Chapter 904 Spirit Stone

Chapter 76

Long Xiaoshan followed the concentration of aura, going deeper and deeper.

Finally, it stopped at the edge of a small pool.

Clouds and mist rolling over the small pool are not real clouds and mist, but extremely strong aura.

Those exotic flowers and plants in the ground became so luxuriant precisely because of the aura emanating from the small water pool.

Otherwise, there is no sunlight all day long, it is humid and cold, how could there be so many exotic flowers and plants growing here.

Long Xiaoshan's sky eyes swept over, but he didn't sense any dangerous biological aura.

He walked to the small pool, surprised how this place has such a strong aura.

Through the eyes of the sky, he looked inside.

Deep in the small pool, the pool is bottomless, and there seems to be some shimmering light at the bottom.

Long Xiaoshan decided to go down to have a look, he has already arrived here, he must find out the source of the spiritual energy, he said: "Xiaofu, wait for me here, I will go into the water to have a look."

"Brother Xiaoshan..."

Before Ling Xiaofu finished speaking, she was interrupted by Long Xiaoshan: "I'm not going to abandon you, I don't think there's any danger here, but I'm diving into the bottom of the water now, it's inconvenient to take you with me, just wait for me here, be obedient. "

"Oh, then, okay then." Ling Xiaofu was very reluctant, but seeing Long Xiaoshan's serious face, she could only nod.

Long Xiaoshan walked to the edge of the deep pool and jumped in.

There was a burst of coolness, and the pool water contained a very strong spiritual energy. Long Xiaoshan felt that his true energy was obviously speeding up when he was in the water.

He dived to the depths, the deep pool looked only a few feet wide from the outside, but after diving in, the inside was twists and turns, with nine twists and eighteen turns, and he didn't know where it extended. If Long Xiaoshan didn't have the eye of the sky, he wouldn't If you dare to dive so deep, you are afraid that you will not find the way up after you go down.

I don't know how long it took.

Long Xiaoshan finally touched the bottom. He saw a large crack in the ground, and some light appeared in the ground fissure. Long Xiaoshan sneaked in and saw many glowing stones on the edge of the ground fissure.

The stones are milky white, and the strong aura emanates from those stones.

Long Xiaoshan touched a stone and pulled it hard. The material of those stones was unknown, but he couldn't get them off with his strength. He tried various methods, and finally took out the Tiger Soul Knife to pry off one piece.

Holding the stone, Long Xiaoshan immediately felt an incomparably abundant aura rushing into his body. This aura is so pure that it can be transformed into true energy almost without refining.

He finally thought of a legendary thing - Lingshi!

According to the Shan Hai Jing, there are sacred stones in the world, the aura of the bell, the essence of the sun and the moon, conceived and formed, wearing them can eliminate disasters and illnesses, and prolong life.

This is of course a mythical legend for ordinary people.

In the world of cultivating Taoism, the so-called divine stones are spirit stones, which are the best cultivation supplies for ascetics, comparable to magic elixir.

It's just that Lingshi is rare, and it has been mined and exhausted after thousands of years.

This thing is a non-renewable resource, and one piece is used less.

At least according to Long Xiaoshan's devoured master's memory, there have been no spirit stones in the hidden door for many years, and even if there are some, they are still in the hands of those top sects.

The effect of Lingshi is no less than panacea.

Every time a piece appears, it is enough to set off a bloodbath in the hidden door.

Unexpectedly, he could see Lingshi here.

No wonder there is a lot of aura in Thorny Island, and it is very likely that there is a vein of spirit stone in the ground.

Long Xiaoshan took a rough look, and there were as many as seven or eight pieces in the crack.

He was pleasantly surprised.

Among other things, just by getting these seven or eight spirit stones, he will make a lot of money.

Long Xiaoshan immediately used the tiger soul knife to dig out the spirit stone.

The spirit stone is extremely hard, even diamonds are far inferior to it, Long Xiaoshan has to spend a lot of effort to use the tiger soul knife, but compared with mining the spirit stone, this amount of effort is nothing at all.

Long Xiaoshan was at the bottom of the water, digging furiously. With his current energy, he would not suffocate even if he stayed at the bottom of the water for a day and a night.

I don't know how long it took, but he finally dug out all the spirit stones, and then turned around in a big circle, not letting go of any gaps. When he dug some spirit stones, he finally stopped when he couldn't find them.

He didn't dig any further into the ground.

First, the rocks here are extremely hard, which may be related to the aura contained in it. Even with the Tiger Soul Knife, he can dig very slowly.

Secondly, he scanned it with his sky eyes, and it was pitch black underground, and he couldn't find the Lingshi veins.

It is very likely that these spirit stones were also exposed because of crustal movement or some reasons.

Long Xiaoshan counted, and this time he dug up a total of 23 spirit stones, the big ones were as big as a fist, and the small ones were as big as a thumb.

The gains have been great.

People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants, so Long Xiaoshan accepts it when he sees it, and goes upstream, preparing to turn back to the surface of the water.

Turning around in the water, and going upstream along the nine bends and eighteen bends, Long Xiaoshan suddenly heard some sounds, he heard the sound, and saw a figure struggling in the water, with bubbles coming out of his mouth .

Take a look, isn't that Ling Xiaofu?

Long Xiaoshan swam over in a hurry, Ling Xiaofu struggled in the water, her face turned purple, obviously suffocated by choking on the water.

Long Xiaoshan grabbed her in a hurry, forced the water out of her throat with his true energy, and took a breath to pass.

Ling Xiaofu's face was not so ugly.

He grabbed Ling Xiaofu and rushed up quickly. A few minutes later, he got out of the pool. After jumping ashore, Ling Xiaofu kept coughing and spit out the water in his stomach.

Long Xiaoshan stared and said: "I didn't ask you to wait for me on the top, why did you go into the water again, if you didn't just meet me, you would have drowned."

Originally, a fourth-level spiritual master could not drown, but Ling Xiaofu had a whole body of true energy, but she was not skillful in using it. Coupled with the panic after drowning, she almost suffocated to death.

Ling Xiaofu coughed until tears flowed down her cheeks. She said aggrievedly, "I waited for several hours and you didn't come up. I was afraid that something would happen to you."

"Even if something happens to me, will it be useful for you to come down?"

Long Xiaoshan said angrily, after finishing speaking, seeing Ling Xiaofu weeping silently with his head down, he sighed in his heart: "I'm sorry, Xiaofu, I shouldn't have said that about you."

"Brother Xiaoshan, it's my fault, I can only drag you down." Ling Xiaofu wiped her tears.

Long Xiaoshan squatted down, patted Ling Xiaofu on the head, and said: "Don't say that, I was too anxious just now, so I didn't choose what to say. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have woken up so quickly. Besides, you are My little lucky star, you see I found something good again."

Long Xiaoshan took out a Lingshi.

A faint halo radiated out, attracting Ling Xiaofu's mind, and finally made her stop crying.

"What a beautiful stone, what is this?"

"This is a spirit stone, which has many functions. With it, we will be more confident in leaving the Thorny Island." Long Xiaoshan said brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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