Fortune Shrine

Chapter 1812

Chapter 1812

Shenjing Merchant Alliance, the top of the seven-storey attic.

Here, one can almost overlook the entire Yunmeng City, especially the not-too-distant Yunmeng Square, where the three bustling arenas can be seen all at the moment.

But Fang Yi just glanced lightly, then looked away.

Although he had no interest in the invitation of Mr. Duobao, it was naturally different when it was related to Fengshenmeng.

"Speak! What's the matter?"

Looking at Mr. Duobao, Fang Yi asked directly.

"Not urgent!"

However, Mr. Duobao looked careless, picked up the teacup in his hand, and took a sip with a rather intoxicated expression.

Although Fang Yi was a little impatient, he didn't ask.

"Let me introduce myself first, Zhou Tong, the young master of the Shenjing Shangmeng, known as Mr. Duobao."

Putting down the teacup, Mr. Duobao smiled lightly and said.

"What? Fang Daoyou, why don't you introduce yourself?" Seeing that Fang Yi didn't respond, Young Master Duobao couldn't help asking.

"Kyushu Zong Fang Yi!" Fang Yi was a little impatient, but he replied casually.

Mr. Duobao was not surprised, but looked at Fang Yi rather playfully, and said: "Although the news of the Shenjing Merchant Alliance is not well-informed, he does know a little about the sects of various domains. It seems that there is no one named Kyushu." Zongmen."

There was a bit of temptation in his voice, and his eyes were also a little deep.

But Fang Yi didn't have the heart to understand, let alone explain, and the impatience in his heart was even worse.

"The point is, you've wasted so much of my time. If it's just nonsense, I don't mind throwing you down." The voice was cold and domineering.

If there were outsiders here, they would be terrified beyond measure.

Who is Mr. Duobao?Someone dared to talk to him like that, and he was still in the Shenjing Merchant Alliance.


Not to mention the others, Mr. Duobao was also startled, and then burst out laughing.

"Fang Daoyou is really a sweetheart. If that's the case, then Zhou won't be a joke. Why don't we make a deal?" Mr. Duobao said loudly.


Fang Yi raised his eyes slightly, obviously a little surprised, he didn't think he had anything to trade with the other party.

Mr. Duobao obviously saw his doubts, and continued: "The transaction is very simple, how about Mr. Zhou helping you win the election for son-in-law?" He said quite seriously, with a confident smile in his eyes.

"Help me?" Fang Yi was stunned, and sneered, "Don't tell me, you also bought and I won."

This is of course a sarcastic remark.

But Mr. Duobao burst out laughing when he heard this.

"Of course not! Why does Zhou need to place a bet? It's just a small favor for Fang Daoyou, but Fang Daoyou seems a little greedy. One bet is [-] high-grade spirit stones. Even if my mirror business alliance is rich and powerful, I'm afraid I can't afford it either."

He clearly meant something.

The implication is that such a high odds is actually a tribute to Fang Yi, which made Fang Yi startled.

"Heh! You seem to be full of confidence. Fang is really curious. Where does your confidence come from?"

"It should be noted that not long ago, a certain person had a big fight with Fairy Shenmeng."

Looking at Mr. Duobao, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

Of course, he was just asking casually, but he didn't think of really using the other party, he was just curious.

However, Young Master Duobao didn't care, and still said confidently: "It doesn't matter! Because Fairy Shenmeng doesn't care about these at all, all she cares about is the Great Dream Realm, and it doesn't matter whether you offend her or not."

"Oh! Really? You seem to know a lot."

Fang Yi was a little surprised, and became more and more curious.

"Even if it's as you said, how can you help me?" After a pause, he asked again.

"Simple! Now that we know Fairy Shenmeng's purpose, everything will be obvious. Whoever can accompany her into the depths of the Great Dream will win the final election for son-in-law." Young Master Duobao was full of confidence, and then said again.

"It just so happens that Zhou has heard a little about the Great Dream Realm. Although it can't guarantee you to enter the deepest part of the Great Dream Realm, it can at least make you better than others."

Hearing this, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move slightly.

Although he is full of confidence in himself.

However, it is still unclear how the general election for son-in-law will be carried out.

For the sake of Fengshenmeng, and for myself, there is absolutely no room for failure in this general election. If there is a better way...

"Really? Then what do I need to pay?"

Seeing that Fang Yi was tempted, Mr. Duobao smiled knowingly, and said slowly: "Not much! I only want the prison sky mirror."

Prisoner Sky Mirror?

Fang Yi was slightly taken aback. He obviously didn't expect that the other party would come here for this mirror. Although Prisoner's Sky Mirror is amazing, it cannot be compared with Fengshenmeng. Of course he doesn't care.

You must know that in this general election for son-in-law, there will be a large number of strong men. Although Fang Yi is confident, he is not sure of winning.


"Fang is a little curious. Since you are so confident, why do you want to take advantage of Fang?"

"You're not going to tell me that you don't like Fairy Shenmeng at all, are you?"

Fang Yi sneered, and his eyes couldn't help but turn slightly cold.

"Hahaha! Fellow Daoist Fang is joking."

Hearing this, Young Master Duobao laughed loudly, and said calmly: "Fairy Shenmeng looks like a celestial being, she is excellent in martial arts, I am afraid that no one can ignore her existence, but..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly changed the subject, "But it is precisely because of this that Zhou did not want to take this muddy water. Moreover, Fairy Shenmeng's purpose is for the Great Dreamland. It is still unknown what will happen in the end."

He obviously meant something, and there was an inscrutable smile on the corner of his mouth.

How could Fang Yi fail to understand the meaning, although Fengshenmeng had forgotten the past, his personality hadn't changed, instead he became more indifferent.

How could it be so easy...

"Okay! I will trade with you, how can you help me go deep into the dreamland?" After thinking about it, Fang Yi finally said.

The Great Dream Realm was left behind by the Great Dream Immortal, and the means of the Great Dream Immortal are amazing.

Therefore, he also has some scruples.

If he could use the Prisoner Heaven Realm to add a layer of insurance, he would never hesitate.

How could a mere Prisoner's Sky Mirror be compared to Fengshen's Dream? What's more, this thing was originally taken from the Sky Shadow Sect, so he didn't care much.

"Fang Daoyou is indeed a cheerful person." Young Master Duobao was overjoyed when he heard the words, and when he touched his hand, a bronze mirror appeared in his hand.

Seeing the bronze mirror, Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, because the bronze mirror was exactly the same as the Prisoner's Heaven Realm.

If it wasn't for sure that the Prisoner Realm was in the Water God Temple, and no one could take it away, he really doubted it...

"Isn't it very surprising?" Young Master Duobao smiled lightly, as if he had expected it long ago, and he continued: "This bronze mirror is called the Bright Mind Mirror. Straight to nature."

"With it, it is enough to let you break into the dreamland, far better than others."

(End of this chapter)

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