The Little Village's Ultimate Doctor

Chapter 880 Injury Recovery

Chapter 880 Injury Recovery

Chapter 52

Long Xiaoshan looked around vigilantly, and even opened his sky eye, which radiated hundreds of meters in radius, but he didn't see that scary young man except for the empty swamp.

This made Long Xiaoshan slightly relieved.

The young man probably didn't fall into the same place as him, which is considered a blessing in misfortune.

After calming down, Long Xiaoshan began to observe the nearby terrain again.

This swamp seemed to be quite large, at least he couldn't see the end at a glance.

Shennongjia is a forest area, a primitive jungle, it is impossible to have such a large area of ​​swamps, if you fall into a ghost hole by yourself, isn't it in the ground?

Long Xiaoshan thought suspiciously.

He looked up at the sky, the sky was gray, he could not see the sun or the moon, not even a cloud, only a piece of gray, quietly depressing, Long Xiaoshan looked at it for a long time, and the doubts in his heart became more and more intense.

This place reminded him of a somewhat similar place.

That is Death Valley.

The Valley of Death is a small closed world, inside which is an ancient witch city, except that the entrance is connected to the earth, whether it exists on the earth or not is anyone's guess.

He fell from the ghost hole, but he didn't land on the ground, but landed on a swamp that obviously didn't look like Shennongjia. This weird situation was very similar to falling into a small world.

No wonder people who fall into ghost holes can't get out.

If it is really a small world, if you don't find an exit, you can't get out at all.

Long Xiaoshan collected himself.

He didn't panic, because he knew that old man Bai had fallen into the ghost cave, and then walked out. Although old man Bai couldn't tell how he got out, it also proved that there was indeed an exit from the ghost cave.

As long as there is an export, there is hope.

If it comes, it will be safe, panic is useless.

Long Xiaoshan didn't move around rashly, he was covered in injuries now, checked his body, Long Xiaoshan frowned even more, Yin Wei's sword was really too powerful.

The sword energy has stubbornly remained in his body, the most important thing for him now is to heal his wounds, rather than wandering blindly in an unknown and dangerous place under the condition of being severely injured.

Long Xiaoshan took out a few formation cards and temporarily arranged a formation, and his figure disappeared into the swamp out of thin air.

Although this formation is relatively rough, it is difficult for ordinary people to find it if they don't pay attention.

As for meeting Yin Wei, it can only depend on luck.

Sitting in the formation, Long Xiaoshan swallowed several healing elixirs, and the powerful recovery effect of the spirit body was also taking effect. The wounds on his body were gradually healing, but Long Xiaoshan still couldn't force out all the sword energy.

Long Xiaoshan understood.

The quality of my true energy is not enough.

In order to force out these sword qi, Long Xiaoshan didn't care about wasting it, and took out a medium-grade Qi-building pill. Last time he used 500 years of snow lotus to refine nine pills. A middle-grade product, always keep it on your body for backup.

The reason why he didn't take it immediately was because he had already swallowed too many Qi-building pills in order to break through the great spiritual master.

If you keep swallowing the medicine, although it will speed up the progress of cultivation, it will have the side effect of counterproductive, causing the foundation to be unstable.

But now, Long Xiaoshan can't care so much.

Yin Wei must also be in the ghost cave.

He had to recover from his injuries as soon as possible so that he could have a little room for self-protection.

He immediately swallowed the mid-grade Qi Pei Pill.


The powerful medicinal power of the elixir poured into the body, and the true qi vortex in Long Xiaoshan's body devoured greedily. A large amount of medicinal power was converted into true qi, and the collapse and fusion speed of the center of the true qi vortex accelerated several times.

The rain-like true energy continuously condensed and turned into traces of true energy.

After half an hour.

With the help of Zhongpin Peiqi Pill.

Another drop of true energy condensed from the core of Long Xiaoshan's dantian.

He immediately mobilized that drop of true energy, and strangled the sword energy in his body. Sure enough, the true energy was too strong.

His face gradually turned red, and he yelled loudly.

puff puff puff.

The pores of Long Xiaoshan's body were wide open, shooting out countless sword qi as fine as a hair, smashing the nearby ground into a sieve.

Long Xiaoshan screamed and stood up.

The whole body was full of true energy, relying on this mid-grade cultivation pill, he finally forced the sword energy out of his body, and completely healed his injuries.

Long Xiaoshan clenched his fists, his eyes shot out.

This battle is the first time he has suffered setbacks since he practiced, and he was almost powerless to fight back, but this setback is not a bad thing. Before, he was so smooth that he was almost invincible. In just over half a year, he From an unknown boy to a giant in the hidden sect, even the masters have fallen into his hands one after another.

He took off so fast that even Long Xiaoshan, who is as calm as he is, felt a bit of a sense of ecstasy in his heart.

After all, although he has experienced a lot, including being imprisoned, he is too young, only 21 years old.

Young and energetic.

Even if he didn't show it on the surface, but in his heart, he already despised the hidden door.

Even those late prefecture-level great masters who were ahead of him on the dragon list, deep in his heart, he also felt disdainful.

This time I met Yin Weihou.

Like a slap in the face, it gave him a wake-up call.

He is far from being invincible.

Yin Wei is not much older than him, but his strength is much stronger than him. If Yin Wei is so powerful, then how powerful are his senior brothers and masters.

He must not be too proud and complacent.

Long Xiaoshan completely calmed down, put away the formation cards, looked around, and walked to a random direction. There are no stars, sun and moon in this place, and he can't distinguish things, so Long Xiaoshan can only rely on luck.

Not long after he walked in the swamp, a green shadow shot out from under the water surface of the swamp with a whistling sound. The speed was very fast, but Long Xiaoshan was always on guard and slashed towards him with his backhand.


As if chopped on a piece of metal, the green shadow shot back and landed in the water. At that moment, Long Xiaoshan saw clearly that it was a small green four-horned snake with three heads.

One of his heads had already been flattened by Long Xiaoshan.

The little snake seemed to realize that Long Xiaoshan was not easy to mess with, turned around, got into the water, and disappeared.

Long Xiaoshan narrowed his eyes.

He can be sure that there is no such three-headed snake on the earth, and what's more, with the force of his chop just now, even a lion could be chopped to death, but he didn't kill such a snake with tiny fingers.

This place is too weird.

Long Xiaoshan became more cautious, and walked through the swamp. Along the way, Long Xiaoshan encountered many attacks, including a spider with a human face on its back, and a colorful poisonous frog...

These insects and snakes are all species he has never seen before, and they are extremely fierce in attack. If he is not a master of alchemy, he has already learned the way.

(End of this chapter)

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