Fortune Shrine

Chapter 1785 Fierce Combat Composite Realm

Chapter 1785 Fierce Combat Composite Realm

"Don't hurt my brother!"

In the mirror, Lan Ling also recovered from the previous shock, full of horror.

Although she has already experienced Fang Yi's strength, she never dreamed that Fang Yi would be so overbearing that even Chi Zhengqing would be vulnerable in his hands, so obviously her elder brother would not be much different.

Therefore, she quickly stopped.

"If you dare to hurt my elder brother, I will destroy your body immediately." Even, she did not hesitate to threaten with this.

Fang Yi felt very depressed. He didn't expect that after exchanging bodies, instead of gaining any benefits, he would be threatened by the other party.

Prisoner Sky Mirror was full of uncertainties, so he didn't dare to make any changes.

Moreover, his goal was the fruit of life, so it didn't matter whether he killed Lan Zhengxuan or not.

Immediately, he didn't bother to pay attention to Lan Zhengxuan, and shot towards the tree of life like a lightning bolt.

However, he was willing to give up, but Lan Zhengxuan was a little bit reluctant, because Lan Ling, Lan Ling was still in Fang Yi's hands, so naturally he would not give up.

"Little thief, hand over my sister!"

He only heard him yell urgently, and he also followed closely.

Also attacked like him was a cold middle-aged man with deep aura, a powerful person from the Sky Shadow Cult who was in the body state. Chi Zhengqing was killed, and he attacked immediately, and a giant palm was also slapped out at the same time, like A dark cloud covered the sky and covered the sun.

"You bastard, hand over the Prisoner's Heaven Realm, or you will be destroyed."

His voice was like thunder, and every word fell into Fang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness, like a heavy hammer, shaking Fang Yi's soul and almost falling.

So strong!

Fang Yi secretly marveled, his face changed drastically, and he raised his hand and slapped him suddenly.

Immediately, dragon chants resounded throughout the world, and the claws of the real dragon condensed in an instant, and suddenly blasted towards that palm.


Immediately, there was a loud noise, Fang Yi only felt a mighty force coming, and with a light step, he flew out directly.

The inside of the body is also like a tossing river, but it is suppressed by him forcefully.

"Huh?" There was a flash of surprise in the eyes of the cold middle-aged man, as if he didn't expect Fang Yi to be able to take this blow from him, and he seemed to be fine.

Even though he is only at the first level of the combined body, he is far from being able to compete with the Heavenly Infant Realm.

"It's a bit of a skill, so it's no wonder that I was able to win the Prisoner's Heaven Realm. It's a pity..." Before he could finish his sentence, a long sword was slashed out. Way struck.

One left and one right, obviously wanting to kill Fang Yige on the spot.

"Shadow clone!" Fang Yi couldn't help but shrink his pupils, and he didn't dare to be careless at the moment. With a thought, the clone also appeared out of thin air.

The monstrous demonic energy also erupted.

"Ancient Demon Clan! Boy, are you from the Ancient Demon Clan?" The cold middle-aged man showed a hint of surprise and doubt.

"No! If you are a member of the ancient demon clan, why didn't you practice demon kung fu?"

He was obviously puzzled.

But Fang Yi naturally wouldn't answer him, the main body and clone greeted him at the same time.

Today, his main body has reached the eight transformations of the Tianying, and his strength can almost crush the Tianying.

Just like the gloomy middle-aged man in front of him, although he has reached the body-fit state, he doesn't feel so strong that he can't compete. As long as the inner world is out, he will have the confidence to fight.

As for warriors in the first level of the Composite Realm, the inner world is still extremely fragile, and they dare not easily enclose warriors, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Under such circumstances, coupled with the avatar's true demon body, for a while, the two felt evenly matched.

Although he is still suppressed, it is extremely difficult for the opponent to win him.

"Boy, who are you?" After being unable to attack for a long time, the cold middle-aged face had become extremely ugly. He had never imagined that a warrior who had transformed into a baby could be so tyrannical.

Once upon a time, after the sudden fusion state, the Tianying state was like an ant in his eyes.

But now... this ant made him helpless.

The ones who were as shocked as him were Lan Zhengxuan and Lan Ling in the mirror.

Especially Lan Ling, her face was full of disbelief, and her eyes were full of brilliance. In her heart, her elder brother was already the best in his class, but compared with him now, he was obviously nothing.

As for Lan Zhengxuan, he also stayed on the spot in a daze, not knowing whether to step forward.

But then, he gritted his teeth and quickly attacked Fang Yi.

Fang Yi had already reached his limit in the face of a Composite Realm, and he was even in danger, but now with Lan Zhengxuan, the result can be imagined.

In an instant, they were repeatedly injured.

"My physical body!" In the mirror, Lan Ling was very anxious. The injured body was her physical body. Once the physical body was replaced, no one knew what it would be like, so...

"Hey! Be careful, if you dare to disregard my physical body, I will just..."

"Wait! How about you join forces with my elder brother and kill that bastard."

Lan Ling's eyes moved, and she seemed to think it was feasible, whether it was Fang Yi or Tianyingjiao, it was the same for her.

On the contrary, Fang Yi's impression on her was not that bad. The most important thing is that her physical body was damaged, "Why don't you let me talk to my elder brother, and you kill that bastard together, but you have to let me out afterwards .”

She seems to be making conditions.

Hearing this, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move. The Fusion Realm is too powerful. With his strength, he can't get rid of the opponent at all.

What's more, there is Lan Zhengxuan.

Lan Ling's proposal is really good. As for the conditions proposed by the other party, he never thought of trapping the other party, so...

"Okay!" After thinking for a while, he made a decisive decision. The fruit of life is the most important thing, so get rid of the other party first.

With a thought, the Heavenly Heavenly Sword Formation shrouded in the mirror disappeared instantly.

At the same time, he has already slashed a sword, the yin and yang energy pierced through the sky and the earth, the bright sword light burst out, and a faint Tai Chi pattern also condensed.

The cold middle-aged man's face changed drastically, obviously sensing the power contained in this sword, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Not to mention Lan Zhengxuan, his eyes were full of horror, but just when he was about to attack, his expression couldn't help but change, it was extremely weird.

This scene was naturally ignored by the cold middle-aged man, not to mention that he didn't pay attention to Lan Zhengxuan at all, and the two of them had been besieging and killing Fang Yi, how could he have thought that the other party would suddenly turn against each other.

What's more, under Fang Yi's blow, he didn't dare to be careless at all.

The power of this sword made him tremble with fear.

Of course, that's all. It's obviously not enough to kill him with this sword.

"Little thief, die!" He yelled softly, and the long sword in his hand also greeted Fang Yi, with an extremely fierce aura.

However, he didn't notice at all that not far from him, Lan Zhengxuan's sword also stabbed quickly, but when it was about to approach, the direction changed and stabbed directly at him.

(End of this chapter)

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