Fortune Shrine

Chapter 1750 Someone Robbed Your Wife

Chapter 1750 Someone Robbed Your Wife

The one who spoke was of course Wanmo Young Master. At this moment, he looked at Hua Lian'er with a happy face, and the result was out, so...

When the crowd heard this, they seemed to come to their senses, and there was cheers like a mountain torrent.

Because of the bet before the war.

"I didn't expect that a battle would lead to a marriage, tsk tsk, it's really enviable."

"That's not true! Master Wanmo suppressed the audience, and Hua Lian'er is also extremely tyrannical. If they get married, then the entire demon clan..."

The crowd all stared with envy.

In the eyes of most people, this is undoubtedly a match made in heaven.

But the elders of the demon clan were a little worried, because not everyone wanted the demon clan to be unified. Of course, if the person in charge was their own, it would be a different matter, but obviously not, so...

But the members of the Blood Demon Clan looked a little strange, maybe they didn't know whether this was good or bad for them.

Involuntarily, their eyes all turned to Hua Lian'er.

The same is true for the crowd, they are all waiting for Hua Lianer's reply, although the ending has already been decided, but if Hua Lianer can express her position in person, it will naturally be different.

However, Hua Lian'er seemed to be a normal person, and said slowly: "I would like to accept the bet, you win! Naturally, Miss Ben has no objection."

As soon as these words came out, the crowd instantly boiled.

Even Young Master Wan Mo was overjoyed, because everything today went smoother than he expected, and there was even an extra Hua Lian'er, which can be described as an unexpected surprise.

Compared to them, Chi Lin's expression froze, his face full of disbelief, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

Fortunately, at the next moment, Hua Lian'er's faint voice sounded again.

"However! Although Miss Ben has no objections, you have to ask my man first."

Hua Lian'er said solemnly, there was no shame on her face, but a hint of playfulness on the contrary.

The originally noisy crowd fell silent in an instant.

And the happy expression of Young Master Wanmo froze instantly.

At the same time, Fang Yi couldn't help but 'thump' in his heart, with a vague premonition.


The next moment, Hua Lian'er's playful and playful voice sounded, "Bastard, someone is robbing your wife, you still don't come out."

While speaking, she looked at Fang Yi with a smirk.

This made Fang Yi speechless, and even a little depressed. He didn't want to expose it, because once exposed, it would undoubtedly be extremely inconvenient to act, but Hua Lian'er... He never dreamed that the other party would drag him into the water at this time.

If this is the case, all previous efforts in rescuing Bai Yingying will undoubtedly be wasted.

and many more!

Maybe it's not an opportunity.

Young Master Wan Mo subdued Ye Mingkong, and the other five holy sons, even if they entered the Holy Land of Beginning Demon, they might not be able to take down the other party.

Although he is not afraid of Master Wanmo, if so many people are added, the result will be completely different. On the contrary, now...if he can take the opportunity to take down the opponent, then...

Suddenly, Fang Yi's eyes lit up, and he already had an idea in his heart.

But at this moment, the eyes of the crowd couldn't help but cast their gazes over. They all had complicated expressions, including surprise, weirdness, and envy.

Especially the most fierce one, like a wolf, is none other than Master Wanmo.

"It's you!"

The corner of Wanmo Young Master's mouth twitched, and a monstrous anger welled up in his eyes.

The crowd obviously also noticed the abnormality. They didn't expect that Master Wanmo recognized this stranger. Even Hua Lian'er was also a little surprised, but she still had a ghostly smile on her face, as if she didn't take it seriously at all.

Xia Houzheng and the others were anxious, they had witnessed the dominance of Young Master Wanmo just now.

Although their suzerain is also extremely good, they have no idea whether they can beat the opponent, so why not rush.

As for the crowd, after the initial astonishment, it slowly turned into disdain, just because Fang Yi's cultivation was clearly only Tianying Bachang.

Although there are many evildoers in this world, they can leapfrog to fight.

However, all of the top ten demon saints are monsters among monsters, and the son of ten thousand demons is even more rare in ten thousand years. He is the only one who challenges others by leapfrogging.

How could someone leapfrog to challenge him.

Therefore, apart from disdain, the crowd was unwilling to look at Fang Yi at all.

"I'm afraid Hua Lian'er is confused, right? Or did she do it on purpose to be funny? Ask him? Is he Hua Lian'er's man?"

The crowd sneered, if it wasn't for Hua Lianer's mouth, they would never believe it.

"I can't say for sure. It is said that Hua Lian'er is in a bad mood and loves to tease people. Maybe this person has a grudge against her. She took the opportunity to play tricks on him."

"Haha! If that's the case, that person must want to die."

This competition seemed to have turned into a farce, and no one believed that Fang Yi dared to stand up.

However, something that surprised everyone happened. Fang Yi stepped forward step by step, although he was slow, he was extremely firm.

"What the hell? Is this kid crazy? He's looking for death!"

The crowd looked at each other, apparently unable to believe Fang Yi's actions, but Hua Lian'er was extremely proud, and she landed beside Fang Yi in a flash, "Big wood, I knew you were reluctant to give me up to others ,right?"

Hua Lian'er looked happy, and was even a little moved. Obviously, she didn't know Fang Yi's real purpose.

But Fang Yi couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching.

"Okay! Then what kind of devil boy, I'm sorry! My big wood disagrees, are out of the game."

Hua Lian'er said indifferently, as if she didn't take this matter to heart.

It seemed that her purpose was to force Fang Yi to stand up, and she couldn't control the future.

However, how could Young Master Wan Mo agree, and Fang Yi could not.

"Could Miss Lian'er be joking? Do you really think I'm so easy to play with?" Mr. Wan Mo's face has become extremely ugly at this moment.

Not to mention the matter of Hua Lian'er, even what happened last time, he will definitely not let Fang Yi go.

"Then what do you want?" Hua Lianer dissatisfied.

"How is it? You actually asked me what I want? For the sake of the blood demon patriarch, I will not make things difficult for you, but he violated my majesty, and death is not a pity." The meaning is monstrous, and the teeth are also clenching.

"It's just a fight, why talk so much nonsense?" Seeing this, Fang Yi became a little impatient, and said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, the crowd couldn't help being stunned. No one thought that this white-haired man who suddenly appeared was so reckless.

Facing Young Master Wan Mo, he dared to be so rampant, it was simply...

How could Hua Lian'er fall in love with such a person.

At this moment, the crowd couldn't help but shake their heads in doubt,

"Oh! Fight? What qualifications do you have to fight with me? You are not a demon at all, you are just a spiritual cultivator."


Devotional?As soon as these words came out, the crowd couldn't help looking at Fang Yi, with a fierce light.

(End of this chapter)

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