Chapter 965

Chapter 37

A layer of faint white light seemed to emerge from Ling Xiaofu's hands.

Immediately afterwards, click.

The thick bulletproof glass cover actually fell down. Although the bulletproof glass cover was not broken, the steel bars fixing the glass cover were bent.

The bulletproof glass cover suddenly hit the back of the driver's head.

The huge force caused the driver's head to hit the steering wheel, the car lost control and swayed in an S shape on the road.

Ling Ruotong shouted in shock.

She didn't expect Ling Xiaofu to be so strong that she broke all the steel bars.

Even the driver didn't expect that he was well protected in the bulletproof glass, but would be attacked suddenly, and now his head was pressed on the steering wheel, and nosebleeds splashed out.

Although I don't know what's going on.

But this driver is no ordinary person.

He is a well-trained mercenary.

When he was suddenly attacked, he still instinctively touched under the seat cushion, took out a gun, raised his hand and fired a shot in the back.


The loud gunshot made Ling Ruotong scream.

Ling Xiaofu was also taken aback. Although she was already a healer, her mentality hadn't completely changed. When she heard the gunshot, she instinctively became nervous and let go of her hands.

The driver felt the pressure on the back of his head disappear, and immediately raised his head and turned his head around.

Seeing those two women still behind him, he felt strange. He thought that a master had come into the car, but there was no one else. Could it be the woman behind who took all the bulletproof glass cover off him just now.

This idea flashed by, although it was unbelievable, he still pointed the gun at Ling Xiaofu immediately.

In desperation, Ling Xiaofu yelled and threw the glass cover in her hand forward.

The driver quickly opened fire.

Bang bang bang!

Gunshots rang out.

Under Ling Xiaofu's nervousness, she tried her best to press the glass cover towards the other party. The person was pressed by the glass cover and couldn't move at all.

The car lost control and rushed to the side of the road.


After a loud noise, the car crashed into a big tree, billowing in smoke and dust.

Ling Ruotong shook his head.

Fortunately, she was wearing a seat belt just now, and she was not injured except for being strangled. She hurriedly looked at Ling Xiaofu, and found that Ling Xiaofu was still pressing tightly on the glass cover.

"Xiaofu, Xiaofu." Ling Ruotong shouted.

Ling Xiaofu broke away from that nervous emotion. She saw the other party shooting just now, so she just instinctively used the glass cover to press down on the driver. Now that the car hit a tree, the person in front was still motionless. Ling Xiaofu loosened open hands.

"Xiaofu, are you alright, have you been shot?" Ling Ruotong hurriedly unbuckled her seat belt and threw herself on Ling Xiaofu. Just now she saw the driver shoot Ling Xiaofu several times.

Ling Xiaofu touched her body and said with lingering fear, "I'm fine."

The two of them looked ahead, their faces pale.

Ling Xiaofu's expression became even more ugly, her stomach churned and she almost vomited.

The driver in front had several bullet holes.

Blood flowed all over the ground, and he was already dead.

When he shot just now, he forgot that Ling Xiaofu was holding a bulletproof glass cover in his hand. He shot at the bulletproof glass at such a close range, and all the bullets bounced back into his body, killing himself.

"Sister, I killed someone." Ling Xiaofu said with trembling hands.

Ling Ruotong quickly patted her face and comforted her: "Don't say that, he was beaten to death by himself, it's not your fault, it's not your fault."

While talking, Ling Ruotong noticed the flames coming from the engine compartment in front, she said repeatedly: "Xiaofu, get out of the car, the car is on fire."

She pushed the door hard, but the door was already locked. In addition, the impact distorted the cabin just now. Ling Ruotong couldn't push it open at all. Watching the fire getting bigger and bigger, thick smoke poured into the cabin along the air conditioning system.

Choking the two of them to tears.

"Let me do it." Ling Xiaofu knew that now is not the time to be hypocritical, besides, after experiencing in the barren land world, her will has become stronger. It was just the first time someone died indirectly by her hands, which made her unacceptable for a while. That's all.

She raised her foot, pumped all her energy, and kicked hard on the car door.


The entire car door flew out.

Ling Ruotong looked at Ling Xiaofu in disbelief, is this still her sister?If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would have thought she had met the Hulk.

"Sister, get out quickly." Ling Xiaofu didn't care about explaining anything, and hurriedly pulled Ling Ruotong out of the cabin.

The two ran for more than ten meters outside.

There was a loud noise from behind, the car exploded, and a huge wave of air lifted the two of them into the air.

The two got up from the ground in disgrace.

Ling Xiaofu was fine, she still had the protective necklace Long Xiaoshan gave her, even if she was really blown up by a car, she wouldn't be in trouble, but Ling Ruotong scratched a lot.

But at this time, Ling Ruotong didn't care about those at all, and fumbled in his pockets, trying to take out his phone and call the police.

Her expression changed suddenly: "I dropped my phone in the car, what about you, Xiaofu?"

Ling Xiaofu also touched her pocket, shook her head and said, "I seem to have fallen into the car too."

Seeing the car engulfed in flames, Ling Ruotong stood up helplessly and looked around. It was obvious that Yanjing was here, surrounded by a wilderness, and she didn't know where it was. Although she was old Yanjing, Yanjing It's so big, I don't know how many rings away it is.

"Xiaofu, let's find a place where there are people and call the police." Ling Ruotong said.

"Yes." Ling Xiaofu supported Ling Ruotong and walked on the road.

The two supported each other, Ling Ruotong was obviously injured, limped and walked very slowly.

"Sister, I'll carry you on my back." Seeing that there was no way, Ling Xiaofu squatted down.

"I'm fine," Ling Ruotong refused.

"Sister, don't be polite to me. I'm strong, so I'm fine." Ling Xiaofu pulled Ling Ruotong onto her back.

He picked her up easily and walked quickly on the road.

Ling Ruotong was very puzzled. Since she came back from Shennongjia, Ling Xiaofu seemed to be a different person. She showed terrifying power in the car just now, and now she is as light as a swallow with her on her back. Although she is not heavy, she also has a About a hundred catties.

"Xiaofu, how did you become so strong?" Ling Ruotong couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked.

"Brother Xiaoshan taught me, so it's kung fu." Ling Xiaofu said.


It's not that Ling Ruotong doesn't know kung fu. After all, she is the core figure of the Ling family. She even knows the so-called hidden door. The Ling family actually has warriors enshrined, but she knows that those kung fu masters have been trained hard since childhood.

Ling Xiaofu has only been out for a long time, and she must have cultivated her kung fu too quickly.

While talking, a black car appeared out of nowhere and rushed towards them.

(End of this chapter)

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