Fortune Shrine

Chapter 1796 Arrogance

Chapter 1796 Arrogance

"Kyushu Zong Fangyi, who dares to fight me?"

The loud voice resounded like a grand bell resounding through the entire Yunmeng Square.

Fang Yi?

Hearing the sound, the crowd couldn't help but look over. What happened last night has already spread. Fang Yi's name is not only well-known, but it is not far behind.

And at this time, there was a person who called himself Fang Yi, how could they not be surprised.

"Tsk tsk! This person shouldn't be the one who broke into the Great Dream Tianzong last night, right?"

"It shouldn't be! Otherwise, he is too bold, isn't he afraid that people from the Great Dream Tianzong will come to him?"

"makes sense!"

The crowd talked a lot, although they were a little skeptical, but it was limited to this, it was just a person with the same name, and they didn't go into it. Who would have thought that Fang Yi would be so bold.

However, Chen Jin's face was pale, with cold sweat on his forehead, maybe he never dreamed that Fang Yi would be so ostentatious.

Although going to the ring was originally intended to attract the attention of the crowd, but what happened last night... had to be somewhat scruples.

However, what made him even more unexpected was yet to come.

"Let me come and meet you."

At this moment, there was a roar of anger, and a burly man, two meters away, slammed into the ring like a cannonball.

"Boy, your name is Fang Yi? There was someone who broke into the Great Dream Sect last night, also called Fang Yi, could it be Your Excellency?"

The burly man looked playful.

He didn't think that the person in front of him was the one who broke into the Great Dream Tianzong at night, but he just said it casually.

However, what he didn't expect was that Fang Yi smiled indifferently, and then said: "As you think."

The sound was flat, but falling on the huge square was no less than a thunderclap.

What do you mean by that?Admit it?

The crowd looked at each other with expressions of shock and disbelief, especially Chen Jin, whose forehead was dripping with cold sweat. He had no idea what Fang Yi was going to do.

"No way! Is he really the one who broke into the Dream Heaven Sect at night? And he is so upright, this... this is simply audacious."

"Who says no? Why do I not believe it so much? Could it be bragging?"

"Bragging? Try bragging. Bragging like this is simply courting death. Regardless of strength, this person's courage is really boundless."

The crowd seemed to explode, and there was a lot of discussion.

On the ring, the burly man was also startled, and then shouted: "Okay! Your Excellency is really kind. If it were normal, Lu would have a drink with you, but for the sake of Fairy Shenmeng, I have to offend him."

There was a bit of admiration between the brows of the burly man, and when he stepped on his foot, his whole body burst out in an instant.

Fang Yi couldn't help but smile a little, and immediately said: "Drinking is fine, but Fairy Shenmeng, you don't have to think about it, because I am her husband."


As soon as these words came out, the huge square seemed to fall into a deathly silence.

But then, there were endless sounds of anger, and the eyes of the crowd as if they were going to kill.

"Where is the arrogant person who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, just rely on him? He doesn't take a pee to take care of himself, the toad wants to eat swan meat."

"Exactly! Abolish him, knock him off the ring."


The crowd was filled with righteous indignation, and these words undoubtedly aroused public outrage. Everyone turned their finger on Fang Yi, and everyone seemed eager to rush to the ring and tear Fang Yi to pieces.

However, Chen Jin was crying secretly, hiding it, as if he was afraid of being recognized that he and Fang Yi came together.

As for Fang Yi, he acted like a normal person.

Now that he has decided to step into the ring, he has already made all the preparations.

As long as he shows up, the matter of breaking into the Dream Heaven Sect at night will definitely not be hidden. With such a big commotion in Yunmeng Square, it is impossible for the Dream Heaven Sect to have no one here, and there were many people who met him in the Dream Heaven Sect last night, so ...He simply admitted it generously.

But this is not enough. Since it is going to cause a sensation, it is natural to have a more sensational topic.

What's more, what he stated was a fact.

He didn't believe that no one told Fengshenmeng about such a big event, once Fengshenmeng found out, his goal would be achieved.

"Abandoned him!"

The crowd was still yelling.

And the burly man also looked at Fang Yi with bright eyes, "Boy, you are so arrogant, look below, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of here today."

"Let Lu Mou send you down! At least I will be lighter."

After the words fell, the burly man no longer hesitated, and his fists were blasted out like cannonballs.

With this punch, the surrounding space trembled, as if it had been pierced through.

It has to be said that this burly man is not weak, and he is also physically strong, so the power of this punch can be imagined.

But unfortunately, his opponent was Fang Yi.

"For the sake of what you said, Fang will be lighter." Fang Yi's faint voice sounded, and immediately, he raised his fist slightly and punched out casually.

The punch seemed unremarkable.

The crowd all looked puzzled, but more of them were contemptuous, because they could already foresee Fang Yi's end.

How could such an ordinary punch be the opponent of a burly man.

However, a scene that the crowd did not expect happened. This seemingly ordinary punch made the burly man's face change drastically.

The next moment, the burly man's body seemed to have crashed into an invisible wall, and he flew upside down and landed on the ring.


The huge crowd seemed to have fallen into a sluggish state.

With just one blow, the burly man was knocked off the ring, how dare they believe it.

What is more difficult to accept is undoubtedly the burly man himself. His pupils are wide open, looking at Fang Yi in disbelief. He has always been extremely confident in his own strength, especially his physical strength.

But today, the opponent just raised his hand and punched him, blowing him away.

And obviously, the other party showed mercy, otherwise...

"No wonder you dare to be so rampant. You really have some skills. Let me teach you how to behave."

The burly man was defeated, and the crowd obviously couldn't wait. The two figures rushed towards the ring almost at the same time, full of killing intent.

All this, just because of Fang Yi's previous words, completely angered them.

"Huh?" The two looked at each other, seeming a little embarrassed.

"Who goes first?" one of them asked.

"Whatever, as long as you beat him so hard that his teeth are all over the place." Another person replied.

"Yes! Abolish him, let him dare to be arrogant." The crowd shouted loudly, each of them seemed to have a life-and-death feud with Fang Yi.

"In my opinion, it's better for the two of you to go together! To save time, it's just an extra punch."

While the two were talking, Fang Yi's faint voice sounded again. Although the voice was weak, the domineeringness revealed was beyond doubt.

"Bastard, you are looking for death!" The two were furious, as if they had been humiliated, but in public, it was hard for them to really join forces.

But Fang Yi was a little impatient, and said in his mouth: "Since you don't make a move, then I will not be polite."

Accompanied by these words, his figure shot away like lightning, and his two huge fists also smashed away.

(End of this chapter)

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