Chapter 884 Tricky Toxin

Chapter 56

After putting Ling Xiaofu on the ground, Long Xiaoshan immediately searched for her wound, and found a triangular tooth mark on her ankle. The area around the wound was pitch black, emitting a pungent smell.

Seeing this, Long Xiaoshan immediately began to detoxify. He first stuffed a detoxification pill into Ling Xiaofu's mouth, then cut open her wound with a knife, and then used true energy to force out the poison.

A large amount of poisonous blood was forced out by him.

The greenness on Ling Xiaofu's face gradually faded, and the blackness on her legs also faded.

As the toxin was forced out, Ling Xiaofu's consciousness gradually recovered.

Her eyelids moved, opened, and murmured: "Am I dead?"

A voice rang in her ear: "You are not dead yet."


Ling Xiaofu screamed.

Long Xiaoshan rubbed his ears and said, "What are you shouting for?"

Ling Xiaofu quickly turned her head and saw Long Xiaoshan, she shouted in surprise: "It's you!"

Although Long Xiaoshan is now hairy and bearded, she still recognizes Long Xiaoshan as the man who helped them push the cart that day.

"You're lucky. If it's a little later, even the Great Luo Jinxian will not be able to save you." Long Xiaoshan said.

"You, you saved me?" Ling Xiaofu realized that she was still lying on the ground by the pond.

Long Xiaoshan smiled, did not speak, and supported Ling Xiaofu to sit up and lean against a tree.

"Thank you, thank you."

Ling Xiaofu's eyes turned red with excitement at this moment. She was not such a crying person, especially she didn't like to cry in front of other people, but now she couldn't control herself.

Maybe after walking in this ghost place for three days, she didn't meet a single person. That kind of loneliness and fear tortured her to the point of going crazy. Seeing Long Xiaoshan suddenly, even if it was just a random encounter, made her especially Touched, cordial.

As long as it's personal.

"You must be hungry." Long Xiaoshan took out a piece of bread and sausage: "Eat something first."

There is almost nothing to eat in this ghostly place. Fortunately, he is used to being prepared, and there will be some food in the space ring at any time. Seeing Long Xiaoshan take out bread and sausage out of thin air, Ling Xiaofu's eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

Long Xiaoshan was only wearing unlined clothes and had no bags on her body. She wanted to ask where these things came from, but the smell of bread and sausages made her forget everything.

Can you imagine the feeling of a person who has only eaten some wild grass roots for three days and suddenly sees bread and sausages?

Ling Xiaofu's eyes glowed green, and she hurriedly reached out to grab it.

But she tried several times, but it was unsuccessful. Her hands were limp. Although she didn't feel the numbness when she was poisoned, she didn't have any strength at all, as if her arms didn't belong to her anymore.

"My hand, why can't I move my hand?" Ling Xiaofu said anxiously.

Long Xiaoshan was slightly taken aback.

He has already helped Ling Xiaofu to force out the poison, logically Ling Xiaofu should be fine, he said: "Don't worry, it may be that your body has been paralyzed for too long and the blood is not flowing well, I will help you revitalize your blood."

Long Xiaoshan grabbed Ling Xiaofu's arm and pressed it with zhenqi.

After a few minutes, he let go of his hand and said, "Try again."

Ling Xiaofu raised her hand again, but still failed, she couldn't feel the strength of her arm, she tremblingly said: "It's useless, I still can't move."

Long Xiaoshan frowned this time.

Logically speaking, it's impossible. His medical skills are superb. If Ling Xiaofu's qi and blood were just poor, the few massages he just made would definitely make her recover.

How could it be impossible to move.

Long Xiaoshan grabbed Ling Xiaofu's hand again, injected a burst of true energy, and checked it in Ling Xiaofu's body.

After a while, Long Xiaoshan's plain face gradually showed a trace of solemnity.

After another careful inspection by him.

He discovered that there was a trace of residual poison in Ling Xiaofu's body that hadn't been cleared away, and that trace of toxin was stubborn in Ling Xiaofu's body. When he tried to use his true energy to remove it, the poison would disperse and wait for his true energy to take it away. , the toxin gathered again.

Long Xiaoshan took out the golden needle again and tried several methods.

There is no way to get rid of the toxin.

There is such a strange poison.

Even he, a great spiritual master and master of alchemy, couldn't get rid of it.

Seeing Long Xiaoshan frowning and not saying a word, Ling Xiaofu panicked and said, "Is it hopeless, tell me the truth."

Long Xiaoshan shook his head and said in relief: "What are you thinking, there is nothing to be saved, there are indeed some toxins left in your body, these toxins are a bit difficult to deal with, but don't worry, I will definitely find a way to help you get rid of them."

Long Xiaoshan's tone was sonorous, and he couldn't help showing the demeanor of a great spiritual master.

The panic in Ling Xiaofu's heart disappeared, and she didn't know why, but the man in front of her gave her a strong sense of reliability, as if he could resist even if the sky fell, as if there was nothing this man couldn't do.

It was the first time that she felt this way from a man in the same grade as him. In the past, she only felt that calm demeanor from her grandfather, the helmsman of the Ling family.

"How did you get poisoned, what bit you?" Long Xiaoshan asked.

Ling Xiaofu hurriedly washed her face in the pond, and then told the story of being bitten by a white shadow in the pond.

Long Xiaoshan walked to the pond, scanned the pond with his sky eyes, and found no white shadow.

There are too many of these strange things in the ghost cave.

He also wasn't sure what the white shadow was.

Since I can't find it.

Long Xiaoshan returned to Ling Xiaofu's side again, and with a cruel heart, he took the drop of true essence and tried to use it to expel the poison, and it really had some effect.

But the speed at which his true essence was consumed also surprised him.

I'm afraid that even if this drop of true essence is used up, it won't be able to clean up the toxin completely.

This made Long Xiaoshan stop immediately.

He absolutely cannot consume real energy like this, especially in the ghost cave.

In the past few days, walking in the ghost cave, he has long discovered a serious problem, that is, there is no vitality of heaven and earth in this ghost cave, and there will be vitality of heaven and earth everywhere, it is a matter of more or less.

But there is nothing in this ghost cave, as if it is a place abandoned by God, a dead place.

Without the vitality of heaven and earth, he would not be able to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth to restore his true energy.

So every drop of his true qi is very precious, because he can only rely on elixir to recover after using it up. Although he has prepared a lot of elixirs, he can't help but consume them. There is no peace in this ghost cave.

Since discovering these things, he has been conserving his true energy for the past few days, and he will not use it if he can, let alone the precious drop of true energy, which is his life-saving guy.

He can save people, but he cannot drink poison to quench his thirst.

In order to save others, he put himself in danger.

He said: "Ling Xiaofu, I can't do anything right now, I'll detoxify you after we leave the ghost cave."

(End of this chapter)

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