Chapter 98 Optimism

There are more than 50 people, and the oldest is no more than 35 years old. They can still be regarded as young people in the 21st century. In this era, there are already seven or eight children. If you are in a hurry, they can all be grandparents. Therefore, more than 50 people, children It's a bit more than a baby, there are a lot of radish heads, more than 30, no wonder Li De is worried.

Rock is not worried. Too many people is a burden for Li De, but it is capital for Rock. If you only ask for food, it is really not difficult. More than 20.00%. When Rock took over, he didn't know which link went wrong. The supplies allocated by the British were still in accordance with the standard two months ago. The difference between them was enough to feed hundreds of people, a mere 50% Many people, really drizzle.

"Will something go wrong?" Anton was a little worried, but at the same time there was hope in his eyes.

Rock immediately understood that Anton might also have a need in this regard. Who doesn't have three relatives? Anton's family has immigrated to Cape Town, and there must be relatives in the Qing Dynasty. Should they stay in the Qing Dynasty or emigrate? Cape Town, it seems that there is no need to choose.

"It doesn't matter, the vineyard needs workers anyway." Rock is not worried, with Henry sitting in the bureau, Rock has a lot of room to maneuver.

In fact, it doesn't matter. Although the vineyard does need workers, it is actually not cost-effective to hire Chinese compared with those Boers. After all, it only costs a pound of meat to hire those Boers a week, and it is definitely necessary to hire these Chinese. In terms of salary, although these Chinese will not ask for 50 oceans per month, it will definitely cost more than hiring those Boers.

Of course, we can’t worry too much at this time. If Rock doesn’t help and these people don’t have enough food and clothing, it will definitely affect future immigration. Maybe other Chinese policemen’s enthusiasm for their family’s immigration will cool down. This is not worth the candle.

Then leave them all, the adults will go to work in the vineyard, and the children will go to school, but in this way, there will be new problems.

"The schools in the refugee camp use Dutch as the teaching language and English as the teacher, but our children can neither speak Dutch nor English, so they can't even understand the words. What can they learn?" Anton wondered. Worried, he also has two children of school age, this issue is urgent.

Rock didn't expect this question, and scratched his head for a while.

During the period when the Boers colonized Cape, the common language of Cape was Dutch. The British drove away the Boers, and the common language of Cape became English and Dutch coexistence. Chinese children could not speak English or Dutch, so There will definitely be problems in education. Although there are translators in the refugee camps, there are no Chinese translators, so this problem is very serious. At least Rock can't solve it now.

In fact, the most suitable teacher is Rock. He knows English and has received systematic education. Being a teacher is easy.

But it is impossible for Rock to be the king of children. Rock is very busy now and has no time to teach, so he has to think of other ways.

"How about calling Lao Liang back?" Anton proposed a solution.

Although Liang Dingxin's English level is not good enough, Liang Dingxin is the most suitable candidate. It is a pity that Liang Dingxin is currently in the Qing Dynasty and has to find a way to transport people to Cape Town. It is also impossible to become a teacher.

"No, no, there are so many bachelors waiting in the bureau." Rock disagrees, Anton's children will go to school, so Anton can tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall, but Rock wants to focus on the overall situation. Compared with education, now Increasing the population base is more important.

When Rock told this reason, Anton couldn't object. After all, he couldn't feed himself, so he didn't care about his brothers' life or death.

"Then let the women bring them at home first, and let's figure out a way." Anton compromised. To resolve this matter, he still needs to send a telegram to Liang Dingxin. Cape does not have enough talents, and there must be in Qing Dynasty, and other places do not say , Customs has been controlled by the British Hurd for 40 years, and there must be many people who know English.

Then send a telegram to Liang Dingxin. Teachers with translation attributes these days are special talents, and their salary must not be reduced. Rock directly offers a monthly salary of ten pounds. I believe someone will be tempted.


At the end of April, another large number of reinforcements arrived in Cape. The total number of British troops on the Cape battlefield had reached 40. At the beginning of May, the British army re-launched an offensive. On May NO. In the capital Kronstad, the Boer coalition forces retreated to the Transvaal to continue their resistance.

"The war is coming to an end, I think, good news will come from London soon, maybe we will go to London to meet the Queen together, are you ready?" Henry—Superintendent Henry is very excited, the end of the war means It is necessary to reward merits, and Henry held the military exploits of killing the commander-in-chief of the Boer coalition army Joubert, a baron is the minimum.

As for Rock—

Well, Roque didn’t have much hope. Roque wasn’t as optimistic as Henry. The Second Boer War lasted for more than two years. Historically, on September 1900, 9, Roberts, the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, announced the annexation of the United Kingdom. The Transvaal declared that the war was over, but in fact the peace negotiations between the British and the Boers did not end until May 1, which lasted for 1902 months.

"Don't be so optimistic, the Boers won't give in easily." Rock didn't say too much, it's useless to say too much, Henry won't believe it.

40 troops gathered in Cape. Everyone believed that the war would end within a few months. After all, the total population of the Boers was only 44. The Lange Free State was flattened.

The problem is that the hatred between the British and the Boers is too deep. In the Orange Free State, the method adopted by the British army is no different from that used by the Japanese army in the War of Resistance Against Japan. Burn all that can be robbed and snatch all that can be robbed. The Boers will not give in easily. The end of the frontal battle does not mean the end of the war.

"Of course they won't surrender easily, but they have to. The Cape is a part of the British Empire. This is an irrefutable fact." Henry is very sure that it doesn't matter if the Boers don't surrender, just wipe them all out. Army has this ability.

"How are you and Lacey?" Rock didn't want to get entangled in this issue. Henry didn't like to hear too much, and it would affect the relationship between Rock and Henry.

"I have already met General Hopkins. General Hopkins promised that he will not force Lacey to make her own choice." Speaking of Lacey, Henry was very happy, and it seemed that things were going well.

"I really want to congratulate you. I have the opportunity to invite you to dinner." Rock is very confident now. When it comes to cooking, Marvin's skills can kill all the cooks in Cape Town, including the cooks in the Governor's Palace.

 It's still three o'clock today——



(End of this chapter)

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