Chapter 827

Chapter [-]

After Long Xiaoshan came out of the park, he found a hotel in Bayu City to stay. Now it was dark, and he had to change trains to go to Yaowang Valley.

It is said that there is one of the largest medical material trading markets in Southwest China.

Long Xiaoshan directly asked for a presidential suite in a five-star hotel.

Although going out has the meaning of experiencing and taking the green leather train, there is no need to be harsh on yourself when you sleep, and Long Xiaoshan has no intention of abusing himself.

With his current worth, living in the presidential suite is not a luxury.

After entering the room, I took a shower.

Long Xiaoshan sat cross-legged on the bed, and took out the black bag in his pocket.

This is what the skinny thief stole from the stinky mask girl on the train. Although the mask girl had a bad temper and seemed to feel good about herself, she misunderstood that he was approaching her on purpose.

Long Xiaoshan didn't intend to ignore this thing either.

But at that time, he felt a special scorching heat, and then scanned it with his eyes.

Long Xiaoshan changed his mind.

This thing should be useful to him too.

Long Xiaoshan took out a jade box from the black bag. This jade box was not ordinary. There were many spell-like things on it, and there was a trace of aura fluctuations, which was obviously blessed by an expert.

It's a sealed spell.

However, this spell is only for sealing the contents inside, and it has no effect on ordinary people. Long Xiaoshan opened the box directly, boom!

A wave of scorching air surged in, and the temperature in the room suddenly rose to an unbearable level for ordinary people.

Even the wool on the blanket was browning and curling.

If it is an ordinary person, it may be burned within seconds.

In the center of the box is a red stone that emits a blazing light. This red stone, like a red-hot iron, exudes intense heat. Long Xiaoshan doesn't care about the scorching heat at all.

He stretched out his hand and pinched the stone directly, his face changed slightly, a ray of golden light appeared on his fingers, as if his fingers were covered with gold powder.

The heat of this stone is even beyond his imagination.

Forcing him to use the golden body.

Only then could he resist the scorching heat.

Long Xiaoshan flipped through his mind, and he found the memory of this thing from the memories of the Blood Buddha and Tang Honghu who had been devoured by him.

This thing is called the Earth Fire Essence Stone in the memory of the Blood Buddha.

In Tang Honghu's memory, it was called Jingyan.

The two should refer to the same thing, but Blood Buddha has a clearer understanding and memory of this thing, because Blood Buddha is a craftsman, and also proficient in alchemy, and he is also a Taoist real person.

Tang Honghu is just a master, he only knows that this thing is very precious, it is used by alchemists, and it is not very useful to warriors.

In the inheritance of the Blood Buddha.

Earthfire Essence Stone generally only has a very small chance of being born in extremely hot places, such as the depths of volcanic lava.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to obtain the Earth Fire Essence Stone.

Because in that environment, it is difficult for ordinary people to take it out even if they know it.

Only those who have reached the level of a master, who have a body protected by stellar qi, or are super-powerful masters of cross-training can forcefully go deep into that kind of place.

Of course, it's easier for a healer. If there are some water magic weapons, they can use them to enter.

But even so, the Earthfire Essence Stone is still a good treasure.

This Earth Fire Essence Stone can forge a trace of Earth Flame Essence Fire.

The temperature of this kind of flame is far higher than that of ordinary flames, and it is far inferior to real fire. The lethality of this thing is only second. The magic weapon has higher requirements on the flame.

Ordinary flames are difficult to meet the refining needs of panacea.

So Long Xiaoshan directly took the fine fire.

Having practiced to his level, he knows that opportunities are rare.

How can you be constrained by mere morality.

This thing was extremely important to him, so he naturally had no reason to let it go. As for the woman, she didn't even know it was stolen from her backpack, so she didn't know the value of this thing at all.

When I meet her, I will give her some compensation.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the Earth Fire Essence Stone is just a murderous thing, but in his hands it can become the ultimate treasure for refining magic tools.

Long Xiaoshan popped out a few pieces of jade talismans, and white mist billowed immediately, flooding the entire room.

He sat in the formation, and when he pressed his fingers hard, the stone split in two, and a dazzling sun-like light burst out, and the flames were billowing. If Long Xiaoshan hadn't set up the formation in advance, the gushing golden flame would have In an instant, everything in the room will be reduced to ashes.

Even so, the white mist in the room was also burned to the point of crackling.

If you let this golden flame continue to wreak havoc.

Long Xiaoshan's short-lived formation can't last long.


Long Xiaoshan let out a deep drink, and suddenly opened his eyebrows and sky eyes.

A golden phantom stepped out, and the huge mental power enveloped the billowing golden flame.

This ground flame fine fire is already a kind of spiritual flame.

Although it is only the lowest level of spiritual flame, it has also broken away from the category of ordinary flames, giving birth to a trace of spirituality. Only by refining and taming it with powerful spiritual power can it be made into one's own.

In the inheritance of the Blood Buddha, there is a way to refine the ground flame and fine fire.

Long Xiaoshan's divine body is extremely powerful, and his divine power is stronger than ordinary spiritual power.

He kept chanting the mantra.

The two hands are also constantly changing, and various fingering techniques are displayed by him...

Red light flashed continuously in the white mist.

The night passed.

The white mist still hasn't dissipated.

But the flickering red light gradually subsided. In the center of the white mist formation, Long Xiaoshan sat there with a red fruit plate, with one hand erected in front of his chest and the other stretched forward. A ball of golden flames floated in his palm.

Sometimes it turns into a golden fire crow flying and hovering, and sometimes it turns back into a ball of flame.

Constantly changing.

Long Xiaoshan moved his mind, the golden fire crow screamed strangely, hovered in the void for a while, dragging a long flame tail, the surrounding white mist was instantly swallowed by the flames, bang bang!

The formation jade plaques around were reduced to ashes, revealing the original appearance of the presidential suite again.

But the fire crow was suspended in the air, and the room was no longer as unbearably hot as before, as if it was normal.

Long Xiaoshan smiled lightly, and the ground flames were refined.

According to the inheritance of the Blood Buddha, the truly refined Earth Flame Essence Fire is like a magic weapon, which can be sent and received at will. If you don't let it leak a little heat, it will not pose any threat. If you let it erupt, it will erupt like a volcano.

Just now, the fine fire burned down the formation, but did not destroy the room.

Obviously, this is a sign of the great refinement of the refined fire. Long Xiaoshan made a light move, and the golden fire crow landed on his wrist, turning into a mark of the fire crow, like a tattoo.

Long Xiaoshan took out a new set of clothes from the interspatial ring, and changed into a new set of clothes, which was burned during refining last night.

After getting dressed, Long Xiaoshan left the room.

It's time to go to Ancient Medicine Town.

(End of this chapter)

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