Fortune Shrine

Chapter 1832 Black Wind Group

Chapter 1832 Black Wind Group

However, it seemed that there was no serious problem, but his face was slightly pale, and he stabilized his figure in an instant.

How can it be?

The expressions of the two generals Fu Lu and the soldiers of Tianshou City all changed drastically, as if they had seen a ghost.

In fact, not to mention them, even Qingyi and the others were horrified.

You know, Feng Yiyi is only at the peak of the Seven Transformations of Tianying, and there is still a huge gap between him and the Fusion Realm, but this blow, although most of the energy was consumed by the Imaginary Immortal Formation, Feng Yiyi was able to take it without any damage. No harm, enough to prove its strength.

At the same time, it also means that Tianshou Zhenjun is not invincible.

Knowing these joints, their expressions of astonishment also turned into ecstasy.

In fact, the fact is not as simple as they imagined. To be able to take this blow, not to mention the Immortal Formation, even Xuanwu also played a vital role.

Xuanwu is already known for its defense, and with the addition of Xuanwu's golden body, the two are fused into one to block this blow.

In terms of defense alone, I'm afraid even Fang Yi is a little inferior.

It was also because of this that Feng Yiyi was safe and sound.

Of course, this is also the confidence for her to dare to compete with the strong in the body-fitting state. Otherwise, with the cultivation base of Tianying's seven transformations alone, it would be difficult for Fang Yi to compete with the strong in the body-fitting state.

"Huh?" In the only remaining hall, the majestic voice sounded again, full of disbelief and anger.

"The Seven Transformations of the Heavenly Infant is so amazing that it's worth the old man's help."

The sound continued to come, accompanied by billowing energy, like floods opening gates.

In that energy, a very majestic old man is stepping forward, riding the wind and waves, and the whole sky seems to be pressing down with him, as if he is the center of this world, and everything depends on his will.

He is the Lord of Tianshou City, True Lord Tianshou.

"Meet Lord Tianshou!"

The second general Fu Lu and the soldiers of Tianshou City hurriedly saluted.

The faces of Qingyi and the others also changed drastically, their eyes full of fear, the world of warriors, one level of realm and one level of heaven, not to mention the gap between Tianying and Fusion.

What's worse, the aura of the Tianshou Zhenjun in front of him is obviously stronger than that of the great elder of Galaxy Sect.

The only thing that is gratifying is that Feng Yiyi is not seriously ill after taking that blow, I hope...

"You are Tianshou Zhenjun?"

"But so!"

Just when Qingyi and the others were extremely afraid, Feng Yiyi's faint voice sounded.

The sound was not loud, but it was no less than a thunderclap to the ears of the crowd.

The Imaginary Immortal Formation collapsed, and the movement here has already alarmed the surrounding crowd. Hearing this, everyone stayed on the spot, their jaws almost dropped from shock, and the gaze they looked at Feng Yiyi was like looking at an idiot .

Perhaps they never even dreamed that a mere Tianying Qichang dared to say that Tianshou Zhenjun was nothing more than that.

This is no longer audacious, it is completely courting death.

Even Tianshou Zhenjun couldn't help but startled, and immediately burst out laughing.

"You are the first Tianying mirror who dares to talk to the old man like this, and you are also the last one." The laughter stopped abruptly, and Zhenjun Tianshou's eyes dimmed in vain, and killing intent burst out.

"Yes! Because you are going to die!"

Before the words fell, Feng Yiyi's figure had already struck away, turning into ten thousand sword shadows.

The entire sky is full of swords, and the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, interweaving into an extremely complicated and mysterious pattern, which is the Imaginary Immortal Formation.

"It's this array again? I don't know what it means."

A flash of disdain flashed in Tianshou Zhenjun's eyes, because this sword array was broken by him before, and now the other party used it again, so naturally he couldn't arouse the slightest interest.


However, he soon discovered something was wrong.

The same formation was still dominated by sleepiness before, but now it has changed suddenly and become extremely fierce.

It was unbelievable, unheard of.

However, it only made him feel a little surprised. No matter how powerful the sword formation is, it must be supported by the strength of the people who set it up.

The strength is too weak, even if there is a Tongtian sword formation, it is useless.

"Little girl, the old man will let you know what absolute strength is today." He only heard a soft snort, and at the same time slapped it out.

Maybe it's because of disdain, maybe it's because of proving your own words.

This palm has no bells and whistles, it is completely crushed by real energy, like a towering mountain, unstoppable.

The space could no longer bear the huge pressure, and it exploded inch by inch.

The crowd around them all turned pale with fright.

It was the same with Qingyi and the others. They were about to rush forward, but they were stopped by the second general Fu Lu and others. Only Feng Yiyi faced the overbearing palm alone.

However, even so, Feng Yiyi still didn't retreat an inch, and thousands of sword shadows shot up into the sky around her body, and countless runes surged. It was the formation that merged into one, turning into a peerless sword.

Once this sword is completed, the world will change drastically, and the wind and clouds will surge, like a peerless thing breaking through the ground, stirring up the nine heavens.

The resplendent sword shadow exuded an incomparable aura, as if it could destroy everything in the world.

On the body of the sword, countless runes are intertwined, and two extremely ancient characters are vaguely outlined, which are vaguely recognizable, which are the two characters of "juexian".

"how is this possible?"

Tianshou Zhenjun, who was originally full of disdain, also stayed on the spot at this moment.

It was really the aura emanating from this sword shadow, it was too powerful, too frightening, and even he was startled.

And this is just the power displayed by a Tianying Seven Changes. If it was him, then...

At this moment, Tianshou Zhenjun's eyes were shining with incomparable greed.

As for the surrounding crowd, they are all staring blankly at this sword at this moment, as if they have not recovered, their faces are full of disbelief, Feng Yiyi's strength, the strength of Wanhuanjuexian Formation is undoubtedly far beyond theirs cognition.

Who would have thought that the combat power displayed by a warrior of the Seven Transformations of the Heavenly Infant would be so astonishing.

Together with the ten thousand zhang divine peak, they seemed to be unable to hold on, and trembled violently.

"Okay! Very good! Little girl, hand over the sword array, and the old man will leave you as a dead body."

Tianshou Zhenjun's eyes were fiery, and his greed was not concealed at all.

The energy in his body burst out again, and the Wanzhang Shenfeng instantly stabilized, and it was crushed down with an irresistible force.

Obviously, he has lost his patience, and he just wants to get the sword formation as soon as possible. Only when he obtains such a peerless sword formation can he feel at ease.

"You deserve it too?"

Feng Yiyi sneered, facing the Wanzhang Shenfeng without any fear, the sky-shocking sword shadow also fell immediately, carrying the power of opening the sky, and smashing everything.

Boom boom boom!

Shenfeng collided with the giant sword, and the entire sky exploded completely, as if countless shells had been thrown in, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.

The berserk breath swept all directions, leveling everything, and the crowd all backed away in fright, and those who reacted a little slowly were instantly blown away.

The place was a mess.

"Kill!" However, before the crowd could react, a burst of killing shouts came from the sky.

"It's the Black Wind Group..."

(End of this chapter)

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