The Little Village's Ultimate Doctor

Chapter 818 One night in a mountain village

Chapter 818

Chapter eight hundred and seventy-eight

Standing by the side, Long Xiaoshan watched Chuntao's family embrace the pain, and did not disturb them.

Chuntao has been away from home for four years.

I can finally see my family today, and the family is reunited together, so it's time for them to vent.

He put his hand on Chuntao's shoulder and stood silently for a while.

After a few minutes, Xu Guangtai wiped away his tears, and quickly said: "Old woman, don't cry, once Xiao Shantou comes to the door today, don't let the son-in-law see the joke."

Mother Xu also quickly wiped her face, stood up and held Long Xiaoshan's hand and said, "Xiaoshan, this time is really thanks to you. I don't know how to thank you for your great kindness to our family."

"Mom, we're all a family now, what kind of favor is it? You say no." Long Xiaoshan said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, Chuntao was able to find such a good man as you. It's a blessing she has cultivated in her lifetime." Xu's mother looked at Long Xiaoshan now, feeling that the mother-in-law liked her son-in-law more and more the more she looked at her.

"Haha, Mom, you've got it wrong. It's me who found such a good wife as Chuntao. It's a blessing I have cultivated in several lifetimes." Long Xiaoshan took Chuntao into his arms, Chuntao's face was bright red, and she looked up at her man. , The happiness on that face can't be concealed no matter what.

Seeing Long Xiaoshan love his daughter so much, Xu Guangtai and his wife also sighed very much.

It's not that there are no daughters in the village who marry into families with better conditions, but those families are at most county residents with a little money, and like this, every time those son-in-laws come to the door, their tails are already turned upside down, and the entire Yue family has to curry favor.

To be honest, those people were far behind Long Xiaoshan, but Long Xiaoshan never showed a superior attitude.

Just this, let the couple be satisfied with this son-in-law and have nothing to say.

"Dad, Mom, Dad has just been released from prison today, and Chuntao is returning to her mother's house for the first time. Double happiness is coming, so I might as well have a dust-cleaning banquet. The New Year's goods I brought are enough. Call everyone in the village and set up a running water banquet." Come out and have a meal." Long Xiaoshan suggested.

Xu Guangtai and his wife took a look. Although they felt sorry for their new year's goods, Long Xiaoshan brought too much. They couldn't eat them, and they would rot if they had no place to store them.

Moreover, this is also a very face-to-face matter. My son-in-law is so capable that he invites the whole village to dinner. He has a long face in the countryside. Xu Guangtai nodded and said, "Xiao Shan, I'm all under your arrangement."

Long Xiaoshan said: "Okay, parents, you all rest, let us juniors take care of you today, Chuntao Chunni, come with me."

Long Xiaoshan took Chuntao and Chunni sisters out.

At this time, many people at the door had not dispersed.

Long Xiaoshan called them to stop directly, and talked about the running water banquet.

When the villagers heard that the Xu family's eldest son-in-law was going to host a flowing banquet for the whole village to eat, they were of course very happy.

Originally, because Xu Chunni was going to be engaged to Zhu Dafu today, I prepared a few tables and other things, but now the marriage is naturally not booked, but the things are still reserved, just add tables and vegetables.

Everyone knows that the eldest son-in-law of the Xu family is a well-known person.

And it's a matter of eating and drinking for free.

When Long Xiaoshan called out, those three aunts, six wives, seven aunts and eight aunts all started to move.

There are also many people who go to the village to call people.

Soon the entire Xujiagou people were alarmed, and people from every household came to the door, helping out, watching the excitement.

In the entire village of Xujiagou, including those who came back to pay New Year's greetings during the Chinese New Year, there are about two hundred people.

I definitely couldn't fit it at home, and the countryside is not so particular. The neighbors moved another dozen tables and placed them all the way from the door.

After working for several hours, the banquet was finally almost ready.

Long Xiaoshan invited Xu Guangtai and his wife out and announced the opening of the banquet.

The chickens, ducks, cattle, sheep, melons and vegetables brought by Long Xiaoshan are all health products produced by his own farm. They contain aura and do not need to be cooked. Even if they are boiled, they are very delicious.

It is rare for them to see meat, and they are only willing to eat some pork even during Chinese New Year. How come they have eaten Long Xiaoshan, a health-preserving food that only dignitaries can afford.

I can't wait to lick the plate all over again.

And after eating, each of them has a feeling of heat flow and energy.

The noisy running water banquet lasted until eight or nine o'clock in the evening. Xu Guangtai was drunk, not to mention how happy he was. It felt like he had never been so proud for so many years.

Although Long Xiaoshan never refused to come, I don't know how many people came to toast, but it was very difficult for him to get drunk, if Chuntao's heartache stopped him, he could continue to drink.

On the willow twigs on the moon, the banquet ends.

Xu's mother helped Xu Guangtai, who was very drunk, to rest.

Two sisters, Long Xiaoshan and Chuntao Chunni, were left behind.

The conditions in the countryside are harsh, and if you want to take a bath, you have to boil water and pour it into a wooden barrel. Long Xiaoshan is now at the sixth level of entraining air, and his body is clean inside and out. Even after a busy day, his body will not be dirty.

Simply did not wash.

But when they were looking for a room to sleep, they discovered a problem. The Xu family was too poor, and there were only two rooms, one for Xu Guangtai and his wife, and one for Sister Chuntao.

Long Xiaoshan scratched his head and said, "I'll meditate outside all night."

"How can this be done? You sleep in it. Anyway, there are two small beds. You sleep in one, and Chun Nier and I sleep in one." Chun Tao said.

Long Xiaoshan looked at Xu Chunni, Xu Chunni blushed and said, "That's it, if you sit outside all night, my dad won't beat me to death tomorrow."

Seeing that Xu Chunni didn't object, Long Xiaoshan didn't get entangled anymore.

When the village was poor, everyone in the family could wear a pair of trousers.

After a busy day, the two sisters also drank and felt a little sleepy. When they entered the room, Long Xiaoshan fell asleep on the small bed next to the door, and Chuntao Chunni slept on the one inside.

The two sisters soon fell asleep.

Long Xiaoshan was awake.

He drank a lot of wine and ate a lot of health-preserving vegetables. In addition, he was physically strong and full of energy. He couldn't fall asleep at all, so he just sat on the bed and meditated.

Before I knew it, it was late at night.

But soon, Long Xiaoshan couldn't calm down, the sound of creaking bed boards came from the next door, and he didn't even need to look with his eyes to know what happened.

This village is full of dilapidated houses, and every household is close to each other. In the dead of night, Long Xiaoshan has extraordinary hearing ability.

Totally audible a lot of bubbling.

He smiled wryly and touched his nose.

Now that he thinks about it, he probably gave the villagers too many health-preserving products. The things produced on his farm have a strong food tonic effect. These villagers have never eaten them before, and they suddenly ate so much. Immediately produced a strong effect.

So they all started venting.

(End of this chapter)

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