Fortune Shrine

Chapter 1777 Wooden Temple

Chapter 1777 Wooden Temple


After finally fooling Lan Zhengxuan, Lan Ling couldn't help cursing, with a look of contempt on his face.

Regarding this, Fang Yi was also very helpless, feeling guilty.

But for the fruit of life, he can't care so much.

time flies!

Three days passed in a flash, and everything about what happened in the Tianyao Inn gradually spread, and for a while, 'Lan Ling' became a man of the hour and attracted a lot of attention.

However, in the past three days, he has been cultivating without going out of the gate.

He naturally has no interest in the big competition of the Yaozu.

However, the Shenmeng Fairy's son-in-law election will start soon, and by then, it will not only be the strong ones in the Heavenly Infant Realm, but the Composite Realm will definitely be indispensable.

Although he didn't think it would be Fengshenmeng's idea.

But no matter what, he must prepare for the worst, and strength is undoubtedly the only guarantee. Therefore, he has been practicing during this period and has never stopped.

As for Lan Zhengxuan, he had already reported the matter to the upper echelons of the Yaozu.

Although there is still no conclusion on this matter, but such a big matter, he naturally dare not neglect it.

The Holy Land of the Monster Race is located in the north of the Wan Yao City, among the endless mountains, where the ancient trees are towering, and the monsters and beasts are rampant.

Except for monsters, it is almost impossible for humans to get close.

Fang Yi tried to get close several times, but without exception, they all ended in failure. It is precisely because of this that he had to change into a blue spirit. Impossible to kill.

But now...

"Here we are!" At this moment, Lan Zhengxuan said while looking ahead.

I saw a huge canyon in front of me. At the entrance of the canyon, many people gathered at the moment, all of whom were the heirs of the major monster clans.

The arrival of the two has attracted the attention of many people.

"Miss Lan Ling, long time no see." Huang Guangxian spoke first, with an earnest expression on his face, which made Fang Yi's skin crawl all over.

Everyone in the crowd is also staring.

This feeling really made Fang Yi a little unbearable, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

Lan Zhengxuan's eyes also turned cold, but he didn't care about these things at the moment, but he was paying attention to the crowd, and those heirs of the monster clan who were unmoved, because these people might have been taught by Tianying.

The same is true for Fang Yi, there are indeed a few people who caught his attention.

The strongest among them is naturally one of the favorites in this competition, Ao Xiong.

He has a stern expression, as if he doesn't care about everything, but his eyes are unusually firm.

His eyes fell on 'Lan Ling' from time to time, which was a bit weird.

Sensing this gaze, Fang Yi couldn't help but 'thump' in his heart, feeling a faint bad feeling.

Subconsciously, he suddenly thought of Chi Zhengqing, Prison Sky Mirror was taken, and before being captured, Lan Ling had been imprisoned in Prison Sky Mirror, and now he appeared as Lan Ling.

Did the other party know something?

Could it be that the members of the Sky Shadow Sect have already guessed that they are fake?

Don't say it, it's really possible.

But if this is the case, will they change their plans?

At this moment, Fang Yi couldn't help but frown, he suddenly realized that he seemed to be thinking too simply.

But not necessarily, Chi Zhengqing knew that he had a grudge with the Qingmu Yaozu, and now that he appeared as a blue spirit again, he obviously had a plan, maybe they thought they were just trying to fish in troubled waters.

Or, they're not sure they've penetrated their purpose.

But no matter what, the matter has come to this point, and it is impossible for the two parties to give up halfway, Fang Yi will not, and the Sky Shadow Sect will not.

"Very good! Everyone is here!"

At this time, an old man in blue stepped out from the canyon. His eyes were sharp, like a falcon, and fell on everyone, as if he could penetrate people's hearts.

"Now, let's enter one by one!" The old man in Tsing Yi nodded slightly and said again.

"Yes!" Everyone didn't dare to neglect, and then entered the canyon one by one.

And the old man in Tsing Yi did not interrogate them, but just glanced at everyone one by one.

Entering the canyon is like entering another world, the majestic vitality makes people feel happy physically and mentally, surrounded by lush greenery and blooming flowers.

At a glance, a hundred flowers bloom, like a sea of ​​flowers.

So beautiful!

Even Fang Yi couldn't help being stunned by the scene in front of him at this moment.

He originally thought that this place must be similar to the outside world, with towering ancient trees, like a primitive jungle, but in fact, there are no such tall trees here, only at the end of the line of sight, a giant tree piercing the sky.

"Then... that's the tree of life?" Among the crowd, there were also some warriors who entered the Holy Land of the Monster Race for the first time.

This time, not only the heirs of the big monster clans, but also the high-level leaders of the big monster clans came here.

Each heir can bring several followers, and because of this, Fang Yi can easily enter.

At this time, he was also shocked by the giant tree reaching to the sky. The huge tree crown was like a giant umbrella, covering the sky and the sun.

The branches pass through the clouds one by one, making it seem like a giant pillar supporting the sky.

At the top of the tree, the dense branches and leaves are swaying in the wind, like a huge palace, hidden in the clouds, looming.

This is?

Seeing this scene, Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking sharply, and there was a flash of shock.

Because for some reason, at this moment, he thought of one of the legendary Good Fortune Shrines, the Wooden Temple.

Could it be that this tree of life is related to the Wooden Temple?

Fang Yi didn't know why he had such an idea, but seeing this giant tree reaching to the sky and the looming palace, he naturally thought of the Wooden Temple, and at the same time his eyes became extremely longing.

Because the Heavenly Doctor Saintess once said that the only one who can save Wumeng is probably the Wooden Temple, but now...

As it goes deeper, the tree of life becomes even bigger and bigger.

Not only Fang Yi, but also the crowd were amazed, and some even couldn't help but worship him.

The Tree of Life has always been the sacred tree of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, and it is also known as the foundation of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm. The leaf of wisdom and the fruit of life have made the demon clan stronger.

It is no exaggeration to say that without this tree, the Yaozu would not be as powerful as it is now.

"Bastard, did you see it! This lady advises you to give up your thoughts, otherwise, the powerful monster clan will definitely let you die without death."

In the prison sky mirror, Lan Ling warned again.

Now Fang Yi's body is hers, if something happens to her, she doesn't know what will happen, so...

However, how could Fang Yi give up, especially if he suspected that the tree was related to the Wooden Temple, it was even more impossible.

At this time, a group of people also came to a huge open space, which was the site of the Monster Race Grand Competition, not far from the Tree of Life, even under its dense branches and leaves.

In front of the open space, there are still several people, each of them is like a deep breath, and they are the high-ranking monsters who are in charge of this competition.

"I won't say much about the purpose of this competition, I believe everyone knows..."

(End of this chapter)

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