Chapter 921

Compared with the Battle of the Dardanelles in another time and space, the current commanders of the coalition forces have all changed.

The commander of the Mediterranean Fleet in another time and space is John Drobeck, now replaced by John Fisher.

The commander-in-chief of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force in another time and space is Ian Hamilton, who is now replaced by Rock.

John Fisher's status in the Royal Navy is similar to that of Kitchener, the current Secretary of War, to the Army.

John Fisher is the founder of the modern British Royal Navy. Before the outbreak of World War II, John Fisher’s team was committed to the modernization of the British Royal Navy. It was John Fisher’s decision to build a dreadnought. John Fisher Fisher also attached great importance to the importance of submarines and torpedo boats. Before the outbreak of the World War, John Fisher retired from the Navy. After the outbreak of the World War, John Fisher was recruited again. consultant.

Serving as the commander-in-chief of the Mediterranean Fleet is definitely a low assignment for John Fisher. John Jericho, the commander-in-chief of the British Home Fleet, has been John Fisher's subordinate and assistant before the outbreak of the World War. Generally speaking, the importance of the Mediterranean Fleet is obviously not as good as that of the local fleet against the German fleet.

John Fisher voluntarily requested to serve as the commander-in-chief of the Mediterranean Fleet. John Fisher was the first captain of the "Indomitable" battleship that sank in the previous phase of the Mediterranean Fleet's operations.

That was already in 1880, so you can imagine how long the "Indomitable" has been in service. At that time, "Indomitable" was the most powerful battleship in the world, and John Fisher was not yet 40 years old at that time , In the British Royal Navy, where seniority is extremely serious, 40 years old is still a young man.

After John Fisher came to the Mediterranean Sea, he did not rush to join the Mediterranean Fleet, but went directly to Cyprus Island to meet Rock.

It was already March 25th, and the British Expeditionary Force in Belgium finally stabilized the line of defense in Ypres. All the achievements of the Southern African Expeditionary Force in the "Operation Horn of Victory" were lost, and the frontline fell into a stalemate again.

The Mediterranean Expeditionary Force has also made preparations for landing, but because the Mediterranean Fleet suffered heavy losses, which led to personnel changes, it was unable to attack in a short period of time. Without the cover of the fleet, the ground troops launched a landing operation to seek death.

John Fisher, a small, godly, energetic man who wrote more exclamation points than periods in his letters, was now seventy-five and a baronet when he retired in 75.

"Lord Nyasaland, why did you put your headquarters in Cyprus, it's a bit far from the Dardanelles!" John Fisher looked at Rock with complicated eyes, which was normal, almost everyone When I met Rock for the first time, I looked at Rock with complicated eyes.

As the Minister of Defense and Minister of War of a huge country, Roque's age is indeed too young, even though this country is still a Dominion of the Commonwealth of Nations.

"General Fisher, just call me Locke, no matter how you look at it, you are my predecessor—" Rock still respects John Fisher, as long as John Fisher doesn't Roark would always respect John Fisher when it came to his reputation.

As for why the headquarters is located in Cyprus, in addition to Cyprus being located in the Mediterranean Sea, of course, it is also because Cyprus is sparsely populated.

The area of ​​Cyprus is 9251 square kilometers, and it is only 170 kilometers away from the port of Beirut. The British government did not pay attention to such a large island.

Don't forget that the whole of Egypt is British now, so the British really don't care about Cyprus.

The Ottoman Empire didn't care, otherwise it wouldn't have leased Cyprus to Britain easily.

The country of the whole era is so generous.

However, for this reason, Rock certainly cannot directly say, and Rock's reason is also very good: "Or else? Is it still Lemnos Island? Lemnos Island is not a British territory."

What he said was very suitable for John Fisher's appetite. The older generation of soldiers is like this. Everything in the British Empire is the best in the world.

"It's so lively here, you've turned this place into a huge construction site!" When John Fisher came to Niconia, Niconia had almost been bulldozed by the Christian Construction Company.

Rock's headquarters plus more than 3000 security forces required a huge military camp to accommodate them. Cyprus did not have so many ready-made building materials, so they could only use local materials to build a military camp.

There are actually a lot of ready-made building materials. If necessary, it is not troublesome to transport them from Port Edward. However, Rock chose the most troublesome way to obtain building materials by demolishing the buildings in Niconia.

So those temples that have been preserved for hundreds of thousands of years are unlucky. Huge stones are dismantled as the foundation of the barracks, and thick logs are dismantled to build barracks. The doors and windows can be used if they can be used. It was built next to the original site of Niconia, and the former old city will be re-planned, and everything will be in accordance with the standards of Nyasaland.

