The Little Village's Ultimate Doctor

Chapter 961 The Furious Shen Tianhao

Chapter 961 The Furious Shen Tianhao

Chapter 33

When Ling Xiaofu looked at Long Xiaoshan again, the familiar feeling disappeared.

How can it be?

Ling Xiaofu's heart trembled immensely. Ever since she came back from the wasteland world, she has been thinking about Long Xiaoshan, and every late night dream is about him, lying in Long Xiaoshan's embrace, so warm and peaceful.

If it wasn't for the fact that she didn't know about ghosts and ghosts, she would have gone back to find him a long time ago.

Now it's hard to meet someone who might be Brother Xiaoshan.

She couldn't give up even if it was just a glimmer of hope. Did she really admit the wrong person just now?

No, it's impossible.

Ling Xiaofu was unwilling to give up, she didn't know why brother Xiaoshan didn't recognize him.

Maybe he has his reasons.

Ling Xiaofu would rather that Long Xiaoshan came back than recognize her, and she did not want Long Xiaoshan to stay in the wasteland world, because what she saw before being thrown out by Long Xiaoshan was the scene of Long Xiaoshan being swallowed by Yin Wei's sword energy.

Seeing the change of Ling Xiaofu's expression there, the eyes were suddenly pleasantly surprised, sometimes disappointed, sometimes hesitant, and sometimes sad.

Long Xiaoshan was also a little bit sorry.

To be honest, he didn't want to hide it from Ling Xiaofu. In the wasteland world, two people depended on each other for life, even strangers had feelings for each other.

Sighing in his heart, he said, "Then you come with us now, I'll go to the company to get you some fairy water later."

Ling Xiaofu's eyes lit up, and she nodded quickly.

Ling Ruotong was furious, this bastard didn't let Xiaofu go, what was he trying to do by taking Ling Xiaofu away.

Faced with Ling Ruotong's murderous eyes, Long Xiaoshan was also helpless.

He seemed to tell Ling Ruotong that he was not what he thought.

But now doesn't seem to be the best time to explain, especially with Ling Xiaofu present, he said: "Let's go."

Of course Ling Xiaofu immediately followed Long Xiaoshan.

Ling Ruotong stomped her feet, she didn't want to follow Long Xiaoshan at first, but now Ling Xiaofu made it clear that she was going to follow Long Xiaoshan, how could she rest assured, she could only follow.

When the three of them walked out of Mizuki campus.

One person stared at their backs, quickly took out his mobile phone, and sent the few photos he had just taken.

Shen Tianhao was in a villa fooling around with a female celebrity who had just hooked up for a short time.

As the youngest of the Shen family, he naturally has no shortage of women.

Even if he doesn't take the initiative, there are still many women posting, but he has long been tired of playing with ordinary women. The women he plays with must not only be beautiful, but at least have a good status.

For example, the female celebrity who is currently enjoying love under him is a movie star who has just become popular in China. She has just starred in a youth movie with a box office of over [-] million, and she debuted as a pure girl.

Hailed by many fans as the head of the new jade girl.

But this pure-looking girl movie star, who is also extremely pure in the eyes of many fans, kneels in front of him like a bitch, which makes Shen Tianhao feel a strong psychological satisfaction.


At this moment, his mobile phone by the bed rang.

Shen Tianhao took the mobile phone while enjoying the service of the female celebrity, and casually opened the text message he just sent. Suddenly his face froze, and his eyes turned from enjoyment to fury.

Because the text message just now was a few photos.

These photos are of a man and a woman.

The back seems to be Mizuki University, because he also graduated there, so he is familiar with the background.

But he is more familiar with this man and a woman.

The girl is Ling Ruotong.

That is his fiancée.

And the man walking with Ling Ruotong.

It was the chairman of Longmen Pharmaceutical, Long Xiaoshan, the man who had humiliated him and provoked him several times.

In the first few photos, the two walked side by side, like a couple wandering on a university campus. .

Turning to the last photo, it was on the lover's embankment of Shuimu University. Long Xiaoshan put his hand on Ling Ruotong's shoulder, as if he wanted to hold her in his arms.

With a roar, Shen Tianhao kicked the woman away.

The woman screamed and fell off the bed. She got up and looked at Shen Tianhao in horror. Although the pain from the fall was unbearable, she didn't dare to get angry because she knew the strength of the young man in front of her, let alone the one who made her famous. That film and television company is the property of the Shen family, if this young lady is offended, her career as a star will be over.

"Young Master Shen, what's wrong with you?" She smiled flatteringly and wanted to climb back on the bed.

He was kicked out by Shen Tianhao again.

"Get out, get out of here immediately!"

Shen Tianhao was furious, his eyes were ferocious, and he was about to devour people.

Seeing Shen Tianhao's ferocious expression, the female star was startled, hurriedly picked up some of her clothes and ran out of the room.

Shen Tianhao's breathing sounded rough in the room like a mad bull.

His eyes were red.

Glancing at his cell phone again, he slammed it on the ground and smashed it to pieces.

"Long Xiaoshan, Ling Ruotong!"

Shen Tianhao roared.

What is his status as Shen Tianhao? In Yanjing circles, the so-called Four Young Masters of the capital are not even farts in front of real aristocrats like them.

Even Cong Shao, the head of the four young masters in the capital, would have to respectfully call Brother Hao when he saw him.

Except for a few young and old.

He, Shen Tianhao, was afraid of anyone, let alone being cuckolded.

However, the few photos in front of him completely proved that Shen Tianhao was actually greened by someone, and the person who greened him was still an outsider who came out of nowhere.

He checked Long Xiaoshan's identity.

All I know is that he came from an ancient family in Zhongzhou. Although the family background is not bad, it is not at the same level as the Shen family of the six major families in Yanjing.

This man surnamed Long actually hooked up with his fiancée.

No wonder the last time I wanted him to take the initiative to go to Ling's house to dissolve the engagement, it turned out that he had already had an affair with Ling Ruotong.

How could Shen Tianhao be humiliated like this.

Now he can't wait to peel Long Xiaoshan's skin and cramps, and tear him into pieces.

The whole Yanjing knew that Ling Ruotong was his fiancée, if such a thing got out, Shen Tianhao would be laughed at for the rest of his life.

Of course, he hated Ling Ruotong even more.

This bitch woman dared to hook up with other men behind his back. If I had known that I didn't need to be polite with this bitch woman, I would have raped her already. Do you turn your back on the family?

The Ling family is just a second-rate family, and they are no farts in front of the Shen family.

Now his fiancée has been picked first.

There was a venomous light in Shen Tianhao's eyes.

No matter what, he will never let this couple of dogs go. He wants to let them taste that life is worse than death. Shen Tianhao got off the bed, put on his pajamas and went out. He shouted: "Li Si."

A thin, dark middle-aged man appeared quietly, and shouted respectfully, "Master, what's the matter?"

Shen Tianhao handed over the broken mobile phone: "There are a few photos in this mobile phone, you can find those two people immediately, no matter what method you use, tie them up outside the city, find a place that no one knows and let me know. "

(End of this chapter)

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