Fortune Shrine

Chapter 1810 Mr. Duobao

Chapter 1810 Mr. Duobao

time flies!

The day of the general election for son-in-law is getting closer and closer.

Similarly, more and more martial artists came to Huimengxing, and the strong people from all sides gathered together, which was very lively.

However, Fang Yi didn't go anywhere. During this period of time, he just retreated quietly, waiting patiently for the arrival of the son-in-law election.

Fengshenmeng has lost his memory, and too much entanglement will not work, but will make the other party disgusted. Therefore, Fang Yi decided not to bother, and first won the election for son-in-law, because this is not only Fengshenmeng's opportunity, but also his chance.

A chance to start over.

"Brother Fang!"

After leaving the customs again, there are only ten days left before the election of the son-in-law.

Lan Zhengxuan and many Yaozu powerhouses have also come to Huimengxing, and have learned everything about Fang Yi's return to Mengxing.

At this moment, seeing Fang Yi leaving the customs, Lan Zhengxuan quickly rushed up to meet her, and Lan Ling beside her also rushed to join in the fun.

Although the son-in-law election had nothing to do with her, how could she miss such a grand event.

"Hey! Bastard, I can't tell, you are really good, even Chi Zhengyuan was killed by you, but it's a pity, you offended Fairy Shenmeng, so why don't you participate in this election for a son-in-law?"

Lan Ling yelled, saying it was a pity, but there was a look of pride on his brows.

"Little sister, please don't be rude to Brother Fang." Lan Zhengxuan hastily shouted, with a rather stern expression.

This made Lan Ling very dissatisfied. He muttered and stopped talking.

Fang Yi naturally didn't take it to heart, he just smiled lightly as a greeting.

"Brother Fang, Fairy Shenmeng didn't stop you from participating in the election for a son-in-law, must not be discouraged." Seeing Fang Yi's expression was a little downcast, Lan Zhengxuan quickly gave a word of relief.

Obviously, he thought Lan Ling's words had hit Fang Yi's sore spot.

Fang Yi didn't bother to explain, shook his head and smiled, and said again: "That's right! I've been retreating for a while, but what's the latest progress? How is the election for a son-in-law going? Who are the most promising people?"

he asked repeatedly.

In the past, he was indifferent to the election of son-in-law, but now it is different, he must win the election of son-in-law.

Therefore, he must understand more clearly, knowing himself and the enemy, in order to be victorious in all battles.

"Not yet. As for who is the most promising, basically, you can see the odds of the Shenjing Merchant Alliance." Lan Zhengxuan replied.

Divine Mirror Merchant Alliance?Odds?

Fang Yi nodded in surprise, vaguely remembering such a thing.

"Then what are my odds?" He couldn't help asking casually.


Hearing the question, Lan Zhengxuan's expression became a little strange, hesitant to speak.

And Lan Ling, who was at the side, couldn't wait to say: "Hmph! You offended Fairy Shenmeng, do you think that someone will take good care of you? Why don't you tell me! You are the lowest on the list, and you will be compensated three hundred. "

Three hundred for one?

Fang Yi was stunned, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but a wry smile. The odds were simply ironic.

That means everyone ignored him.

"I really don't understand. It's better to just withdraw such odds. Why stay on it? What the hell is the Shenjing Merchant Alliance doing?"

Lan Ling was very puzzled, then looked at Fang Yi again, and asked, "Hey! Did you offend the people of the Shenjing Business League, so they deliberately hung you up and humiliated you?"

this?Is this possible?

Fang Yi was at a loss.

In terms of offending people, he has offended countless people in the two ring battles, it's really hard to tell.

However, he naturally wouldn't care.

Instead, he smiled and said, "Let's go! If you don't make good use of such a good opportunity to make a fortune, you will be too sorry for the Shenjing Merchant Alliance."

With that said, he strode away directly.

Seeing this, the two of Lan Zhengxuan quickly followed.

The Shenjing Merchant Alliance, the largest merchant alliance in the Wucai Galaxy, has a very wide spread, but every larger planet has their branches. It is conceivable that they can do such a large business.

Even surpassed some powerful sects.

The so-called money can make ghosts, it is also common in this cultivation world, or even worse, because practitioners desperately need resources.

And the Divine Mirror Merchant Alliance has everything that one expects to find, and countless warriors are at the mercy of it, and its strength is far from being as simple as imagined.

Knowing all this from Lan Zhengxuan's mouth, Fang Yi was also very surprised. A business alliance that he heard inadvertently turned out to have such a big background.

However, the bigger the background, the better, so they won't be afraid of repudiating their debts.

An extraordinary seven-story building appeared in front of my eyes, and it was one of the best in the entire Yunmeng City. It was the Shenjing Merchant Alliance.

In front of the gate, there is a sea of ​​people, and there are endless connections.

"Look! Who's coming?"

"Fang Yi? He actually has the face to come to the Shenjing Merchant League? Tsk tsk..."

As soon as he approached, all kinds of strange gazes came to him, and the crowd whispered and looked weird.

However, sensing Fang Yi's sharp gaze, they quickly lowered their heads again, pretending to be nonchalant.

Although Fang Yi had offended Fairy Shenmeng and had no hope of finding a son-in-law in the general election, but with his own strength, who would dare to touch his brow.

In fact, they were thinking too much, how could Fang Yi pay attention to them, directly ignored their existence, and went to the inside of the Shenjing Merchant Alliance.

However, Lan Ling seemed very upset, and scolded: "What are you looking at, what is there to look at, and then I gouged your eyes." She looked vicious, and as a monster, she didn't have much for humans Good impression.

Seeing this, the crowd seemed a little apprehensive.

Of course, what they were most afraid of was Fang Yi.

"I bought Mengjiangnan, one hundred thousand middle-grade spirit stones..."

"And I, buy the Ancient Demon Clan's Army Cultivator, fifty top-grade spirit stones..."

As soon as he stepped into the main hall, various noisy voices came, and the huge Shenjing Merchant Alliance was like a vegetable market.

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning slightly, if he didn't want to check the odds, get to know some opponents, and make a little money by the way, he really wouldn't want to stay here.

However, Lan Ling had a surprised face, bright eyes, and a look of great interest.

"Look! The odds list is over there."

Hearing the sound, Fang Yi couldn't help but look.

The one who ranked first on the list was called Mr. Duobao, and the odds were three to one.

One loses three, the odds are extremely low. You must know that there are countless warriors participating in the election for a son-in-law. This odds proves that everyone is optimistic that this person can win the election for a son-in-law.

Fang Yi was also very surprised. He vaguely remembered that he seemed to have heard of this person somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Tsk tsk! Mr. Duobao, I didn't expect so many people to be optimistic about him, even Meng Jiangnan was suppressed by him, and the odds were higher than him, four for one."

"Of course, don't forget who Mr. Duobao is. Not only is he powerful, but he also has a lot of treasures. More importantly, he is the young master of the Shenjing Merchant League. Dare the Shenjing Merchant League not favor him?" ?”

The crowd roared with laughter and echoed.

Fang Yi couldn't help but smile in surprise, and then vaguely remembered the other party's identity.

(End of this chapter)

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