The Little Village's Ultimate Doctor

Chapter 815 Going to save people again

Chapter 815 Going to save people again

Chapter eight hundred and eighty

The surrounding Xujiagou villagers were stunned.

Looking at the screaming Zhu family thugs all over the floor, and those thugs who fled in a hurry.

They are like ghosts.

No one expected that things would develop in such a way. Just now, the brothers of the Zhu family brought a large number of thugs to the door for revenge. Everyone thought that the eldest son-in-law of the Guangtai family was about to suffer.

With the influence of the Zhu family in Hongwu Township.

The eldest son-in-law of the Guangtai family will lose half his life here.

Who would have thought that the result would be so shocking.

The brothers of the Zhu family were lying on the ground in a blink of an eye, and the thugs of the Zhu family were also wounded, and they fled, but they were settled in a blink of an eye.

Unexpectedly, the eldest son-in-law of the Guangtai family, looking white and tender, was very young, and he was also kind and polite to them just now.

Under the harmless appearance of humans and animals, there is such a ruthless person.

Those thugs were bleeding and screaming.

The villagers in Xujiagou were terrified, and they looked at Long Xiaoshan from a distance, showing a trace of fear.

Chuntao's mother was an honest peasant woman, and when she saw the blood, she almost fainted from fright.

Fortunately, the sisters of the Xu family quickly helped their mother into the house.

Long Xiaoshan was very measured in his shots. These people outside looked miserable, but they only had broken tendons in their limbs and were unable to move, so no one would be killed.

So I followed into the house.

"Mom, I scared you." Seeing that Chuntao's mother's face turned pale, Long Xiaoshan hurried up to hold her hand, and injected a burst of true energy.

Chuntao's mother trembled, and there was a trace of fear in Long Xiaoshan's grasping hands, but the infusion of true energy made her feel much more comfortable.

She tremblingly said: "Xiao, Xiaoshan, why are you attacking so hard? Will something happen to those people?"

She has lived in the country all her life, and she has the usual timidity of country people. She has never blushed with anyone, let alone fought like Long Xiaoshan.

Long Xiaoshan comforted: "Mom, I'm sorry, just now they wanted to hit Chuntao's attention, but I couldn't control it for a while, don't worry, it's fine, let me handle it."

Long Xiaoshan also found a problem. He was used to the decisive killing of the Yinmen, so he was more serious in his strikes.

Today, this is still his hand, but it is also a major injury case for the secular world.

Although with his status as a master, the official will definitely not pursue him for such a trivial matter.

But after all, it is in the secular world, so we still have to pay attention to the influence. It is best to use the secular rules to deal with secular problems, not the same as in Yinmen.

Otherwise, if everyone in the hidden door behaves like this, there will be chaos in the secular world.

This is also the meaning of the existence of the Special Branch.

He comforted the mother-in-law a few words, and used another trick to make her fall asleep. He helped get her onto the bed, and said to Sister Chuntao, "Let mom sleep for a while, and I'll go and get our dad out."

Xu Chunni now also knows that Long Xiaoshan is not an ordinary person.

How can ordinary people have this ability, facing dozens of people is like chopping melons and vegetables.

But after all, she didn't know Long Xiaoshan's true identity, so she gritted her teeth and said, "You should think about yourself first, you hurt so many people, even if it was self-defense, the police will arrest you, you should run now , what does it matter to go for a walk."

"Chun Nier, why do you always have so little confidence in your brother-in-law." Long Xiaoshan laughed.

"I'm not in the mood to joke with you now, sister, why don't you talk, you can persuade him." Xu Chunni pulled Chuntao's sleeve.

Chun Tao smiled softly: "It's okay, Chun Nier, just let your brother-in-law take care of it."


Xu Chunni was speechless, and her sister was also confused.

This is a serious injury, especially Zhu Dafu, who has been stabbed so many times, if he dies, it will be murder.

This is to be shot.

Long Xiaoshan said: "Taozi, you take care of mom at home first, Chun Nier and I will go rescue dad, she knows the village better."

"En." Chuntao said softly, "Be careful."

Long Xiaoshan smiled slightly, turned his head and said to Xu Chunni: "Chunnier, let's go."

"You... hey!"

What else did Xu Chunni want to say, she pulled Long Xiaoshan out.

Walking out the door, Long Xiaoshan looked at the injured people all over the ground, and he waved to the villagers in Xujiagou in the distance: "Come here."

Seeing that the villagers not only didn't come, but also retreated, Long Xiaoshan had no choice but to come up with the simplest and most effective method. He took out the money...

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

Long Xiaoshan gave each person 10,000 yuan to help them, and the villagers suddenly didn't know what it meant to be scared. [-] yuan was enough for them to be busy for a year, let alone just carrying a few disabled people who could not move.

A large group of villagers rushed forward and carried all these people to the village committee. Long Xiaoshan took out some hemostatic powder and ordered them to bandage these people briefly and take care of them.

Then, holding Zhu Dafu in one hand, he brought Xu Chunni to the grain drying field.

Zhu Dafu has passed out.

Long Xiaoshan patted Zhu Dafu awake, and when Zhu Dafu woke up, he shivered immediately when he saw Long Xiaoshan. Long Xiaoshan said straight to the point: "Zhu Dafu, Xu Guangtai stole the money from the battlefield, it was your plan."

Zhu Dafu's eyes flickered and said, "I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Okay, you're still talking hard to me now." Long Xiaoshan tapped Zhu Dafu twice.

Zhu Dafu suddenly felt that tens of thousands of ants were crawling all over his body, even his internal organs were crawling, but his joints were damaged by Long Xiaoshan, and he couldn't even struggle, and Long Xiaoshan touched his dumb point , so that he couldn't scream, and he succumbed within a few minutes.

Long Xiaoshan unlocked his acupoints, Zhu Dafu looked at Long Xiaoshan in fear, just for a while, he was covered in sweat and his clothes were soaked, that feeling was worse than death.

He said: "I admit it, I admit it, yes, I set up a trap, deliberately asked Xu Guangtai to carry the money bag alone, and then photographed it with surveillance cameras, and then framed him, I just wanted to force Xu Chunni to marry give me."

"You bastard." Xu Chunni slapped Zhu Dafu on the face.

"Where is Xu Guangtai detained?" Long Xiaoshan said in a deep voice.

"He is currently locked up in the Hongwu Township Police Station," Zhu Dafu said.

Long Xiaoshan threw Zhu Dafu into the back box of the Raptor pickup.

Dial the phone number of the special branch.

(End of this chapter)

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