Chapter 837

Chapter nine hundred and ten

There is a saying in the Yinmen, the master Shenlong, within ten steps, life and death are up to me.

Long Xiaoshan's strength is even worse than that of ordinary grandmasters.

What's more, he is now fighting with the incarnation of the swallowing silkworm.

The body of an ancient prehistoric alien species.

How powerful.

In almost a tenth of the blink of an eye, he had already rushed into the group of elders in Yaowang Valley, with five fingers spread out, he went straight to grab Qiu Tianduo's head.

Qiu Tianduo saw Long Xiaoshan coming straight towards him.

Shouted in horror.

Desperately urging the body protection magic weapon.

Several light circles appeared around him.

Long Xiaoshan spread his five fingers, piercing into layers of light circles like the sharp claws of a goshawk, poof!

The rings of light seemed to be thrown into the surface of a lake of stones, causing violent ripples and fluctuations.

After a violent tremor.

The layers of light circles burst like bubbles under the scorching sun.

Under Qiu Tianduo's frightened eyes, Long Xiaoshan wrapped his five fingers around his neck fiercely, and lifted him up like a goshawk catching a chicken. In Long Xiaoshan's hands, he couldn't even make a round.

This is still in the group of elders in Yaowang Valley, it is like a fierce general in ancient times, taking the head of a general among ten thousand armies.

As long as Long Xiaoshan is willing, the grab just now can completely crush Qiu Tianduo's head.

But he didn't kill Chou Tianduo.

He just grabbed him and turned to face the murderous elders of Yaowanggu.

Seeing his elders being arrested by Long Xiaoshan, the owner of Yaowang Valley changed his face and said, "Stop, what are you trying to do, let go of Elder Qiu."

Long Xiaoshan chuckled: "Of course you can let him go, but after my account is settled, is it possible that I, Long Xiaoshan, was slandered and besieged by this Elder Qiu, so can I be exposed so easily?"

The owner of Yaowanggu's chest was heaving, watching Qiu Tianduo being caught by Long Xiaoshan, his face flushed, and his limbs kept dancing like a hanging frog, he completely humiliated Yaowanggu.

He winked at both sides, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Then what do you want? Elder Qiu did something bad, I can apologize on his behalf and resolve the conflict."

Long Xiaoshan said indifferently: "Well, I'm not the one who won't let go of my braids. It's better to get rid of enemies than to end them. As long as you meet my conditions, I can let him go and leave Yaowang Valley."

The owner of Yaowang Valley said calmly: "What conditions do you have?"

"It's very simple. Isn't your Medicine King's Valley a big school of refining medicine? I heard that your Medicine King's Valley has a lot of treasures, and it is said that there are more than 500 years of rare elixir. Bring me a few plants, and then put them in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Open it to me for a day, let me go in and browse, and the festival between us will be over." Long Xiaoshan said in a normal tone.

I go!

When all the people in Medicine King Valley heard it, they almost scolded their mothers.

The owner of the Medicine King Valley also keeps twitching cheeks, 500 years worth of medicinal materials, do you think it is a Chinese cabbage?A few more plants.

The medicinal materials have been used for 500 years, which can be regarded as a semi-elixir.

Even in the Valley of the Medicine King, it belongs to the treasure of the valley.

He, the valley owner, is not qualified to touch him.

Long Xiaoshan dared to open his mouth like a lion, and took away 500 years of elixir from Yaowang Valley. Not to mention, opening the Buddhist scriptures pavilion to him would be tantamount to exposing all the secrets of Yaowang Valley to Long Xiaoshan.

Those precious prescriptions and materials are all the absolute secrets of Yaowang Valley, some of which even he can't read, and they are open to Long Xiaoshan, an outsider.

He, the owner of the valley, is not so courageous.

Therefore, the owner of Medicine King Valley said decisively: "Impossible, we don't have 500 years of panacea in Medicine King Valley, let alone open the Buddhist scriptures pavilion. It is an important place to suppress the valley, and outsiders are absolutely not allowed to enter."

"So, you are not agreeing." Long Xiaoshan said.

"It's not that you don't agree. Moreover, Master Long, you are too strong. Besides, Elder Qiu was also deceived by the Tang family. I believe he dare not be rude to a master."

"Ha ha……"

Long Xiaoshan sneered disdainfully: "Is it really a misunderstanding? Then I'll let the old boy tell it himself."

After all, two clusters of golden flames jumped out of Long Xiaoshan's eyes, the flames swept across and rushed out of Long Xiaoshan's eye sockets, and the intense golden light shot into Qiu Tianduo's eyes.

Qiu Tianduo was almost suffocated by Long Xiaoshan, dazed, and unconscious, but now he was rushed by Long Xiaoshan's powerful mental power, and his mind was immediately controlled.

Long Xiaoshan let him go, and asked: "Chou Tianduo, tell me, is it your intention to besiege me in the Tang family?"

Qiu Tianduo's eyes were stiff, and he said stupidly: "Yes, I have verified the efficacy of the Xiaopei Qi Pill, and I am amazed that as long as I have this pill in my hand, it will definitely make the Medicine King Valley soar into the sky, so I immediately I contacted the owner of the valley, and he wanted me to do whatever it takes to win this elixir, so that I would join hands with the Tang family to launch an attack, deliberately saying that this elixir was stolen from our Medicine King Valley, and wanted to catch you in the Medicine King Valley, not only You can get the Xiaopei Qi Pill formula, and you can get all the elixir inheritance in your body. Later, because the master is powerful, the owner of the valley can only avoid the edge temporarily, but the owner of the valley has already contacted several old masters. Soon... ..."

"Shut up!"

The owner of Yaowang Valley's face became more and more ugly as he heard it.

This Chou Tianduo had lost his mind and went insane.

He actually revealed all his plans.

Let him go on talking, Medicine King Valley will be completely ashamed, this is the outside valley of Medicine King Valley, there are many outsiders who seek medicine, if it is really spread, the reputation of Medicine King Valley will plummet.

Seeing that Chou Tianduo didn't respond to him.

The owner of Medicine King Valley's face turned cold, murderous intent surged, and he shouted: "Do it!"

The elders of Yaowang Valley, who had already secretly mobilized their true energy, immediately launched an attack. For a moment, the light of countless spells flooded the entire valley. To become an elder of Yinding in Yaowang Valley, one must be a fourth-order spirit. The cultivation base above the teacher.

At this time, almost all the elders of Yaowang Valley were present.

There are as many as twenty or thirty people.

So many spiritual masters work together.

Dozens of spells covered the sky and covered the earth. All kinds of spells, talismans, and magic tools, carrying the momentum of thunder, enveloped the place where Long Xiaoshan was standing. Its power was like dozens of grenades exploding together.

Let alone a mortal body.

Even the real Man of Steel will be blown to pieces.

This is the power of magic.

It uses the power of heaven and earth.

Especially terrifying.

At this time, not only Long Xiaoshan, but also Qiu Tianduo was shrouded. Under the shock of the powerful power of the spell, Qiu Tianduo woke up and saw the light of countless spells above his head.

His face was full of despair.

Although Long Xiaoshan controlled his mind just now, but the memory is still there, he knows that he said everything he shouldn't have said.

Obviously, the owner of the valley has abandoned him.

He and Long Xiaoshan should be silenced together.

(End of this chapter)

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