Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 911 Life is Wonderful

Chapter 911 Life is Wonderful

After capturing Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, the territorial area of ​​Southern Africa has reached 550 million square kilometers, ranking second only to the Russian Empire, the Qing Empire, the United States, and Brazil. At this time, Canada and Australia have not really The independence of the United Kingdom is still part of the United Kingdom, an overseas territory that has obtained self-government status.

Looking at it this way, southern Africa is also part of the United Kingdom and is not truly independent, so George V seems to be unable to find a reason for southern Africa to surrender Southwest Africa and Tanganyika.

What Rock knows now is that before the outbreak of the World War, the British government had a plan for the distribution of African colonies. Although the area is large, Southwest Africa with many deserts in the territory will become a part of Southern Africa. The key is Tanganyika. The era of Tanganyika also includes Rwanda and Burundi, with an area of ​​100 million square kilometers.

Unlike Southwest Africa, where there are many deserts in the territory, Tanganyika has more than 4400 million hectares of arable land, and the rest of the land is also very suitable for pastures. The 4400 million hectares are converted into 6 million mu. The second largest Lake Victoria, the highest peak in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro, the Ngorongoro Crater, the Great Rift Valley, Lake Manyana and other natural landscapes, no one wants to give up easily.

When Southern Africa attacked Tanganyika, the Rhodesian Northern Division directly attacked north and took all the areas along Lake Victoria into its pocket. According to the tradition of Southern Africa, if Tanganyika is handed over to Southern Africa for management, then Lake Victoria would certainly also be included in Southern Africa as a whole.

"How did the Germans in Southwest Africa and Tanganyika deal with it?" George V finally spoke. Although he changed his surname, he still cared about his cousin.

"Centralized management, and send them back to Germany after the war." Rock said frankly, no matter how relatives are, they can't change the situation of fighting in the same room.

George V nodded and stopped talking, without giving Rock a definite answer.

It is also understandable that although George V is the king of the United Kingdom in name, in fact the power of the king has been diverted, and Congress and the government are the real power to control the United Kingdom.

During the World War, it was the newly formed War Council that was in charge.

Half of the members of the War Council were present, Winston said nothing, Lloyd George watched coldly, Kitchener couldn't bear it: "Now that Tanganyika has been conquered, the First Cavalry Division and northern Rhodesia should Can the division be transferred to reinforce the French battlefield?"

Kitchener started everything from the war. Southern Africa wanted to get the support of the British government. After the war, it justified the annexation of Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, and now it has to make greater contributions.

To put it bluntly, the core interests that triggered the World War were still the colonies. If Germany won the final victory, the Commonwealth would collapse, and the colonies around the world would be divided up by the Allies. Can't be alone.

If Britain, France and Russia fall, then relying on the strength of these autonomous dominions, it is true that they will not be able to withstand the nearly tens of millions of troops that the Allies have drawn from the Eastern and Western Fronts.

"No, although the German troops in Southwest Africa and Tanganyika have surrendered, there are still resistance forces in the territory. Guerrillas are everywhere, and we need enough troops to maintain law and order—" Rock did not let go. This reason was seen by Kitchener. It's actually very far-fetched.

The first thing to be sure is that Kitchener doesn't care at all which side Tanganyika belongs to after the end of the world war. Anyway, no matter whether it is handed over to southern Africa or Egypt, it is within the Commonwealth of Nations, and the meat is still in the pot if it is rotten.

Kitchener's concern was how to defeat Germany, so even if Tanganyika and Southwest Africa were in a mess, Kitchener would not care.

Here lies the difference. Kitchener can ignore it, but Rock can't. Rock wants to form an established fact and completely annex Southwest Africa and Tanganyika before the end of the world war. Nobody can take Southwest Africa and Tanganyika away from Southern Africa.

"Southwest Africa and Tanganyika don't need that many troops at all." Kitchener knew the strength of southern Africa. In France, the Southern African Expeditionary Force did well, but it could be better, even the best cavalry The second division is actually only a second-line unit in southern Africa. The real ace units are the first cavalry division and the northern Rhodesian division.

"Southern Africa, with a total population of only 550 million, has mobilized 67 troops to fight the Allies." Rock set up an ambush, using data from 1911, and did not count Africans.

Hearing the figure of 550 million, both Kitchener and Winston frowned.

There is no way to frown. This statistical method was determined by the British government. It was counted in this way during the British rule. If it is overthrown now, it is tantamount to admitting that the previous British government made a mistake.

