Chapter 918 Save Winston

Not long ago, Ovillet's husband Maurice Bohan Carter made a drunken gaffe, and the scandal spread like wildfire.

So Rock could understand Winston's mood, no wonder Clementina Hozier refused to let Winston in. The relationship between the British nobles was indeed a bit chaotic, and the corrupt country lived up to its reputation.

"General Ian Hamilton is not bad—" Rock didn't care about Winston's scandal, but was more concerned about Ian Hamilton's ability.

Ian Hamilton also participated in the Second Boer War. In the first phase of the war, the troops led by Ian Hamilton suffered heavy losses. The British troops led by Lady Smith were commanded by Ian Hamilton. As a result, the British Expeditionary Force suffered heavy losses. , It directly caused both the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force and the chief of the general staff to dismiss get out of class.

In the latter part of the Second Boer War, after Roberts, Kitchener's chief of staff, returned to the UK, Ian Hamilton served as Kitchener's chief of staff, buried the two countries founded by the Boers, and washed away the shame of Lady Smith.

During the Russo-Japanese War, Ian Hamilton headed the British Observer Corps.

Before the outbreak of World War II, Ian Hamilton was the Commander-in-Chief of the British Army in the Mediterranean.

Note that it is not the Mediterranean Fleet, but the Mediterranean Army.

If it is not mentioned here, it is estimated that many people do not know that Britain actually has an army in the Mediterranean.

It is estimated that there are not many people.

Anyway, judging from Ian Hamilton's move to buy a travel brochure, Ian Hamilton's understanding of the Dardanelles is seriously insufficient.

"What do you think?" Winston's eyes were bloodshot, his fingers holding the cigars were smudged yellow, his body smelled of alcohol except for the smoke, and it was his wife who didn't let him in.

Roque stared wide-eyed. The generals in southern Africa, Roque, understood it very well, but the generals in Britain, Roque, really didn't understand it.

However, judging from the performance of the British generals during the Second Boer War and after the outbreak of the World War, Rock felt that it was good to have a "hehe" smile.

So Rock really laughed "hehe".

The amazing thing is that Winston actually heard that Rock was mocking, so Winston also "hehe".

"Don't be so special, if the Battle of the Dardanelles fails, you know the consequences." Rock's time is so precious, is it not good to enjoy the praise of so many cowhide figures in the British and French coalition forces in France, or is it not good to hang out with Ada, Came to London and laughed like Winston to a fool.

"Locke, I know what you want to say, but now only you can help me, I hope you can replace Ian Hamilton to command the land warfare part of the Dardanelles campaign, Ian is actually good, but he can't lead us Win it." Winston could only count on Roark now, neither Ian Hamilton nor Sackville Carden.

Just as Roque knew the generals in southern Africa, Winston also knew the British generals. Sackville Cardon is just a talker. Don't listen to his good words, but in fact he can't do it at all.

In order to fight for the opening of a second battlefield in the Dardanelles, Sackville Cardon had previously spoken out loudly, claiming that as long as there were enough minesweepers, Constantinople could be captured within three days, and it did not require Ground forces cooperate in combat.

Roque, who has almost become a god, dare not brag about such bullshit.

"I don't have time, and I have to command the expeditionary force." Rock refused decisively.

"Locke, you know, I am trying to get you the position of commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, and you also know that you face a lot of resistance, unless you have an irrefutable record, the offensive force participating in the Battle of the Dardanelles Although the number is small, it is an independent front army, as long as you can lead this army to victory in the Battle of the Dardanelles, it means that you have the ability to lead the British Expeditionary Force to greater victories." Wen Wen Ston was persuasive and persuasive, and I had to say that this guy was really good at persuading people. As soon as Winston finished speaking, the weeds in Rock's heart grew wildly like being driven by the spring breeze.

Indeed, as Winston said, even if Roque has commanded the troops to win the "Operation Horn of Victory", even if he is the Viscount of the British Empire, even if he has won ten more Victoria Crosses, because of Roque's skin color and With a background in southern Africa, Rock would never have been able to become the supreme commander of the British Expeditionary Force.

But if the Battle of the Dardanelles is won—


Don't think how valuable the Victoria Cross is. Ian Hamilton also has the Victoria Cross as an admiral.

Ian Hamilton's general was just promoted after the outbreak of the World War, and Rock didn't know what credit Ian Hamilton had.

"Commanding the British Expeditionary Force does not require strong personal ability. It is mainly to coordinate the cooperation between the local troops and the colonial servants, as well as the cooperation between the entire expeditionary force, the French army, and the Belgian side. Frenzi is also good, but not good enough. It is estimated that he will be dismissed soon, and a new candidate may be selected between Haig and Smith." Winston's political acumen is unparalleled, and Haig will indeed become the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force in the future.

