Chapter 986

Chapter 58

Long Xiaoshan stepped in, his speed was very fast.

Not long after the Shen family sent Sikong Nan's body back to the Shen family, he had already gone to the Ling family and rushed to the Shen family again.

He was even less polite to the Shen family.

This is the family that caused him to be imprisoned and almost died. Although it may be Shen Tianhao's actions alone, without the connivance of the Shen family, how could there be a dude like Shen Tianhao.

"Are you Long Xiaoshan?"

Although the members of the Shen family have never seen Long Xiaoshan, Long Xiaoshan is not some unknown person, he is the latest celebrity in Yanjing, and he can be seen on the Internet or on TV.

Long Xiaoshan was about to speak, but his sky eyes suddenly caught sight of a person, his face changed drastically, his figure had disappeared in place, and he was swept into the lobby of Shen's house like a strong wind.

The people of the Shen family even saw only a blur, and Long Xiaoshan disappeared.

If it weren't for the blue sky and broad daylight, they even thought they had encountered a ghost in broad daylight.

Only the white-browed old man next to Mrs. Shen shrank his eyes sharply, and turned his head to look in the direction where Long Xiaoshan disappeared.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

Long Xiaoshan had already appeared in the lobby of the Shen family.

What he saw was Ling Ruotong who was hanging there dripping with blood. Ling Ruotong hung his head there, unconscious. He immediately cut off the rope and hugged Ling Ruotong in his arms.

At this point he has seen it.

Ling Ruotong not only had whip marks all over his back, but also scratches and bloody mouths all over his face, dripping with blood, obviously disfigured.

Seeing Ling Ruotong's current miserable state.

He let out a mournful howl, which caused all the windows in the Shen family to explode.

Boundless anger and killing intent surged in his heart.

But the most important thing now is to save Ling Ruotong first. He immediately took out the best healing elixir in the ring, put it in Ling Ruotong's mouth, and helped her melt it away.

With the cooperation of elixir and true energy, Ling Ruotong's injury is rapidly improving, and he gradually regained consciousness.

When Ling Ruotong woke up and saw herself lying in Long Xiaoshan's arms, her lips moved, revealing a hint of surprise: "Xiaoshan."

Fortunately, I helped Ling Ruotong build the foundation yesterday, and she already had a ray of true energy in her body. Although it was not much, it saved Ling Ruotong's life at a critical moment. Otherwise, this kind of whipping was not something a weak woman could bear.

Long Xiaoshan quickly pressed her mouth and said: "Shhh, don't talk, wait until I heal your injury."

Long Xiaoshan is using gold needles to repair the wound on Ling Ruotong's face.

Disfigurement is definitely the most painful thing for a woman, so Long Xiaoshan repaired it carefully so as not to leave a trace of scar on Ling Ruotong's face.

In order to restore Ling Ruotong's face to perfection.

He even used the incomparably precious true essence.

Under the action of the true essence, the wound on Ling Ruotong's face healed quickly, and the nourishment of the true essence restored her face to be smoother, even more delicate than before, as if she had returned to a newborn baby, after all, this is the innate true essence.

Not long after, he had repaired the wound on Ling Ruotong's face.

As for the body, with the help of the best medicine, Long Xiaoshan also recovered. Long Xiaoshan used a water purification technique to wash off the blood on Ling Ruotong's body, and then took off his coat to cover her back.

It's a long story.

But the members of the Shen family didn't know where Long Xiaoshan had gone.

When he reacted, he rushed back to the inner courtyard lobby.

Long Xiaoshan has already healed Ling Ruotong's injuries.

At this time, Ling Ruotong was helped up.

The people from the Shen family just poured into the lobby.

Seeing that Long Xiaoshan supported Ling Ruotong, and the blood on Ling Ruotong's body disappeared and his face recovered, the Shen family members were all shocked. Ling Ruotong was beaten to the brink of death just now, how could he recover in a blink of an eye.

But what they were even more angry about was Long Xiaoshan's unscrupulousness, he directly kicked the door of Shen's house and broke in, and now he rescued Ling Ruotong again.

As the Patriarch of the Shen family, Shen Jinglong roared angrily: "Bold, how dare you break into our Shen family and act fiercely."

Long Xiaoshan rescued Ling Ruotong and finally put down a big stone in his heart. If Ling Ruotong was really beaten to death by the Shen family, he would never be able to forgive himself in his life.

At this time, although he regained his composure, the anger in his heart did not weaken at all.

He ignored Shen Jinglong at all, and said expressionlessly: "Which bastard disfigured Ruotong just now, and which bastard whipped him again, tell me!"

Although his words were not heavy, they contained a powerful spiritual deterrence. The person who attacked Ling Ruotong just now stood up without thinking.

Shen Tianhao's mother, Zhuang Jing, saw that Ling Ruotong had regained her appearance, and even looked more beautiful than before she was not disfigured. The twisted hatred in her heart made her scream: "Ling Ruotong, you little bitch, you finally called your stinky man!" Come on, why is your face okay, I want to tear your face apart, and let you seduce men again..."

Zhuang Jing screamed and rushed towards Ling Ruotong with all her teeth and claws.

When Long Xiaoshan heard Zhuang Jing's words and the blood still left on her fingers, he knew that it was this woman who scratched Ling Ruotong's face just now.

There was a golden light in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Don't you like scratching other people's faces very much? Why don't you scratch your own face."

As soon as Long Xiaoshan's words fell, Zhuang Jing's eyes straightened for a moment, then she stood still and said, "Yeah, why didn't I scratch my face to pieces."

She suddenly stretched out her hand to grab her own face, and in an instant, there were streaks of blood on her face.

Let the members of the Shen family show panic.

A few members of the Shen family wanted to stop it, but Zhuang Jing's strength became so strong that even men couldn't control her. She seemed to be possessed by a demon, and she scratched her face until it was bloody and bloody. good meat.

Long Xiaoshan didn't care about Zhuang Jing who fell into madness.

Instead, he went straight to a general of the Shen family who was holding a whip. This man was the one who tortured Ling Ruotong just now. Seeing Long Xiaoshan walking towards him, he backed away involuntarily, with a trace of panic in his eyes.

He didn't know where the fear came from.

Perhaps it was Long Xiaoshan's words that drove Zhuang Jing crazy.

"It was you who moved the hand just now." Long Xiaoshan stretched out his hand coldly.

"I, I am also ordered..." The general panicked, suddenly his hand was empty, and the whip in his hand had already fallen into Long Xiaoshan's hand.

Before he finished speaking, Long Xiaoshan had already whipped him.

That family will let out heart-piercing screams.

Long Xiaoshan shattered his right hand with a whip, and the white bones shattered.

He whipped the whip a few more times in a row.

That general has already fallen to the ground, only the air is getting in but not out.

 It's not that I'm slower, it's that the end of the year is approaching, there are indeed many things to do, and this weekend, there are actually more things to do!Depending on the situation, I will try my best to update it four times!



(End of this chapter)

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