux’s son died in the just-concluded Battle of Ypres, so Louis Baldoux was willing to become prime minister to avenge his son. .

"Why don't you reflect on the shit you've done? Is this how you treat your heroes? They fought for you, but they don't even have the right to eat in the restaurant. You cowards have the face to talk about it, Germans You are invading the land of France, you are killing your women, and you are plundering the wealth of France, why don't you go to the front to fight the Germans, but instead hide in the mouse hole to survive? Pooh! Shameless!" Cole was fully fired, five or six of his subordinates stood up and stared at him with their suits open, and the restaurant manager was sweating profusely.

The security personnel who can work next to Christian are all strong men with a door panel over 1.9 meters tall and weighing over [-]. Only such a figure can have enough deterrent force. Even if they are used as meat shields, they are thinner than their bodies. People are more qualified.

So five or six strong men with door panels of this size stand together, which is still very visual. These people have blood on their hands. If they go crazy, they can wash the entire restaurant with blood.

Some customers have already slipped to the front desk to check out.

"I'm very sorry, of course they can eat in the restaurant—" The manager calmed down immediately. Although only Cole was losing his temper, from the positions of the strong men, it was clear that Christian, who was still eating, was the master .

Migration, raising a body, status and environment can really change a person's temperament. Christian, who has become a billionaire, is no longer the poor wretch in the dark prison on Robben Island. Yes, even if he doesn't speak, others will not ignore him.

Christian was indeed calm and relaxed. When Cole was furious, Christian ate as if nothing had happened. Although the appearance was good, the steak was actually not that delicious, just like in the restaurant of Rock’s family. Just as pious.

"Let them sit with me, I will dine with them, give them a set meal like mine, and bring me a bottle of champagne—" Christian looked at the guests who dared not speak out, and decided Be generous: "Give everyone a bottle, I'm clean, I'm also a southern African, I have to say, you really shouldn't treat your heroes like this, they are not French, but when France needs it most You have come to France from southern Africa thousands of miles away, and you should respect them and everyone who is willing to shed their blood for justice."

These words were too politically correct. When the manager of the restaurant felt ashamed, there was warm applause in the restaurant, and the guy who had just breathed out his mouth turned redder than a boiled prawn.

They may not know that they are wrong. After today, they may revert to their old ways, but at this moment, they dare not even say a word.

I don't know if they have the face to drink the champagne that Christian invited.

"Sir, thank you very much——" The two wounded soldiers were arranged on the positions opposite to Christian, Fan Ni opened the chair for the wounded soldiers, Cole was busy changing the clean tableware, and several strong men with door panels were busy serving tea The waiters didn't dare to come over to bring water, cigarettes and drinks.

"You are welcome. We are all Afrikaners. We should help each other. I have a good relationship with you General Don Juan. If General Don Juan was here, he would do the same." "2" is embroidered on the white silk thread. Christian has a good relationship with many generals in southern Africa. Part of the real estate he bought in Paris is the investment of the generals.

"Mr. Christian, I know you. You are the most outstanding businessman in southern Africa." Christian is also well-known in southern Africa, and a wounded soldier expressed his admiration.

"Don't say that, I'm just a businessman, but you are heroes, you will be admired by everyone when you return to southern Africa, and I am a profiteer in everyone's mouth—" Christian laughed at himself. In southern Africa, Christian The reputation among the Chinese is actually very good. Rape is indeed rape, but they have done a lot of good things. Many new immigrants came to southern Africa, and the houses they lived in were built by the construction company under Christian. The environment is good and the quality is reliable. The key Is the price is not expensive.

A meal was nothing to Christian, but it was written as a report and placed on Rock's desk at night.

Rock was very satisfied with Christian's handling. Christian not only maintained the soldier's dignity, but also compensated other guests. After eating, he sent a car to send the soldier back to the field hospital. Smoky London fights for the greater good in southern Africa.

Such a Christian is indeed worthy of greater trust from Rock.

(End of this chapter)

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