The Little Village's Ultimate Doctor

Chapter 938 Supergravity Cultivation

Chapter 938 Supergravity Cultivation

Chapter One Thousand and Ten

Taihang Mountain Base.

In front of Long Xiaoshan were 79 newly promoted Dragon Soul players.

Long Xiaoshan looked around slowly, and all the people he saw raised their chests involuntarily, wanting to perform better.

After Long Xiaoshan dismantled the tank with his bare hands that day, he became the god in the hearts of all Dragon Soul members.

Because of that kind of power, it can no longer be described by humans.

Although Long Xiaoshan looked younger than any of the team members, no one dared to have any thought of belittling him.

"Everyone, from now on, within a month, I will be your chief instructor, teaching you how to improve your strength. I don't like nonsense, let's start directly." Long Xiaoshan said: "Come with me."

Long Xiaoshan walked into a huge warehouse-like place in the base.

After the team members walked in, they immediately found that there was something strange inside.

The venue seems to be much larger than before, with several acres of area inside, and there is still a trace of mist flowing inside.

Long Xiaoshan said: "This is the training room I prepared for you. The aura in this training room is far better than the outside. Of course, there are many other effects, um, such as this."

Long Xiaoshan snapped his fingers.


Suddenly, an invisible pressure surged from all directions, causing everyone's blood to speed up, and their hearts beating much more violently than before.

They feel that their bodies are much heavier than before.

"It's double the gravity now." Long Xiaoshan said lightly, "If you walk twenty meters inside, it's four times the gravity."

A group of people walked slowly inside.

After twenty meters, there is a line on the ground, cross it.


The pressure suddenly increased again.

Except for those few who had cultivated their internal strength, the faces of the others all turned red, and their movements became extremely heavy.

"Going forward, it will be eight times the gravity." Long Xiaoshan said lightly.

Everyone continued to move forward. This time, there were only a few people, and most of them walked not much faster than a snail.

Walked another twenty meters.


A terrifying force came down.

Immediately several people couldn't bear it and were crushed to the ground.

Many people had donated blood oozing from their noses, and their hearts were beating like drums, as if they were about to explode.

Even Ye Tiannan and other warriors who had cultivated internal strength also turned red like drunk.

You must use your internal strength to support your body.

"If you feel that you can't support it, you can go back to the quadruple area, and if you feel that you can persist, you can stay in the eighth area." Long Xiaoshan said lightly.

No one wants to go back.

Going back means that you have lost to others.

But many people can't stand up in the eight-fold gravity zone, let alone practice.

Long Xiaoshan pointed to the front and said: "Going forward is sixteen times the area, who wants to try it."

Several people moved.

Almost all of these people are masters in cultivating internal strength, such as Xiao Liexue, Ye Tiannan...except for one Wang Ge, Wang Ge was the second person who passed the iron chain that day in the test of will.

Relying on their own strength, they walked to the sixteen times gravity area and stepped in.

puff puff!

Immediately, several people spurted blood, among which Wang Ge was even more terrifying, his body made a cracking sound, and his bones began to break in a large area, Long Xiaoshan immediately grabbed him out, if he was slower, this guy would be crushed by super gravity died.

In the end, only three people were still standing in the sixteen times area.

These three people are all mysterious masters.

Among the three people, only Xiao Lie's blood station was relatively stable, and the other Ye Tiannan and a person named Huang Ning also struggled to support them.

Long Xiaoshan took out several bottles of pills and said, "This is Xueyang pill, one for each of you."

The Blood Sun Pill was refined from the Blood Sun Grass collected by Long Xiaoshan from Shennongjia. Originally, he planned to keep it for himself, but now that he has practiced the Blood Demon Sutra, he only needs to use the powerful monster blood. The Blood Sun Pill has already been used. no more.

Just take it out and use it for these people.

After distributing the Blood Yang Pill to them.

Long Xiaoshan said: "Now I will teach you another body training method, the Vajra Indestructibility formula."

The reason why Long Xiaoshan didn't teach them how to practice zhenqi is because these people are not too young, and it is very difficult to cultivate zhenqi. It is better to come in from the outside, the Vajra is not bad, Long Xiaoshan himself has practiced it , Cultivated to the top level is enough to be close to the strength of a master.

Of course, it is definitely not that easy to cultivate to the top level, but even if they cannot cultivate to the top level, their strength can be greatly improved.


After teaching them the indestructibility of Vajra, Long Xiaoshan asked them to practice by themselves.

three days later.

All the players felt that their strength and speed were much stronger.

And standing in the gravity zone became more comfortable, not as painful as it was at the beginning.

Long Xiaoshan began to teach them boxing, kicking, and saber techniques again.

He himself is now a martial arts master.

And mastered too many martial arts.

The inheritance of the Yue family, the inheritance of the Blood Buddha, and the inheritance of Tang Honghu, Qiu Zhen and other martial arts masters who were swallowed by him.

These days, he has combined various martial arts to create a simpler and more effective killing technique. This is the embryonic form of the world-famous Longmen blood killing technique.

With the guidance of Long Xiaoshan.

The members of Dragon Soul were shocked again.

The killing technique Long Xiaoshan taught them, although it looks simple, but the lethality it displays is astonishing. Even Xiao Lixue, Ye Tiannan and other people who have studied the hidden sect martial arts all find that all the skills they have learned before It was an embroidered pillow, vulnerable to the killing technique Long Xiaoshan taught them.

With the deepening of their studies, they feel more and more mysterious and powerful about their instructors,

People like Xiao Liexue, Ye Tiannan and others who have been in contact with the Yinmen know that what Long Xiaoshan taught them is probably at the level of the secret books of the general Yinmen Town School, or even surpassed.

It is beyond their imagination to be able to learn this level of exercises and martial arts.

And Long Xiaoshan only taught them for one month.

It can be seen how precious this month's time is.

Everyone has devoted themselves to frantic study and cultivation, without Long Xiaoshan's urging, they are very self-conscious, and some of them are even more crazy, such as Wang Ge, Xiao Lixue and others, who have been practicing for nearly 24 hours.

With Long Xiaoshan, the master of alchemy, they can recover no matter how badly they are injured.

As time goes by day by day.

They grow fast.

A week later, everyone was able to enter the 8-fold gravity zone, and more than a dozen people entered the 16-fold gravity zone, and Xiao Lixue even entered the 32-fold gravity zone.

half a month later.

Most people can enter the 16 times gravity area, and a few people entered the 32 times gravity area, including Ye Tiannan, Huang Ning, Long Xiaoshan found that Wang Ge also broke into the 32 times gravity area, this young man has no internal strength, but progress The speed is the fastest.

His crazy energy made Long Xiaoshan see Wang Chao's shadow.

In the crazy practice.

A month has finally passed.

It was also time for Long Xiaoshan to end his career as chief instructor.

PS: I’m still in Changsha. I’m going home today. I’ll have to take a five-hour train ride later. I’ll see the situation update today. I can write as much as I can!

(End of this chapter)

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