The Little Village's Ultimate Doctor

Chapter 851 3 Grandmasters

Chapter 851 The Three Grandmasters

Chapter 24

Originally, Long Xiaoshan planned to use the mid-grade Qi Pei Pill to break through the Great Spirit Master, and then use the semi-elixir to make alchemy.

However, the three mid-grade Qi Pei Pills are all used up now.

He also has no sympathy between heaven and man, let alone break through to the realm of a great spiritual master.

Although he still has more than [-] low-grade Qi Pei Pills on him now.

But Long Xiaoshan didn't dare to continue taking medicine.

The mid-grade Peiqi Pill didn't let him break through, let alone the low-grade one.

Quantity can make up for quality to a certain extent, but swallowing a large amount of elixir will cause harm. It is three-point poisonous, and low-grade elixir contains more impurities than middle-grade elixir.

Once he uses a large number of low-grade spirit pills to forcefully break through the realm, it is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst.

Hidden dangers were laid for his future cultivation.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Long Xiaoshan to use a low-grade panacea.

Now I can only use that semi-elixir, and see if I can use this semi-elixir to refine a more advanced Qi-Cultivating Pill.

Long Xiaoshan took out the excellent 500-year-old Tianshan snow lotus.

Success or failure is here.

He only has such a half-elixir at hand now, once he fails, he will have no possibility to try again, and he will not be able to break through the Great Spiritualist in a short time.

But Long Xiaoshan did not hesitate.

He is decisive.

Once the decision is made, he will not look forward and backward, open the alchemy furnace, and Long Xiaoshan directly throws the half-elixir into it...

at the same time.

Outside the Valley of the Medicine King, three uninvited guests came.

These three people are two men and one woman, and they are all in their sixties. They look ordinary like ordinary people, but the occasional flashes of light in their eyes are like lightning.

And such three old people appeared in the depths of this dangerous wild jungle.

It is also a strange thing in itself.

"Hey, why is the mountain gate of Yaowang Valley revealed?" One of the old men in white long clothes was surprised at the entrance of the valley hidden in the dense forest.

"Amitabha, Yaowang Valley is guarded by a large array of guards, and the gate of the mountain is usually invisible, but now the array is opened. Could it be that something happened?" A body looked extremely thin, but he held a thick iron rod in his hand. The old monk also had a strange look on his face.

"Whatever it is, madman Wu, hurry up and contact Zuo Guzhu and tell us we're here." The old woman wearing embroidered shoes on the other side said sinisterly.

The old man in long clothes nodded slightly, took out a talisman, and threw it out.

The talisman turned into a stream of light and sank into the valley.

Moments later.

More than a dozen people were swept out of the valley.

The leader is Zuo Tianchan, the owner of Medicine King Valley.

Seeing the three of them, Zuo Tianchan clasped his fists from afar and said, "Welcome the three masters to the Valley of the Medicine King."

"Left Valley Master!"

"Old left!"

All three of them returned their gifts politely. Although the owner of the Medicine King Valley is only a sixth-level spiritual master, it is reasonable to say that his strength should be lower than them. revered.

Therefore, they treated the owner of Medicine King Valley as equals.

The three of them have connections with Yaowanggu, and this is not the first time they have met.

After meeting, Zuo Tianchan said a few words of greeting, "Three Grandmasters, don't stand here anymore, please come inside."

The three shook their heads slightly, and followed Zuo Tianchan to the Valley of the Medicine King.

"Master Zuo, why did you open your mountain protection formation? I remember that Yaowang Valley has not opened a large formation for many years." The lean old monk asked.

Zuo Tianchan showed a wry smile: "Go in and talk, you will know later."

The three of them glanced at each other, none of them knew what kind of medicine was sold in Zuo Tianchan's gourd.

Entering the valley, the sight in front of them surprised the three of them.

The long-clothed old man stared and said: "What's going on? What happened to the Medicine King's Valley, and why it was so severely damaged."

They saw desolation in front of their eyes, as if a twelfth-level tornado had passed through, with potholes all over the ground, and signs of burning. It was completely different from their impression of the Yaowang Valley, which was like a paradise with birds singing and flowers fragrance.

"Of course it was man-made." Zuo Tianchan said bitterly.

"What? In this southwest border, who dares to touch the Valley of the Medicine King, could it be that the hidden sect from the Zhongzhou side has invaded." The skinny monk said in surprise.

Medicine King Valley is a sect of refining medicine, the general hidden sect who would provoke them, pills are the most important resource for practitioners, many people would rather offend the master than provoke the alchemist.

Zuo Tianchan paused, and uttered three words: "Long Xiaoshan."

The expressions of the three were fixed.

Moments later, the three of them spoke almost at the same time: "You're talking about that Long Xiaoshan in Xichuan."

"It's him, is there a second Dragon Hill in the southwest?" Zuo Tianchan said.

"He dared to touch your Medicine King Valley."

"Did this son eat the bear's heart and leopard's gall?"

"So brave, where is he? I'm going to meet him now, I really think he's invincible."

The three of them spoke coldly.

They are the three masters that the owner of Medicine King Valley had contacted before. Long Xiaoshan rose from a humble root, soared to the sky, killed Tang Honghu, and was on the top ten of the dragon list. Know.

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

At the age of a weak crown in Longxiaoshan District, he trampled under the feet of many masters of the Yinmen who had been famous for decades. With the brave and ruthless personality of the people in the Yinmen, there are many people who are not convinced.

Even though he killed Tang Honghu.

But Tang Honghu was very old, and many people said that he was poisoned, so Long Xiaoshan could not conquer the world in that battle.

Coupled with the matchmaking contact of the owner of Medicine King Valley.

The three hit it off and wanted to ask Shanglong Xiaoshan for advice.

But they came a few days late, and when they came, Long Xiaoshan had already broken through the Valley of the Medicine Kings, killed the Supreme Elder of the Valley of the Medicine Kings, and subdued the entire Valley of the Medicine Kings.

"Shh, the three masters speak carefully, carefully, be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth and enters the ears of Long Tianren." The owner of the Medicine King Valley said repeatedly.

Hearing the words of the owner of Medicine King Valley, all three of them showed displeasure.

"Old Zuo, what do you mean? Why are you still speaking for that kid?"

"Amitabha, Master Zuo, this kid has destroyed your Medicine King Valley so badly, could it be that he scared you out of your wits?"

"That's right, what kind of dragon and heavenly man, how dare a young boy call himself a heavenly man." The old woman said sharply.

The Valley Master of the Medicine King Valley said hastily: "Keep your voice down, Long Tianren is still in our Medicine King Valley. You should leave first, lest Long Tianren come out and be angry with you."

"Your ancestor, Zuo Tianchan, your brain is broken, you actually let us go, I want to see how that shit surnamed Long got angry with me." The long-haired old man screamed suddenly .

His surname is Wu, and he is the Supreme Elder of the Northwest Wu family. Because of his violent temper and obsession with martial arts, he is called "Wu Crazy" in Yinmen.

At first, for the sake of Medicine King Valley, he could endure a few times, but the words of the owner of Medicine King Valley completely angered him.

(End of this chapter)

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