Chapter 96 Angry

When mixing cocktails, it is inevitable to use juice, egg white, milk, coffee and other auxiliary materials. At this time, the bartender’s technique is very important. For the same two glasses of Manhattan, the whiskey used is more than 40 degrees, and the vermouth is more than ten When the bartender pours the wine, a little more whiskey, or a little more vermouth, the final alcohol level is completely different.

The cocktails in front of Rock are almost all the type with a little more vermouth.

The cocktail in front of Da Bing was slightly more whiskey.

Don't underestimate this point, little will add up, and in the end it is this point that determines the outcome.

No wonder, Rock felt that the taste was a bit bland just after taking the first sip.

Ordinarily, the bartender recommended by Ada should not have made such a mistake, now it seems——

Be sure to raise your salary later!

Roque couldn't stand the cocktail with special additions. He just drank the third cup, and Roque proposed to change the way of drinking and play a game.

The game in the bar is, of course, darts.

Darts originated in England in the [-]th century. At the end of the [-]th century, Berrien Ganlin invented the scoring system for darts. At the beginning of the [-]th century, darts became a common entertainment item in bars.

Of course, the "common" here refers to common in the UK. In Cape, darts have not yet emerged, and there is no Table Mountain Bar.

Even the largest table mountain bar in Cape Town does not have a game, but the oak bar has it. God, there were tears in the eyes of several soldiers.

This is Cape, where you can see games that can only be found in the UK, and the kind of instant eruption of emotion-like a Chinese living overseas, suddenly discovering that there is a breakfast shop selling tofu nao. (Why do you eat chestnuts? It really is a big foodie empire)


Of course, you can also put sugar——

(Writing this, Yutou suddenly realized that he was old. If it was before, the latter sentence would not be added—in fact, he is not considered old. If he was really old, he would not write the previous sentence.)

The rules of darts are simple and clear. Different areas are marked with different colors on the dartboard. The maximum score is 60 points. Three darts at a time, the full score is 180. It was not until 1902 that someone completed this achievement.

Rock is also a master of darts. In fact, darts are similar to shooting. They all require the tacit cooperation of hands, eyes, and body. Rock's marksmanship is top-notch, and darts are naturally not bad. Ada just brought darts here a few days ago When Rock tried it out, he easily got a full score of 180.

The atmosphere in the bar was lively. After the darts were taken out, the soldiers were all eager to try. The unlucky guys on the ground were carried to the corner by the soldiers so as not to stay in the eyes.

Rock weighed the weight of the dart. He didn't need to aim at all. He seemed to take a T-step casually, and he didn't lean forward like those professional masters. The position of the shot was as close to the target as possible. Holding a wine glass, throwing darts casually——

60 points!

What's rare is that the wine in the glass didn't even shake.

The 60-point area is three times the area of ​​the 20-point area directly above the [-]-point area of ​​the bullseye. The area of ​​the entire area is about two square centimeters. It is difficult to put it on a one-foot-square target plate.

What's more difficult is that if you want to get 180 points, all three darts must stay in the 60-point area, which requires that the landing points of each dart should be evenly distributed, otherwise, even if the first two darts are thrown at 60 points area, there wasn't enough room for the third dart either.

There will definitely not be such a problem here with Rock, the second dart——

A solid 60 points.

The third dart—

The rear wing touched the dart next to it, but it still stayed in the 60-point area.

When seeing the tail of the dart collided, Rock's heart still twitched, and his body tilted unconsciously. Seeing that the dart was still in the 60-point area, Rock let out a sigh of relief.

I didn't expect that the effect would be better. If you don't make any mistakes, then the soldiers will doubt that Rock is God. Now it's better, at least Rock is still a mortal.

But in the eyes of those soldiers, Rock's dart skills are almost miraculous.

"180 points!" A soldier couldn't help sighing, his voice was full of praise and the honor of witnessing it with his own eyes.



"Appear in front of people!" (What the hell is this!)

More exclamations sounded, followed by loud whistles and neat applause.

Rock picked up a glass of wine, casually handed it to a soldier beside him, and then called everyone to raise their glasses at the same time.

A large area of ​​neat "angry".

This time it was all right, all the evidence of the crime disappeared, and from then on, in the Oak Bar, there was a perfect legend of a god of wine and a god of darts.

Back on the rooftop, Ada dragged Rock back to the bedroom. There were really too many emotions to vent, and it would be easy to endocrine disorders if not channeled in time.

The bar downstairs is having a carnival. The soldiers are drinking and playing darts. Occasionally, some people tease the bar girl, but it is only verbal. The atmosphere is really warm.

In fact, the fighting upstairs was more intense.

In the evening, when it was time for the real bar to open, more soldiers flocked to the bar, and off-duty policemen would also come to the bar for a drink. Rock announced in time that during the three-day trial opening period of the bar, all drinks would be given a 2% discount, and one bottle would be bought at a time. A large fruit plate was also given away. The soldiers and policemen were as enthusiastic as they found a big deal. The two bartenders and four bar girls were sweating profusely. The four K[-]s had no place to sit and were squeezed outside the bar as Welcome to the door, fortunately there are no female customers in the Oak Bar, otherwise you must be frightened.

Rock was also sitting at the bar, and ordered a glass of tiger bone wine to fill his inner emptiness. Ada was still asleep, and he probably wouldn't be able to wake up until tomorrow. Tiger bone wine was really good.

It's hard to imagine that Cape has tiger bones!

Rock always thought that there were no tigers in Cape, but this is not surprising, because of the Boer War, there are a lot of weird things in the market in Cape Town. A few days ago, Anton brought a root of ginseng for Rock. The American ginseng produced in the United States and Canada, but the ginseng originally produced in the Northeast of Qing Dynasty.

Although ginseng is good, Rock can't use it. Unlike American ginseng, which nourishes and reduces fire, ginseng can boost Qi and help fire, and its effect is completely opposite. Rock is young and has strong firepower, and he doesn't need the help of ginseng. Tiger bone is good.

Just halfway through a glass of tiger bone wine, a major and two captains walked into the bar, and the voices of the soldiers and police officers suddenly became much quieter.

"You are Locke? Locke from the Cape Town Police Station?" The major had obviously heard of Rock's name.

"Yes, Mr. Major, welcome to the Oak Bar." Rock raised his glass to the Major without being overbearing, "Henry, give our Mr. Major a Manhattan, I treat you."

"You opened this bar?" The major was very curious.

 Add one more, for the brother who has supported Yutou since "Expedition to Europe" in the last chapter "This Chapter Says"——



(End of this chapter)

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