Moreover, considering the vast land and sparse population in southern Africa and the current situation of backward management methods, almost all data, whenever data related to population appear, are always filled with a large number of "estimates", "possible", "probably", " "Perhaps" and so on are not sure terms, different departments have different statistical methods, and the figures obtained vary greatly, so Roque said that 550 million is not too much, because after 1911, southern Africa has never conducted a federal government-led population census , so now no one can tell how many people there are in southern Africa.

The data reported by Brad's office to Roque was finalized by Brad's office based on the statistics of the immigration bureaus of various states, and was not reported to London.

In 1911, the Chinese population in southern Africa exceeded the white population for the first time, so the federal government has never conducted a census since then.

Without statistics, nature does not exist.

The 67 that Roque said included the National Guard in Southern Africa, the occupying forces in South West Africa and Tanganyika, the Southern African Expeditionary Force in France, and Southern Africa and the Najd Sultanate, which was launching an offensive against the Ottoman Empire coalition forces.

"By December last year, Southern Africa provided Europe with 12 shells, 40 million bullets, and 11 tons of various military and civilian supplies every month. More than 40 soldiers have fought in France. By Christmas, the Southern African army More than 15 casualties, of which 12 died in battle, we have done the best we can." Rock understated, his calm appearance could not hide his grief and anger, the officers in the African division were all white or Chinese, and most of them were white or Chinese. Some of the officers are graduates of Nyasaland Army Academy, and Roque has been the dean of Nyasaland Army Academy since the first day of its establishment.

"No one denies the contribution made by southern Africa to the coalition forces." Winston may seem objective, but in fact his position is obvious. Rock has always been friends with Winston, just for Winston to play a decisive role at this time effect.

Rock's goal is Southwest Africa and Tanganyika. Although the Victoria Cross is rare, a medal, a knighthood, or an honorary title can never win Rock's loyalty. Loyalty should never be cheap.

"Southern Africa has made a contribution, but the government has also paid for it—" Lloyd George finally spoke, but it would be better if he didn't speak, and no one would know he was a fool if he didn't speak.

"Minister of Finance, are you reminding me that the trade between southern Africa and Europe will follow the market in the future?" Rock was not polite. Southern Africa did not discuss it when it cheated the Russian Empire, and it was kind when it supplied to the UK, although the price was not It is rising, but not to an unacceptable level.

In the context of the World Wars, rising prices are inevitable. The trade between southern Africa and Europe is carried out through trading companies. Everyone knows the nature of businessmen. If trading companies are to be treated equally, London really has no position to accuse the federal government of southern Africa of not doing anything.

After all, the current trade system is mainly established by Britain and France. Although the gross national product of the United States has already ranked first in the world, the United States still has nothing to say in terms of trade policy.

For a long time, the United States has emphasized the opening of the door to free trade, just to open up the relatively closed British and French colonial markets, so Germany did not hesitate to launch a world war to challenge the colonial system established by Britain and France. Guess there is no American factor in this.

"My housekeeper told me that the price of commodities on the market has at least doubled compared to before the war. You can't even buy potatoes when you arrive late. Countless families are starving for food. The relief station receives thousands of people every day. Belfast The situation is even worse, and control of important materials has been implemented—" Winston only stated the facts, and he didn't seem to blame anyone, but everyone knew what Winston meant.

"At least you have a butler—" Lloyd George was not polite to Winston, he was a real official of civilian origin.

After a sumptuous but unpleasant dinner, Rock returned to the Rhodesia Hotel in London, and Angie had already received a thick stack of business cards and invitations.

"The Prime Minister asked you to meet him at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. Mayor Chamberlain would like to have lunch with you. Secretary Smotz would like to meet you. Here are two invitations from the Federation of Southern African Chambers of Commerce. They invite you Participate in the dinner party to be held tomorrow night—" Angie reported Rock's itinerary, it was rare to come to London once, and Rock's schedule was very full.

It was expected that the prime minister summoned him, and he probably asked Rock about his views on the world war, and hoped that southern Africa would make greater contributions.

Compared with Winston, Neville's progress is slower, but Neville is not the leader of the Chamberlain family. He also has an older brother who is the Minister of Colonial Affairs. The Chamberlain family is still a high-ranking power.

As for Yang Smother, his current position is the director of the material distribution department of the Ministry of War. The Southern African Expeditionary Force can establish a logistics center in Dover. Yang Smother plays a huge role. Express thankfulness.

In the context of a world war, there is unity where there are disputes. In southern Africa, Rock and Yang Smolts could be regarded as mortal enemies. Now that the world war broke out, Rock and Yang Smolts are still comrades-in-arms.

Life is amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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