Chapter 924 Fire

Lemnos Island, [-] kilometers away from the Goba Heights, is the advance base of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force closest to the front line. The materials needed by the front-line troops are first sent from Cyprus to Lemnos Island, and then sent to the most needed frontline.

The temporary headquarters of the Anzac Army is on the island of Lemnos. After the Anzac Army came to Europe, it was first drawn out by Winston and placed in Alexandria, Egypt, where they had nothing to do for three months before being sent to the Garibaldi Peninsula. However, Commander Brad Nancy did not expect that the Anzacs would make such a fatal mistake as soon as they joined the battle.

"Bastards! You are stupid pigs, you are stupid enough, the captain of the transport ship is even more stupid, the first mate who looks at the compass should be shot, no one is allowed to retreat, no matter whether they can complete the task or not, they will die on the beachhead !” Brad Nancy’s eyes are red, he has failed the trust of all Australians and all New Zealanders.

When the Anzacs left Sydney, the people of Sydney prepared a 10-level farewell ceremony for the Anzacs. Every soldier of the Anzacs was greeted with flowers and applause. Many handsome boys also won the enthusiasm of the girls. kiss.

The soldiers of the Anzac Army came to Europe with high ambitions and wanted to gain glory. No one expected to start in such a wrong way.

Since the Anzacs landed on the Garibaldi Peninsula, the headquarters has been filled with a heavy and solemn atmosphere. The soldiers on the front line suffered heavy casualties, and the staff at the rear headquarters were also unhappy. The young and beautiful female secretary walked on tiptoe, For fear of making noise and drawing a reprimand from Brad Nancy.

"General, a telegram from Lord Nyasaland—" The adjutant sent a telegram from General Headquarters.

Brad Nancy dragged him over angrily. In the telegram, Rock did not blame Brad Nancy and the Anzacs, but encouraged the Anzacs to continue to work hard to hold their ground, and promised to give the Anzacs greater support.

After reading the telegram, Brad Nancy had a complicated expression and even more complicated emotions.

The generals of this era really have different styles. When facing the mistakes of their subordinates, different generals have obvious differences. Rock is a kind and gentle type, with some encouragement and some punishment.

Frenzi's type is the one that goes with the flow, and his subordinates will attack if they want to attack. If they fail, they will take joint and several responsibilities, and they will never attribute the responsibility to individuals; .

Xiafei is another kind. Regardless of whether his subordinates made mistakes or not, as long as they disagreed with their own opinions, or would endanger their authority, or lost the battle, they would all be dismissed.

Even if the subordinates strictly carried out Xia Fei's orders and thus failed in the battle, the fate awaiting the subordinates was dismissal.

If the battle fails, you have to find a scapegoat.

"What did Lord Nyasaland say?" Major General Kyle Gray from New Zealand was curious. Brad Nancy handed the telegram to Kyle Gray. After reading it, Kyle Gray sighed.

"Don't think too much, even if the headquarters tells us to retreat, we can't retreat now." Brad Nancy gritted his teeth, the Anzacs had no way out and could only persist in fighting.

"Yeah, the shame caused by our own mistakes must be washed away with our own hands." Kyle Gray can also see the true meaning of Rock's telegram. , Narok dared to send Brad Nancy and Kyle Gray to a military court.

"Send a telegram to Albert and Broad, don't have illusions, if they die in battle, I will take care of their families--" Brad Nancy threw away illusions, even if the army is wiped out, at least Australia and New Zealand The Legion proved its mettle.

"I'll take the reserve team to support—" Kyle Gray is not a coward either. The cowards in the British Expeditionary Force were all thrown into the city of cowards to grow grapes during the Second Boer War.

"Don't worry, you can't join the reserve team right now." Brad Nancy insisted that the reserve team should be kept as much as possible before the landing force is at the end of its rope, and it cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

The unsuccessful or successful telegram was quickly sent to the frontline commander Albert. Albert's headquarters was set up in a tent in a forest by the sea. After reading the telegram, Albert tore off his tie and loosened the collar of his shirt. He took a big gulp of wine in his mouth, and then ordered all the civilians on the beach to stay and cooperate in the battle.

"All the officers go to the front line. Soldiers shoot out the officers on top, officers shoot out the civilian husbands on the top, civilian husbands shoot out the radio operators and medical soldiers on top, and the lightly wounded return to the front line immediately. Don't be stingy with bullets and grenades. Fuck the ass of the Ottomans!" Albert yelled in front of the tent with a pistol in his hand, ready to die an honorable death.

Neither Albert nor Brad Nancy expected that the support promised by Roque would come so quickly. Before the warships covering the landing force arrived, the bombers sent by Roque arrived.

It is not a four-engine heavy strategic bomber, but a near-ground support aircraft with only one engine, which looks not much different from a fighter jet.

