Fortune Shrine

Chapter 1737

Chapter 1737

How could Jiang Zhenfei endure that the majestic son of the Heavenly Demon Clan was so despised by an unknown person?

Therefore, he didn't talk nonsense at all, and slapped directly.

And this palm is extremely domineering, it is obvious that he wants to kill the opponent with one blow, so as to establish his own prestige, the prestige of the Jiang family.

However, what he didn't expect was that facing this palm, instead of showing the slightest fear, the other party showed a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"that's it?"

"If this is the case, I'm afraid you are not qualified to let my young master take action."

The voice was extremely arrogant.

Accompanied by this sound, a giant palm also greeted it at the same time.


Immediately there was a loud bang, the space trembled, and roaring air waves swept away, causing the Jiang mansion below to collapse and make a mess. The entire Jiang family was also completely alarmed, and countless Jiang family disciples came out one after another.

Seeing this, Fang Yi took the opportunity to look for Jiang Yuan, but unfortunately, he still couldn't see him.

As for the sky, Jiang Zhenfei's face has become extremely ugly.

Because this palm didn't even take down the opponent, let alone knock them back, and the opponent was just a follower.

"Who the hell are you?"

His eyes sank, and he asked.

"You don't have the qualifications to know that my son will give you a chance to choose tonight, but after dawn, if you don't get an answer, the gauntlet will be delivered." The burly man was extremely arrogant and completely ignored Jiang Zhenfei.

This made Jiang Zhenfei tremble all over with anger and gritted his teeth.

Not to mention him, everyone in the entire Jiangfu was furious.

"Looking for death!" Jiang Zhenfei's breath was bursting with anger, and a huge phantom of a demon god condensed behind him.

Demon God Xuying raised his head and slapped it, and it fell down like a five-fingered mountain.

The whole world trembled and burst inch by inch.

However, facing such a domineering palm, the burly man still showed disdain, "But me! Since you insist on courting death, then enjoy your last night!"

As soon as the words fell, his figure disappeared, as if he had never appeared.

In the same place, only Jiang Zhenfei's angry roar remained.


Back at the inn, it was already ten minutes past midnight.

What made Fang Yi extremely depressed was that this trip yielded nothing, and there was no news about Jiang Yuan in the huge Jiang Mansion.

Even when he left, he swept away the two people, wanting to find out Jiang Yuan's whereabouts from each other, but unfortunately, those two people also didn't know about Jiang Yuan's whereabouts, and Fang Yi couldn't help but feel very annoyed.

Didn't the other party return to Sky Demon Star?

Not to mention, there is such a possibility. Bai Yingying is very important. The other party may not come back because she was afraid of being discovered by other demons. This possibility is extremely high.

But if this is the case, where can I find it in the vast demon realm?

Fang Yi felt extremely headache.

Everything is more troublesome than he expected. Perhaps, only when the Holy Land of Beginning Demon is opened, the other party should not be absent from such an important prosperous age.

Although helpless, it seems that it can only be so for now.

next day!

There was a lot of discussion in the whole city of ten thousand demons. There was a lot of movement in Jiangfu last night, and the matter had already spread.

The crowd was all guessing the origin of the burly man and his arrogant remarks.

"You said, will that person really come to fight today? Will Jiang Zhenfei fight?"

"It's for sure, since he dared to break into Jiang's mansion at night and made such wild remarks, he must have planned it in advance. Maybe there will be a good show this time."

"Oh! Good show? Not necessarily! The Jiang family is not easy to provoke, not to mention that he is challenging Jiang Zhenfei, the holy son of the Heavenly Demon Clan. This is not just a matter of the Jiang Family, but concerns the entire Heavenly Demon Clan. .”

"Not bad! No matter how strong that person is, he has to weigh it first."

In the inn, various discussions came.

Fang Yi ignored it at all, thinking how to find Bai Yingying's whereabouts as soon as possible.

"Brother Fang, what happened last night was not about you..."

At this time, Yan Hong who was opposite suddenly lowered his voice, hesitated to speak, and was still a little worried.

It's no wonder he is like this, Fang Yi has been paying attention to the Jiang family, and its strength is shocking, so...he can't help but have some doubts.

"What are you thinking!" Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but curl his lips into a smile, and immediately said, "But you really know that person, it's that group of people."

that group of people?

Hearing this, Yan Hong reacted instantly, and his face couldn't help but change.

"They really came, but...why did they challenge the Son of the Heavenly Demon Clan? Could it be that they really wanted to..." Yan Hong was slightly startled, thinking of the crazy words of cultivating life, his eyes flashed in disbelief.


Fang Yi shook his head, also a little puzzled.

Originally, he didn't pay attention to Xiu Ming's wild words at all, because after all, the other party was only a child of heaven, and wanting to dominate the Demon Realm was simply a fantasy.

But now, the other party has the Demon Palace in hand, everything has become unpredictable.

Because no one knows exactly which demon powerhouses are detained in the demon palace.

"It's terrible, that person really has to fight."

At this time, an exclamation suddenly came.


The crowd was in an uproar, "What about the result? Has Jiang Zhenfei ever accepted the challenge?"

"Naturally, the two agreed that after an hour, we will have a competition in Wanmo Square." The visitor replied.

"Go! Go and see!"

The crowd couldn't wait immediately, this was a big event, and it was rare for a mysterious strongman to challenge the Heavenly Demon Son.

"Why don't we go and have a look?" Yan Hong was obviously moved, but he wasn't sure if he would be discovered by the other party, so he hesitated and wanted to drag Fang Yi along.


Fang Yi nodded. There is nothing left and right, so it is better to go and have a look.

Moreover, if the person who abducted Bai Yingying was in the City of Demons, they might show up after learning about this.

As for whether he would be discovered by Xiuming, he was not worried at all, not to mention that the Wanmo Square at this moment must be deserted by thousands of people, even if not, as long as he wanted to hide, no one would be able to find out.

Immediately, the two left with the crowd.

As expected, the Wanmo Plaza is already crowded with people, and the surrounding crowds are still flocking here.

The mysterious strongman challenged the Heavenly Demon Son!

Such an astonishing event spread throughout the Ten Thousand Demons City almost instantly, and on the eve of the opening of the Demon Holy Land, many of the top ten demon clan powerhouses had already entered the Ten Thousand Demons City, and the attention they received was overwhelming. One can imagine.

"Why haven't you come yet? I don't know who the mysterious strong man is? He dared to challenge the Son of Heavenly Demon. It's really daring."

"That's right, he dared to call himself the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons. He didn't know what it meant. Later, Jiang Zhenfei would definitely beat him to the ground."

"that is……"

The crowd was outraged, and they were obviously irritated by the title of Master Wanmo.

The True Ancestor of Myriad Demons, that is the legend of the Demon Race. The other party claimed to be the Master of Myriad Demons. In their view, this is undoubtedly a blasphemy against the True Ancestor of Myriad Demons.


At this time, an exclamation suddenly came.

(End of this chapter)

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