Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 907 Different Standards

Chapter 907 Different Standards

For Europe, which was already decayed and old, the world war was the accelerator that pushed Europe into the abyss.

The war broke out less than half a year ago, and the consequences have already begun to appear. The belligerent countries are at war, Belgium has fallen, France is still part of the territory occupied by the Germans, and the flames of war have not yet reached the UK, but the life of the UK is not easy. London in winter is simply not suitable for human survival. Not only is the air bad, but prices are also bad. Housing prices have dropped a lot. However, under the background of the World War, except for Christian, who has money and has no place to spend it, and is full of judgments on Rock. People with confidence, no one wants to invest in real estate like a house.

The front line was also in bad shape. Just before the celebration banquet began, the British and French allied forces lost control of South Persia again, but not from the 101st Division, but from the [-]th Division of the British Expeditionary Force.

The reaction of the German army was also very fast. After losing Nanbosi Chen, they organized a counterattack the next day, and defeated the Ninth Division to capture Nanbosi Chen. The first guard regiment led by Prince Eitel Friedrich.

After the 101st Division captured South Persian Chen, it was customary to retreat to the rear to rest. The British Ninth Division took over the defense of South Persian Chen. As a result, the Ninth Division did not even dig the trenches, and the First Guard Regiment launched an attack.

Rock was also very helpless when he heard the news. The editor of the newspaper should be even more helpless. How should tomorrow's newspaper write?

The British and French allied forces recovered South Persia Chen?

No, South Persia is controlled by the Germans.

My face hurts so much.

"As you can see, the 101st Division's attack will consume all the shells that have been accumulated for a week, so it will take another week to launch an attack on South Persia, and I will not put the troops in before fully preparing Combat." Rock is resolute and decisive. The Southern African Expeditionary Force is very useful, but the consumption is a bit too high. The two major powers in the world can't afford it together.

This is the situation in 1913. Fortunately, 1913 is about to pass, but everyone is very sad. The situation in 1914 is estimated to be worse than 1913.

"We have to see that although our situation is bad, the situation in Germany is even worse. Germany has begun to restrict the distribution of materials. Potatoes have become a scarce commodity. Because more coal is used to organize production, residents lack Heating fuel, people are dying every day, and we are not so bad.” Rock is cautiously optimistic that the World War did not end in 1913 as Joffre and Frenzi expected, and gradually turned into a protracted war. The tug of war, when Roque first arrived in France, no one believed in Roque's judgment, and now more and more people trust Roque.

"We're not much better off, women are starting to work in factories, students are training for the army, veterans are being recalled, father and son have served in the same army for two generations—" Gallieni Sadness is mixed with pain, his hair is almost completely white, and his own children are also serving in the army.

I have to say that Britain and France are pretty good at this point. The upper class also assumes obligations when enjoying rights. After the war broke out, many descendants of high-ranking officials and nobles also served in the army like the descendants of civilians, and suffered heavy casualties. .

This led to a very serious consequence. The bravest part of the British aristocratic children was basically lost in the World War, and the rest were crooked. Therefore, after the World War, the British The aristocracy gradually gave up the dominance of the country.

The situation in Britain is not bad, but the situation in Germany is even worse. The Junker noble class in Germany was directly destroyed by the World War. Of the 8800 Junker noble soldiers from Prussia, 6400 died on the battlefield and 500 committed suicide after the war. , and 500 people died in labor camps. The German Empire perished after the end of the World War. This has a lot to do with the collapse of the Junker aristocracy.

In any case, the new year is approaching, and the war finally came to an end. Before the outbreak of the World War, the Allied Powers and the Allied Powers claimed that the war would end before Christmas and their camp would win. Now those promises have become a thing of the past. For months, the well-trained army was depleted, the newly recruited soldiers needed to be trained, the rear needed to expand production, and the soldiers on the front line could finally breathe. They might die in battle tomorrow, but before they die in battle, They can enjoy a relaxing Christmas.

Rock is relatively humane in this regard. Before Christmas, Rock tried his best to provide the best logistical supplies for the officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force.

The Federal Government of Southern Africa organized some family members of officers and soldiers to visit France. All sectors of society in the country enthusiastically donated various supplies. Large enterprises performed particularly well. Nyasaland Corporation had donated 500 million rand after the outbreak of the World War. Donated materials worth 100 million rand, every soldier in France can get two bottles of vodka produced in Johannesburg and two bottles of wine produced in Cape Town, plus ten packs of cigarettes produced in Nyasaland and a box of five cigars from Madagascar.

