Chapter 473

Chapter five hundred and sixteen

The emergence of vipers is not over yet.

Suddenly there was another roar of wild beasts.

In the darkness, many scarlet eyes appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of wolves, leopards, tigers and other ferocious beasts sprang out from the darkness, rushed into the Burmese army positions, and bit the Burmese troops.

The living dead, blood mosquitoes, poisonous snakes, and ferocious beasts appeared one after another.

In addition to the huge damage suffered by the Burmese army, it frightened them even more. Burma is a religious country, and the more backward the place, the stronger the belief in gods.

Continuous disasters.

It reminded them of God's punishment.

Only the gods can bring the dead back to life, and make the beasts and poisonous snakes obey their orders. Their will was completely destroyed, and a large number of Burmese soldiers threw down their weapons and fled in a hurry.

At this time, the Allied Army blew the horn of attack, and a large number of allied troops rushed into the Burmese Army's position. The Burmese Army's position, which had been torn open by the living dead, blood mosquitoes, poisonous snakes, and ferocious beasts, could no longer be organized. effective interception.

Like a knife cutting butter, the coalition army pierced through the defensive positions of the Burmese army. The gate of Pagan Town was broken through, and a large number of coalition troops entered the town of Pagan...

Inside Sandu's manor.

As soon as the guns of Zhanluan sounded, Sandu and others were startled.

Zhou Shuanghu ran out to see Sandu and asked, "What happened?"

Sandu said: "The coalition army has attacked the town of Pagan."

"What, are we safe?" Zhou Shuanghu said.

"Don't be nervous. Pagan Town is a place where the Burmese army is heavily stationed. It is safer than Myitkyina. If the United Army could take it here, it would have taken it long ago. How could it have waited until now." The old god Sandu said.

Zhou Shuanghu was relieved when he heard Sandu say this. Sandu is the local snake here. Since he said so, there should be no problem.

Zhou Shuanghu stood for a while, listening to the sound of guns in the distance, suddenly felt something was wrong, looked around quickly and said: "Where are Song Yi and that kid, why didn't they come out?"

Sandu also found it strange. It stands to reason that with such a violent gunfire, no matter how brave they are, it is impossible for them not to come out and ask about the situation.

Sandu said to a guard, "Go and see."

The guard nodded and quickly ran into the villa.

A few minutes later, the guard ran out quickly and said, "Master Sandu, they are gone."

"What?" Sandu was shocked.

Zhou Shuanghu also showed shock and anger: "They ran away?"

Zhou Shuanghu and Sandu hurried to Song Yi's room. When they got inside, they found that Song Yi and Long Xiaoshan were gone, and their bags were also gone.

Zhou Shuanghu said with a gloomy face: "How could they run away, Sandu, didn't you send someone to watch them?"

Sandu looked annoyed: "I have ordered the patrolling personnel to focus on these two rooms, how could they run out."

Sandu's manor is very tightly guarded, surrounded by high-voltage power grids, patrolled by armed guards, and there are several guards guarding the door, and the flies can't fly out. How could two big living people escape? Sandu said angrily: " It is impossible for them to escape, they should still be in the manor, search for me."

Sandu directed his men to search the entire manor, and after searching for a long time, they did not find Long Xiaoshan and Su Wan.

The manor's surveillance did not see them either.

The two of them seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

This made Sandu's face damaged, while Zhou Shuanghu was very angry. He finally dug a hole for Song Yi and Long Xiaoshan, and it seemed to be successful, and the two people ran away.

At this moment, someone rushed into the manor.

It was the manager of a mine, and he yelled: "Master Sandu, it's not good!"

Sandu frowned and said, "What happened, Pengna."

Peng Na said: "I was awakened by the sound of guns and guns just now. I wanted to take a look at the original stone factory. Unexpectedly, when I got there, all the guards fell to the ground, and all the jade in the jade storage room of the original stone factory was stolen. gone."

"What!" Sandu yelled.

The storage room in the original stone factory contains his best emeralds, including several pieces of imperial green, at least worth billions, and is his most precious asset. Now he heard that all the emeralds have been stolen.

Sandu was so angry that he wanted to draw a gun and kill someone.

He rushed to the rough stone factory as quickly as possible.

Seeing only the chaos of the place, all the treasured jadeites were stolen, not even a hair was left, Sandu roared, took a gun, and directly killed several guards.

"Damn, damn, whoever stole my jade, I, Sandu, will skin him!"

Sandu yelled frantically.

His eyes were bloodshot. To him, Song Yi and Long Xiaoshan's escape was just a trivial matter. After all, even if they escaped, at most they hadn't earned the billion and hadn't lost.

And the emerald here was stolen, it was like heartbreaking.

Sandu suddenly thought of something, and rushed down the mine with people, and found Zhou Shuanghu, he said murderously: "Zhou Shuanghu, did the two people you brought steal the jade?"

Zhou Shuanghu said: "How is this possible!"

"How is it impossible? Since those two people can disappear in my manor under the eyes of so many guards, it proves that they are definitely not ordinary people, and only they have the ability to steal my jade. Zhou Shuanghu, are you right? The accomplice deliberately brought the two of them in to confuse me." Sandu growled.

Zhou Shuanghu hurriedly said: "Sandu, my friend, you must have misunderstood me. How could I be with them? If I were with them, how could I set up a scheme against them with you."

"Who knows if you deliberately deceived people? You Chinese people are the most cunning! Zhou Shuanghu, if you don't give me an explanation, I will definitely kill you." Sandu was very angry.

Following Sandu's words, a large number of guards with AK47s surrounded them and pointed guns at Zhou Shuanghu and others.

Zhou Shuanghu's bodyguards immediately surrounded Zhou Shuanghu and pointed their guns at Sandu's men.

But facing so many guns, even if his bodyguards are masters, they can't stop him, and Zhou Shuanghu's face became extremely ugly. He said quickly: "Sandu, you must believe me, I can swear that if I and that Two people conspired to steal your emerald, I will die, please listen to me, the most important thing now is to find them, not for us to fight among ourselves here."

Sandu's face was gloomy, and the fierce light in his eyes kept flickering.

The atmosphere was very tense.

Suddenly Sandu's guards all choked their throats and fell to the ground twitching. A gloomy middle-aged man appeared beside Sandu and said, "Sandu, I believe Mr. Zhou is not the one who stole your emerald, I can testify for him .”

Sandu's face changed, and looking at the middle-aged man, he knew that this man was a head-down master, and he was quite famous in Myanmar.

(End of this chapter)

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