Fortune Shrine

Chapter 1783 Shadow Patriarch

Chapter 1783 Shadow Patriarch

At this moment, Ao Xiong was standing in the crowd, and he didn't fight anyone. There seemed to be an invisible energy around him, blocking the crowd, making it impossible for the crowd to get close.

But he, with a pair of eyes, was staring at the bright fruit of life on the tree of life.

There was boundless longing, even excitement.

That gaze was like a dying old man's desire for life.

He stepped towards the tree of life step by step. Wherever he passed, with him as the center, the surrounding crowd seemed to be isolated by an invisible energy, completely unable to approach.

What's even more miraculous is that the crowd seemed to automatically ignore his existence.

Let him walk towards the fruit of life.

"what happened?"

Fang Yi reacted immediately, because his attention was always on the fruit of life.

"Stop him!" He shouted anxiously.

While speaking, he slashed out with a sword.

The fruit of life is Ji Wumeng's last hope. Even though he knows he is invincible, he can't give up. The sword goes soaring into the sky, and instantly turns into a sky-shattering sword shadow, carrying the power of breaking the sky and falling from the sky.

The huge sword shadow almost cut across the mountain.

However, before the sword fell, it collapsed inch by inch and became invisible when it was tens of meters away from Ao Xiong.


Fang Yi's pupils shrank suddenly, full of shock, which was obviously beyond his cognition.

Because from the beginning to the end, the other party did not move at all.

This sword also seemed to not arouse the opponent's interest at all, and he didn't even have the intention to take a second look, and he didn't even pause at his feet.

However, although this sword failed to stop his footsteps, it made the expressions of the Yaozu people change drastically.

"Who are you?"

It was Chi Zhanpeng who was the first to react, his pupils shrank slightly, and suddenly there was a strong wind around him, and his figure disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already blocking Ao Xiong's front.

At the same time, a light flashed in his hand, and a silver spear emerged out of thin air.

He stabbed lightly, and countless silver spear heads came like bright stars all over the sky.

Such an astonishing shot almost enveloped the world, and everything could not hide.

Even Fang Yi, who was outside the shot, couldn't help changing his expression, as if his soul was trembling. He had no doubt that if the shot came towards him, he might not even be able to dodge it. I have to wait to die.

Of course, he might be able to escape his life by relying on the two great temples, but...

However, facing such an amazing shot, Ao Xiong didn't seem to have much reaction.

Just nodded lightly, "Not bad!"

Following the sound, he slowly raised his right palm, and then punched out.

This punch seemed extremely ordinary, as if it didn't contain any energy, but the whole world seemed to be pressed against Chi Zhanpeng with this punch.

Chi Zhanpeng's complexion also changed drastically, and his eyes were full of fear and disbelief.

And the countless silver gun tips also merged into one in an instant, stabbing at that punch.

Boom! ! !

The next moment, there was a loud bang, the silver spear collapsed inch by inch, and Chi Zhanpeng's figure was blasted out like a cannonball.


The crowd was all stunned on the spot, their faces full of disbelief.

One must know that Chi Zhanpeng is a superpower at the fourth level of the Fusion Realm, on par with Tu Sihai, and he is well-known in the entire Ten Thousand Monsters Realm and even the surrounding star fields.

But now, how dare they believe that they were punched back by an unknown strong man.

Not to mention them, even Chi Zhanpeng himself seemed to have seen a ghost. He was licking the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of horror.

"You... who are you?"

He sternly shouted, and his expression became extremely jealous.

"For the sake of Yuan Qitian's absence, the old man will not kill you, but only take a fruit of life." However, what responded to him was an old voice, and with this voice, Ao Xiong's body also changed greatly.

In an instant, he turned into an octogenarian old man with a slightly hunched back and a decayed air all over his body.

It was as if half a foot had stepped into the coffin.

"Shadow Patriarch!"

Chi Zhanpeng exclaimed, his face instantly turned pale.

As for the powerful monster clans, they didn't react too much at first, but when they heard the word Shadow Patriarch, they all felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

It's no wonder that the Shadow Patriarch is the Supreme Elder of the Sky Shadow Sect, his strength is as high as the sky, and he is even higher than the leader of the Sky Shadow Sect.

However, it was rumored that he failed in the last stage of his attempt to break into the Composite Realm, and almost died. Looking at his current appearance, he was already on the verge of death, and he obviously pinned his hopes on the fruit of life.

Although Fang Yi didn't know what the Shadow Patriarch was, but seeing the expressions on everyone's faces, he already knew that the person coming must be a big boss, if not, it would be more than that.

Immediately, he was in a state of confusion, because in this way, he would have no more chances.

But in fact, in the current situation, he has long since lost his chance, but he is just unwilling to give up.

"Ancestor Shadow, thanks to your strength, you actually sneaked into my demon clan's holy land regardless of your identity, and what did you say because of the absence of the Lord Demon King?"

"If Lord Demon King is here, how can it be your turn to be presumptuous."

Although there was deep fear in his eyes, Chi Zhanpeng didn't back down at all. Instead, his whole body was full of breath, and he had the momentum to fight the opponent to the death.

A group of monster clan powerhouses also surrounded in an instant, completely surrounding the Shadow Patriarch.

"Bold!" Patriarch Shadow's turbid eyes sank, and the world seemed to freeze, "I have already said that I only take the fruit of life. Since you are determined to seek death, you can't blame me."

While speaking, the energy in his body was like a sea wave, engulfing all directions.

The surrounding world seemed to be completely transformed into his territory, and above this territory, a strange shadow condensed.

During its shuttle, one after another majestic figures flew upside down.


Fang Yi's eyes were full of horror, the shadow patriarch's dominance had obviously exceeded his cognition.

Back then, the blood demon patriarch also stripped the entire forbidden area of ​​the black devil by means of the sky, but at that time, he was still inside the forbidden area. Although the blood demon patriarch was extremely powerful, he hadn't really experienced it.

It's different now, this Shadow Patriarch is just a shadow clone, and dealing with these Fusion Realm monster clans is like a child's play.

How terrifying is its strength.


Tu Sihai also shouted loudly at this time, and instantly rushed into the crowd.

All the disciples of the Sky Shadow Sect seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood at this moment. The strength of the Shadow Patriarch undoubtedly gave them great confidence.

On the contrary, the momentum of the Yaozu was a little low, and they were faintly invincible.

Especially Patriarch Shadow, sweeping the world, no one can stop his footsteps, seeing that the fruit of life is about to become his possession.

Fang Yi seemed extremely anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

At this moment, the Shadow Patriarch reached out with his giant palm and grabbed the Fruit of Life.

(End of this chapter)

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