Compared with fighter jets, the biggest difference between near-ground support aircraft is the aerial bombs and incendiary bombs on the belly of the aircraft.

Limited by the engine power level and the number of pylons at this time, the ground support aircraft can only carry two [-]kg bombs at most. If it is at the [-]kg level, then it can carry six bombs.

The weight of the incendiary bomb is fifty kilograms.

In addition to aerial bombs and incendiary bombs, close-to-ground support aircraft also have machine guns, which can be used to straf the ground after dropping bombs, but less ammunition is not conducive to long-term combat. In addition, the performance of close-to-ground support aircraft and fighter jets Not much difference.

In order to enhance the deterrence of the near-ground support aircraft, the air intake of the near-ground support aircraft is equipped with a sounding device that can emit a loud sound. When it dives to the ground, it will emit a huge screaming sound. Card" Ju87 dive bomber.

When Albert was preparing to fight to the death, six near-ground support aircraft had already arrived over the Goba mound. These near-ground support aircraft took off from Lemnos Island. Brad Nancy did not have the command of the air force right.

The air force involved in the Battle of the Dardanelles was transferred directly from Southern Africa by Roque. The British aircraft were only used to defend the mainland. France had self-developed aircraft to participate in the war. Roque knew the value of the aircraft, not just for reconnaissance and Bombing, the more important task is close support and material transportation for frontline positions.

Including cannonballs, it can also be dropped by air, as long as the cannonballs and seals are delivered separately.

The commander of the six near-ground support aircraft was Major Zhang Heng of the Air Force. When he flew over the Goba Mound, he reconfirmed: "Is the Goba Highland below? Are you sure?"

After the Anzacs made a mistake, the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force has raised their vigilance. They all said that they often walk by the river without getting their shoes wet. The first time they fell into the river was accidentally, but the second time they fell into the river Just stupid.

No one wants to be a fool to be laughed at.

"I'm sure, it must be the Goba Heights below. I've been around here many times—" Gao Ming, the navigator and bombardier, was very sure. He thanked the Air Force for its early investigation of the Garibaldi Peninsula. Gao Ming had long been familiar with the nearby terrain. in the heart.

tom tom tom—

Zhang Heng fired a burst to attract the attention of other near-ground support aircraft, turned his thumb up and gestured downward, and then flew far away to find a suitable position to prepare for the dive.

Other close-to-ground support aircraft followed closely. The Ottoman Empire also had an air force, which was purchased from Nyasaland. However, after the outbreak of World War II, Nyasaland stopped trading with the Ottoman Empire. , has been exhausted in the previous battle with the Southern African Air Force, so don't worry about the issue of air supremacy.

Even if the aircraft of the Ottoman Empire slipped through the net, a small number of aircraft would not pose a threat to the expeditionary air force. There was an escort formation of three fighter jets in the air not far from Zhang Heng's team to prevent the Ottoman Air Force from attacking.

When the near-ground support aircraft carries bombs, its flexibility is greatly affected, and it has no power to fight back against fighter jets.

However, after throwing away the auxiliary fuel tanks and bombs, the flexibility of the near-ground support aircraft is also good, and it can still compete with fighter jets. At that time, the ability of the pilot will be tested.

And the strength of southern African pilots is recognized as the world's number one. This has been confirmed in the Italian-Turkish war. At that time, the southern African pilots who participated in the Italian-Turkish war were still novices who had just obtained their flight licenses and had not passed strict flight training. Training, the pilots of the Expeditionary Force Air Force are all veterans with more than 200 hours of flight training.

When Angie first got her pilot's license, she almost came to North Africa.

After circling twice, Zhang Heng found a suitable position, and the near-ground support plane roared with a huge scream.

"Hold on, hold on—" Gao Ming leaned over the scope to aim, and kept reminding Zhang Heng to keep the fuselage steady.

When the circular position built by the Fifth Group Army on the Goba Heights was covered by the scope, Gao Ming decisively dropped the bomb, dropping a [-]kg aerial bomb and an incendiary bomb at the same time.

There is no need for clever reminders, the fuselage of the near-ground support aircraft, which has lost a lot of weight, suddenly lifted a lot. Zhang Heng tried his best to pull up the nose of the aircraft, and he had to do it twice before all the bombs could be dropped.

But it seems that there is no need to do it again. The power of the 50kg aerial bomb is greater than Zhang Heng and Gao Ming imagined. There are still a lot of shells and bullets piled up in the Fifth Army's position. After the incendiary bomb was thrown down, Goba Heights It became a sea of ​​flames, and the ground was full of little firemen running around with fire all over their bodies.

For those who can't run a few steps, the horror of incendiary bombs is that if there is a solid burning object on the body, unless the piece of meat is cut off, the flame will still not go out even if it jumps into the water.

 I wanted to write a few words



(End of this chapter)

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