Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2012 The Building Will Fall

Chapter 2012 The Building Will Fall

Compared with 36 Mai, who received the news one step earlier, Wanhou Mansion was still unaware of the coming crisis.

At this moment, the Honorable Wanhou was full of ecstasy, looked at Jin Yihou below and confirmed: "Really?"

"Master Wanhou, it's absolutely true!"

"The news spread, Master Wanmo was furious, and the entire demon clan also caused an uproar. Even if he knew that someone was contributing to the flames, Master Wanmo had no choice but to find this place."

"My subordinates have received definite news that the Ten Thousand Demon Sect will invade the Chaos Starfield in a very short time, and the Kyushu Sect is doomed."

Jin Yihou's expression was a bit complicated, a bit expectant, a bit worried.

The Honorable Wanhou was overjoyed.

"Okay! Kyushu Sect, let's see what they can use to resist Wanmo Sect this time."

There was a cruel smile on the corner of the mouth of the Wanhou Lord, as if he had foreseen the end of the Kyushu sect, his expression was as ferocious as a ghost in hell.

However, his pleasure did not last long.

A Wanhou Mansion disciple came in a hurry.

"It's not good! Lord Wanhou..." The disciple looked flustered.

"You bastard! You're in such a panic, how decent it is." The Honorable Wanhou scolded angrily, and then said, "Tell me! What happened?"


"What did you say?"

After listening to the disciple's report, the Venerable Wanhou's expression changed drastically.

The same is true of Jin Yihou who was standing beside him, with disbelief in his eyes, he shook his head and said, "Impossible! The news of the Wan Mo Sect's imminent invasion has only just come out. How could it be possible for the chaotic star field to spread so early?"

"It's even more impossible for anyone to know that this matter is related to us."

Jin Yihou obviously made a slip of the tongue in a hurry, and the disciple heard a look of panic on his face.

However, in the next moment, the look of panic froze, because a giant palm had already fallen, directly blasting him to death.


The Honorable Wanhou yelled, and Jin Yihou also reacted instantly.

"Remember, this matter has nothing to do with us. I don't believe it. There is no real evidence. With these rumors, can the Kyushu Sect dismantle my Wanhou Mansion?"

Even though he said this, there was a look of worry in the depths of his eyes.

Because the development of the matter has been out of his control, he originally wanted to take advantage of the problem to unite the major forces and re-strengthen the power of the sect alliance, but he didn't expect that the other party would strike first.

"Come here! Immediately announce to the world that the Wanmo Sect has invaded on a large scale, and everything is caused by the Nine Provinces Sect. The only way to drive them away..."

"Lord Wanhou, it's not good! The Nine Provinces Sect has announced to the world that we have colluded with the demons and captured several of our disciples. They say that under the orders of Lord Wanhou, they spread rumors among the demons and lured wolves into the house."

Before the order of the Lord Wanhou was finished, several senior officials of my Wanhou Mansion came quickly, with anxious expressions on their faces.

"Impossible! They..."

Jin Yihou denied it straight away, and was about to say that they had sent him a message just now.

But when the words reached his mouth, he swallowed them back abruptly.

At this moment, he already understood that everything was fake and a conspiracy of the Kyushu sect.

What's worse is that Wanhou's Mansion is the most suspicious of the whole matter, and there is no one to confirm the authenticity of the evidence, and there is no way to confirm it.

"Bastard!!" The Lord Wanhou obviously understood, he gritted his teeth, his whole body was bursting with anger, like an ancient beast on the verge of rampage, the entire hall was crumbling under this anger.

"Master Wanhou, what should we do now?"

All the senior officials in Wanhou Mansion were terrified, but they still didn't ask.

"Report! Sir Wanhou, the Kyushu Sect, the Asura Hall, and the Yaozu, the three armies have come towards us at the same time, and..."

At this time, another disciple quickly came to report, hesitating, his expression pale.

"And what, don't say it quickly."

Someone scolded.

Hearing the words, the disciple finally mustered up his courage, as if he was afraid that if he said something wrong, he would offend these big figures in the palace and be bombarded to death.

"Also, many members of the sect alliance have drawn a clear line with our Wanhou Mansion."

"What did you say?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the senior officials of the Wanhou Mansion changed drastically.

"Bastards! These bastards are a bunch of cowards. They used to be respectful to my Wanhou Mansion, but when it comes to the critical moment, they actually...Damn it, I have to kill them."


Everyone was furious, but at this moment, it was obviously futile to say anything.

The complexion of Lord Wanhou has also become extremely ugly, and his eyes are red, giving people an extremely terrifying feeling.

No one seemed to dare to look at him.

"Where is the three-way army now, and how long will it take to arrive?"

Jin Yihou asked quickly at this moment.

"My lord, they teleported directly to the surrounding star field, marching very fast, I believe they can arrive in three days at most."

Three days!

In such a short period of time, not to mention lobbying the major forces to wash away grievances, even if there is no betrayal within the sectarian alliance, it is not easy to rush to support.

"These bastards not only draw a clear line with us, but even let the Kyushu sect go all the way. When I solve the Kyushu sect first, I will kill them."

"Yes! Kill these traitors."

In addition to the Kyushu sect being able to march like this, everyone obviously already knew the key.

If not, no matter how tyrannical the Kyushu sect is, even if they rush all the way, it is impossible to be so fast. It is clear that the major forces have opened the teleportation array to them.

In fact, these forces are not to blame.

The sectarian alliance has already sunk into the sky, and the two defeats have made everyone see no hope. On the other hand, the Heavenly Killing Gate and a force that surrendered to the Kyushu Sect are all in chaos.

Comparing the two, it is obviously impossible to say that they are not worried or envious at all.

However, it is somewhat difficult to surrender directly.

One is that in view of the strength of the Wanhou Mansion, no one dared to be the first bird, and the Heavenly Killing Clan was pushed to the limit.

Secondly, I can't hold back my face. At the beginning, it was said that it was going to drive the Kyushu sect out of the chaotic star field, but now it has surrendered. Obviously...

It's different now, the Wanhou Mansion has done such a thing, it's like gods and humans are indignant.

As for the authenticity, there is no need to delve into it.

All they need is an excuse, an excuse to leave the sect alliance and no longer be an enemy of the Kyushu sect, and this is undoubtedly the best excuse to stand on the morality of the entire chaotic star field.

So... the Kyushu sect met almost no resistance.

For such a result, even Fang Yi and countless disciples of the Kyushu Sect did not expect it.

They just guessed that there must be many forces drawing a clear line with the Wanhou Mansion, and it was precisely because of this that Fang Yi dared to launch this attack.

But he didn't expect that so many people in Wanhou's Mansion had betrayed their relatives.

"Lord Wanhou, what should we do now? With the strength of my Wanhou Mansion, I'm afraid..."

All the senior officials of the Wanhou Mansion were obviously panicked at this moment, and they all looked at the Lord Wanhou eagerly.

Perhaps no one thought that the once mighty Wanhou Mansion would collapse overnight.

(End of this chapter)

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