During the entire demolition process, there was almost no resistance. The Ottomans who used to live in Niconia were imprisoned in concentration camps for centralized management after the outbreak of the World War. It was impossible for them to return to Niconia after the war. Repatriated directly to the Ottoman Empire.

As for whether the Ottoman Empire will still exist by then, this is not Rock's problem.

"We have assembled 15 troops for the landing operation. If there is no orderly forward base, the logistics supply will be a huge disaster. A complete forward base, including logistics warehouses for storing materials, and a well-equipped seaport, will also be built. Airports and hospitals, entertainment facilities for staff to rest and relax, and living areas for military families can directly give birth to a huge city. Why should the city be given to the Greeks? It is better to build it on our own land "Rock has a clear goal, and the requirements for logistics bases in southern Africa are also different from those in the United Kingdom.

Not only high-ranking officers like Rock are eligible to bring their family members, as long as they are officers, they have privileges. In another time and space, Winston was relieved of his position as the Minister of the Navy after his failure in the Dardanelles, and he volunteered to the front line as a Battalion Commander, by the time Winston arrived at the battlefield, his luggage had packed 16 large boxes.

At that time, Winston was also qualified to bring his family members to the front line, as long as he believed that the front line was not dangerous.

"Hahahaha—yes! Locke, your vision is indeed very long-term!" John Fisher spoke highly of Rock.

It is recognized that Rock has a long-term vision.

The industrial strength of southern Africa was not known to the world until after the outbreak of the World War. There must be many countries studying why southern Africa, as a British colony, can explode with such a powerful energy.

When studying southern Africa, Roque is the X factor that cannot be bypassed anyway. Only then did people notice Roque's role in southern Africa.

Therefore, the reason why Roque was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force by the Ministry of War was really not only the victory in the "Operation Horn of Victory", but also the comprehensive strength of Southern Africa's increasing importance to the Allied Powers.

"Otherwise, what can we do? We are in great trouble now. The entire campaign has lost the huge advantage brought by suddenness. Zanders is ready. His Fifth Army is waiting for our landing. Troops are coming to our door, we must be prepared to face difficulties.” Rock was ready to face difficulties, but I don’t know if John Fisher was ready.

"There are indeed many difficulties, but the reason why we came here is to solve the problem!" John Fisher was also well prepared, so he was not in a hurry to join the Mediterranean Fleet, but came directly to Roque.

This is in stark contrast to Sackville Carden. Rock did not see Sackville Carden even when he came to Cyprus. Sackville Carden had already "resigned due to illness".

Ian Hamilton has also accepted the reality. He finally came to Cyprus to join Rock, and the main commanders of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force finally gathered.

John Fisher was more pragmatic. When he came to the headquarters, John Fisher didn't take a break and went directly to the operational command room.

The command room is located in the largest church in Niconia, which is also the only well-preserved ancient building in Niconia. The chapel was transformed into a combat command room, and the small room for confession was used to send telegrams. Rock Living in the tower where the priest lives, the center of the combat command room is a sand table that includes the entire Garibaldi Peninsula.

The sand table was made urgently by the staff. In order to make this sand table, Rock used forty aircraft. During this time, hundreds of reconnaissances were carried out on the Garibaldi Peninsula. Every small red flag on both sides of the Dardanelles, It represents the position of the Fifth Army of the Ottoman Empire. The entrance to the strait is particularly dense, and the small red flags are almost one after another.

"These forts were basically destroyed by the Mediterranean Fleet some time ago, but the Ottoman Empire has been urgently repairing them. Our existing information shows that the Ottoman Empire has a big problem with its logistics supply. There are very few shells sent to the forts. The Ottoman Empire There are very few minelayers that the navy can deploy, so I prepared a huge battle plan—” Rock’s plan is bigger than that of the War Department, which is the advantage of the Southern African Expeditionary Force. The real staff department was established, and Roque had already established the staff office ten years ago.

Although the federal government of Southern Africa had not yet been established at that time.

Rock's plan is that the Mediterranean Fleet and the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force will launch an attack on the Dardanelles at the same time. The ground forces will attract the Fifth Army of the Ottoman Empire to the south of the Garibaldi Peninsula, and then part of the troops will be on the north side of the Garibaldi Peninsula. Landing, encircling and annihilating the Fifth Army of the Ottoman Empire, so that the Mediterranean Fleet and the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force can drive straight in.

 Whoever said I cheated on the ticket, stood up and admitted my mistake, and updated normally at [-] pm, otherwise this would be the update at [-] pm——



(End of this chapter)

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