Chapter 857 Breakthrough

Chapter [-]

Whoa, whoa!

A large amount of medicinal power was swallowed by the vortex of true qi, and flooded into Long Xiaoshan's dantian like a tide, and then transformed into the true qi of the longevity formula under the operation of the longevity formula.

Long Xiaoshan's dantian has already reached its limit.

However, the vortex of true qi is still devouring continuously, and the technique of longevity formula also keeps compressing those true qi.

It made the color of the True Qi vortex become deeper and deeper.

The zhenqi of the formula of longevity has changed from a gas to a thick mist.

Moreover, the closer to the core of the true qi vortex, the higher the concentration of true qi.

A large amount of dense fog gathered together.

Condensed zhenqi rain cloud.

The top-grade Peiqi pill is indeed a top-grade panacea, and the medicinal power it contains is vast, and the medicinal power contained in one top-grade Peiqi pill is far better than the three middle-grade Peiqi pills he swallowed before.

No matter how Long Xiaoshan's true energy vortex absorbs it, the medicinal power seems to be endless.

It took a full quarter of an hour to refine.

At this time, the dense fog of the true qi vortex had reached its limit.

At the core of the vortex, the more and more zhenqi finally changed from quantitative to qualitative.

A milky white drop-shaped true energy condensed out.

Perhaps it is more accurate to describe it with real yuan.

Because after the zhenqi is liquefied, it becomes the real essence.

When that drop of true essence appeared.

Long Xiaoshan's eyebrows trembled.

A strong sense of heaven and earth surged from the dark and connected with his mind, allowing Long Xiaoshan's soul to merge with the boundless heaven and earth.

Long Xiaoshan was in a state of turmoil.

finally come!

Heavenly sympathy!

This is a sign of a breakthrough.

Previously, every time he broke through the small realm, he would have this sympathetic reaction between heaven and man.

So, he is very clear.

What's more, this time the sympathy between heaven and man came particularly strong, far surpassing every breakthrough he had made before.

Long Xiaoshan felt a little excited.

He spent three middle-grade Qi Qi Pills and one top-grade Qi Qi Pill, and finally lived up to his expectations, making him sense the signs of a breakthrough.

The feeling of sympathy between heaven and man became stronger and stronger. In the void, a large amount of heaven and earth vitality set off bursts of storms, and the tide of heaven and earth vitality surged towards Long Xiaoshan.

Right now.

From the direction of the entrance of the formation, there was a violent roar.

The powerful shock even rushed into the forbidden area.

Let the ground tremble violently.

The surrounding formations.

Along with the violent roar, there were bursts of cracking sounds.

Looking up, Long Xiaoshan saw that the jade plaques of the formations were dim and broken, and after so long, the formations finally couldn't withstand the onslaught of the three great masters and were about to be broken.

There were bursts of screams from the fire crow, trying to stop it, but it was powerless.

Although it is a spiritual fire, it is only a low-level spiritual fire after all, so how can it compete with the three great masters.

Looking at the formation that was turbulent and could be broken at any time.

Long Xiaoshan's face sank like water.

Not only did he not stop, but instead he circulated the zhenqi of the longevity formula with all his strength, speeding up to devour the vast vitality of heaven and earth. Around him, a large amount of vitality of heaven and earth condensed into a tornado, blowing the hut into the air.


Washed by the powerful heaven and earth vitality, Long Xiaoshan's body made bursts of crackling sounds, and every piece of flesh, tendon, and bone in his body was undergoing a transformation like a reborn body.

A large amount of black and red impurities poured out from his body.

After he has cultivated to the sixth level of Qi training, his body can be said to be clean and without dirt, but under the washing of the vast vitality of the world, a large amount of impurities are still washed out.

For ordinary people, these impurities are not considered impurities at all, they are just a part of the body.

But the more you practice to a higher level.

The higher the level of evolution of the body.

Gradually separated from the mortal body.

The flesh and blood of ordinary people has also become filthy impurities for powerful monks.

Long Xiaoshan's body shrank extremely quickly.

A large amount of flesh and blood was washed away, turning him into a skeleton in a few minutes. The bones under the skin were clearly visible, emitting a bright white light. From a distance, it looked like a skeleton sitting there.

Boom, click!

An extremely thick stick shadow broke through the thick fog of the formation and smashed into the forbidden area, leaving a deep mark tens of meters long on the ground.


At this time, the jade cards of the formation were all shattered, and the formation in the forbidden area suddenly shattered.

A large amount of dense fog lost the support of the formation and dissipated between the sky and the earth, revealing the entrance of the forbidden area.

Three people also appeared.

These three people are the three great masters.

Wu Crazy from Southwest Wu Family, Master Kunta from King Kong Temple and Child Elder from Tianshan School.

The chests of the three great masters rose and fell.

After half an hour of bombardment by three people, the formation was finally broken. The difficulty of this formation exceeded their expectations, and all three of them consumed a lot of internal energy.

After the three of them broke the formation, they did not forget themselves. Breaking the formation was only the first step. Their goal was to find Long Xiaoshan.

They were deflated several times in the formation, which gave them a wake-up call.

Let them stop underestimating Long Xiaoshan, a junior.

The three of them stepped into the forbidden area cautiously.

"Look! What is that?"

With the sound of Wu Crazy.

All three of them saw the bluish-white vitality vortex in the center of the forbidden area, like a tornado.

The vitality of the entire forbidden area seemed to be swirling towards that vitality.

"That's the vitality vortex!"

Child Elder lost her voice.

They are all masters, so they naturally know the vitality of heaven and earth.

"What happened? How could such a terrifying vitality vortex form."

"Be careful, don't follow that kid's way."

The three of them circulated the gang qi, tensed their minds to the extreme, and approached the vitality vortex. Although the forbidden area was not small, it was not too big, and it didn't take long to walk there.

The three of them approached the bottom of the vitality vortex.

The three of them looked over with their powerful eyesight.

The vortex of vitality was like a funnel, extending down from the sky and pouring towards a figure on the ground. The figure was covered by a large amount of vitality, blurred, unable to see clearly, and his body was as dry as a skeleton.

"Is that Long Xiaoshan?" Crazy Wu asked suspiciously.

"It should be him, could it be that Zuo Tianchan dared to lie to us."

"Why does it feel different from the photo?"

"Don't worry about it so much, haven't you seen the vortex of the vitality of the world? Does it look like the vision of the world when we broke through the master?"

Kunta's reminder shocked Madman Wu and Child Elder.

When the master breaks through, there will be dragons and tigers gathering, and the vision of sympathy between heaven and man will also absorb a lot of vitality from heaven and earth.

"Could it be that he is breaking through? It's impossible. When we broke through, how could there be such a big movement," Wu Fengzi looked at the tornado cyclone that spread to tens of meters in the air, covering a range of nearly [-] meters in diameter, like a storm It is like coming, and the movement is so loud that it makes people tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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