In fact, the reason why Frenzi's poor performance has a lot to do with the Southern African Expeditionary Force's disobedience to command. If Frenzi has the command of the Southern African Expeditionary Force, then Frenzi can definitely perform better.

After all, there are hundreds of thousands more cannon fodder troops, and with the accumulation of human lives, several victories can be piled up.

As the number of troops in the expeditionary force increases and its composition becomes more and more complex, the requirements for the position of commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force will become higher and higher.

For the Battle of the Dardanelles, Winston has now mobilized the East Indian Servant Army, the Australian and New Zealand Allied Forces, the local troops, the French troops, and some Indian divisions including the Gorkha infantry. For the French expeditionary force, if Rock can coordinate the relationship between these troops, then George V and Kitchener will certainly not turn a blind eye.

As long as it can lead Britain to victory, color?background?

Don't think the British are too pedantic. They are smart. There are still many royal families in the 21st century. Let's see how many of them can have the same influence as the British royal family.

"To win the Battle of the Dardanelles, I need more troops—" Rock asked earnestly.

"I don't have troops to give you. There are still many troops in Port Elizabeth. Your troops have captured Damascus, and the danger in Egypt has been lifted. Can the Egyptian troops also be dispatched?" Winston helped Rock think of a way.

"I need more adequate logistical support—" Rock no longer entangled with the issue of troops, and squeezed Winston dry, and Winston couldn't get Rock any more troops.

"Hahahaha—the materials of the entire Allied Powers are purchased from your southern Africa, or the company under your name, and now you come to me for materials—" Winston couldn't laugh or cry, and the benefits that should be given after complaining still have to be paid. Here, people like Roque are useless, and it's useless to talk about it: "I'll give you the money, you decide what you need—"

Fuck, speaking of this, if Roque refuses again, he will probably be struck by lightning when he goes out.

Accepted, accepted, anyway, during the recent period of heavy snow in Belgium, the mountains can't do anything, neither can attack, nor need to worry about Germany's counterattack, Rock can just spare time to go to the Dardanelles.

However, it was not an easy task to replace the commander-in-chief of the front army. Rock did not know how much work Winston had done, and he did not receive the transfer order from the Ministry of War until the end of February.

At this time, the snow in Belgium hadn't melted yet. Anyway, Rock's armored command vehicle was equipped with a wireless telegraph, which could remotely command European troops to fight. However, it is probably impossible to find opportunities like "Operation Horn of Victory".

It doesn't matter much. Before Roque left Belgium, he summoned all the generals and emphasized again that before Roque returned to Belgium, the Southern African Expeditionary Force was not allowed to participate in any form of attack. Anyway, the stalemate, the money that Southern Africa should earn Not one cent less.

There are millions of troops, and the daily consumption of horses is astronomical. Farmers in southern Africa are now very enthusiastic about planting potatoes. In the past, potatoes could only be sold to wineries to make vodka, but now they are directly exported to Britain and France and sent to civilians’ tables. On the other hand, the money earned will be doubled several times.

Don't talk nonsense to avoid being scolded. On March [-], Rock arrived in Cyprus to form the Mediterranean Expeditionary Command in Cyprus.

That's right, Roque's current position is the same as the position held by Ian Hamilton before the outbreak of the world war, as the commander-in-chief of the Mediterranean.

However, unlike the polished commander of Ian Hamilton, Rock now has 15 troops, including a British division and a French division.

These two troops are purely white, not colonial servants like sandwich biscuits. Although the number of troops is small, they are very symbolic.

Cyprus used to be the territory of the Ottoman Empire. In 1878, in the Tenth Russo-Turkish War, in order to win the support of the United Kingdom, the Ottoman Empire leased Cyprus to the United Kingdom.

The history of Cyprus is a condensed history of the Middle Ages in Europe. During the Crusades, Cyprus changed hands many times until it was gradually stabilized under the control of the Ottoman Empire. Most of the residents on the island were Ottomans. Concentration camps were built on the island, and the Ottomans were detained for management. In addition, there were some Greeks, but the number was not large, and the total number was less than [-].

Rock placed his headquarters in Niconia, Cyprus. In the 21st century, this was the last divided city in the world. It is still integrated. The whole city is not big, but there are many preserved ancient buildings, most of which are Various temples and churches, Roque's headquarters is in the largest church in Niconia.

Rock's command staff and guards have a total of more than 3000 people, and a military camp is needed to settle them down. Fortunately, almost all the residents of Niconia are now locked up in concentration camps, and Rock can freely transform the city.

 The brothers are really awesome, and I want to do more, this chapter is for the brothers, see you at [-] pm



(End of this chapter)

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