The South African company also performed well. After the outbreak of the World War, the South African company also donated cash and materials worth almost 500 million rand. Canned fruit is the most popular among officers and soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force, while luncheon meat is the most popular among the British and French coalition forces.

Meat is not uncommon in Southern Africa, and it is cheap and high quality.

However, in Europe, especially after the outbreak of the World War, the prices of various meats soared, and many officers and soldiers of the coalition forces even sent home the distributed cans as Christmas gifts for their families to enjoy.

Rand Bank is also excellent. Unlike the rich and powerful Nyasaland Company and South African companies, Rand Bank has joined hands with the federal government postal system to ensure smooth communication between the officers and men of the Southern African Expeditionary Force and their families. Before Christmas, almost all officers and soldiers received When it comes to hard-won letters from home, even illiterate African soldiers have them.

The Rand Bank and the post office sent people to the homes of African soldiers to help their families write letters. The family members dictated the letters, and Rand Bank employees or postmen wrote them. After the letters were sent to France, they needed the help of literate military officers, who were also illiterate. African soldiers would know what happened at home.

In fact, they are all trivial things, such as the family sheep gave birth to a litter of cubs, the dog killed a chicken, the family house leaked, but the state government sent people to repair it, etc., but it is these trivial things that make the battlefield The officers and soldiers who broke their legs and did not shed tears burst into tears. In the era of no mobile phones and online videos, family letters are really worth ten thousand dollars.

During the war, letters sent from southern Africa to France were free of charge, and all expenses were borne by the Rand Bank. The officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force did not need handling fees for remittances from France to southern Africa, and the expenses were also borne by the Rand Bank.

Sending things must cost money, and the price is still very high. After all, the Rand Bank does not need to make money, but the post office does.

Compared with the governments at all levels in southern Africa who have taken care of everything in detail, the coalition forces are a little bit worse in this regard. The southern African expeditionary force only has 10,000+ people, and the British and French coalition forces add up to more than 400 million, which is indeed powerless.

However, when it comes to front-line officers and soldiers, the powerlessness of the top coalition forces has turned into inaction, or indifference to front-line officers and soldiers.

Especially under the premise of comparing with the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

It was still a field hospital in the suburbs of Paris. On the day before Christmas, a condolence team from southern Africa came to the hospital to send blessings from southern Africa to the wounded in the hospital. Not only the wounded of the southern African expeditionary force received a "big gift package" , There are also wounded from the Anglo-French allied forces.

Of course, the "big gift package" of the officers and soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force included letters from their families to the wounded, which were not available to the wounded of the British and French Allied Forces. The uncontrollable is beyond words.

"Please give this to my mother and tell him I'm all right here and I'll be back in the army after Christmas - and give this to my beloved Anne and tell him I'm sure Will go home, the first thing when I get home is to propose to her, don't let him give William and Sam any chance, bring this necklace to her, this is a trophy I won on the battlefield." A captain of the 101st Division Hand the written reply and the wrapped gift to the Rand Bank clerk.

"Captain, I can pass it on to you. Gifts are not acceptable. They have to be charged according to their weight—" The blond and blue-eyed Dabo employees are very embarrassed. They are all French employed by the Rand Bank in France. The situation is not optimistic. In addition to the normal salary, the Rand Bank also has better benefits compared with French companies, and can buy various commodities in southern Africa at a lower price, so the position of the Rand Bank is very tight. .

"I know, damned vampires, you just don't want us to send the booty back to China. It's best to sell it all to you at a discount. I'd rather pay than let you do what you want." Send the gift back.

The pendant of the necklace is a huge ruby. If it is in Itnor, it will cost at least 300 rand, and the cost of sending it back to China is 1.5 rand. The purchase price of the military service agency is 30 rand. No one is stupid.

While the captain was chattering, a clinical French captain couldn't see it.

"You shouldn't treat this beautiful lady like this. Their service is already very considerate." The captain said righteously, the little blond girl had a pitiful expression, and she was quick to collect the money and issue the invoice.

"Isn't it normal to have good service?" The captain of the expeditionary force was very strange. It was obvious that the Rand Bank and the military service agency colluded with each other to infringe on the interests of the officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force, but the captain of the French army said so lightly. The bottom line of the French is so low. Is it?

(End of this chapter)

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