Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2022 The Demon Race Is Coming

Chapter 2022 The Demon Race Is Coming

With the destruction of the Wanhou Mansion, it was rare for the Chaos Starfield to be in peace for the next period of time.

The Kyushu sect did not invade on a large scale.

As for the sect alliance, naturally they dare not make mistakes. Today, the prestige of the Kyushu sect is unmatched for a while, so no one dares to touch their bad luck. For a while, the chaotic star field seemed abnormally calm.

However, all this was just before the storm.

News about the demons kept coming.

All major forces are in an extremely tense atmosphere, which is unusually dull and depressing.

Fang Yi, however, kept his ears to the outside world and concentrated on practicing in closed doors.

On the contrary, it was his demon body avatar...

"Have you heard? The demons have already sent troops, and they will arrive in a month at most."

"Really? Is the news reliable?"

"It's absolutely true. There are many spiritual cultivators in the Demon Realm who have business dealings with the Demon Race. They are the ones who spread the news."

"Then what do they do?"


The border of the chaotic star field, Greedy Wolf Star, is the place where the demons must pass through to enter the chaotic star field. Hearing the news of the mob's dispatch, the entire planet fell into panic.

The demons are bloodthirsty and brutal.

And the strength is overbearing, far from being comparable to ordinary forces, how can they not panic.

"Everyone, run away! Once the demons invade, there will be corpses everywhere. Even if you are lucky enough to survive, once the demonic energy invades, you will become a bloodthirsty killing machine."

When the crowd talked about the demons, they were all terrified.

Compared with spiritual cultivation, demons are more aggressive, especially the domineering magic energy, which can corrode spiritual cultivation's mind.

This alone gives the Demon Race a great advantage when facing Lingxiu.

What's more, each of the top ten demon clans is extremely tyrannical. Now that the entire demon clan is attacking, how can everyone not be afraid.

"Don't worry, everyone. Didn't the Kyushu sect say that they will fight against the demons with all their strength? The Kyushu sect is so powerful that it may not be as pessimistic as imagined."

"Having said that, no matter how strong the Kyushu sect is, it is definitely not an opponent of the demons."

"That's not necessarily the case. Didn't the rumors say that the Emperor of Nine Provinces defeated Young Master Wanmo twice?"

In the restaurant, everyone seemed to have different opinions.

During this period of time, the Nine Provinces Sect has really gained a lot of hearts, so that many people are confident that the Nine Provinces Sect can compete with the Wanmo Sect.

But in fact, the Wanmo Sect is one of the top ten sects in the spiritual world, and its true strength is even more so. With the current strength of the Kyushu Sect, how can it be an opponent.

This is still because of the Asura Palace and the Yaozu, if not...

Of course, the demons came from thousands of miles away, and it is impossible to mobilize the whole army, so this battle is not completely impossible.

The final result depends on the superpowers of the Demon Race.

If they come too, then...

"A bunch of cowards!"

In a certain corner of the restaurant, a young gentleman with a face like jade snorted lightly, with a trace of contempt in his bright eyes.

Opposite her was also a servant with a fair face, but his expression seemed a little nervous.

"Miss... son, why don't we go back! The master said that the chaotic star field has not been peaceful recently, and you are strictly forbidden to set foot in the period, and now we sneak out..."

Qiuyue looked worried and reminded carefully.

That's right!

The two masters and servants are Wu Qiaojun and her maid Qiuyue, who is disguised as a man.

Compared to before, the appearance of the two of them has obviously improved a lot compared to before, but unfortunately, that pretty face is still recognizable at a glance.

In fact, with Wu Qiaojun's means, it is naturally easy to cover up this face, but women love beauty by nature... women disguised as men are just deceiving themselves.

"If you want to go back, I will... I won't go back."

"Coward, so what if the chaotic star field is dangerous? I'm afraid that I won't be able to protect you!"

Wu Qiaojun glared at Qiuyue, her expression seemed very dissatisfied.

Of course, it wasn't Qiuyue that he was dissatisfied with, but his father. After all, she had already broken through to the fit state, and his father even restricted her where to go.

Seeing this, Qiuyue naturally didn't dare to say anything, instead her bright eyes lit up, and she asked, "My lord, Mr. Fang is really as powerful as they say? He can even kill a strong man with a fifth-fold body, isn't the master also... ..."

Speaking of this, Qiuyue seemed to realize that she had said something wrong, and shut up quickly.

However, Mr. Wu Qiao didn't blame her, instead her eyes were full of splendor.

During this period of time, she has been retreating and hitting the combined state, and she knows almost nothing about what happened in the chaotic star field.

Until after customs clearance...

Otherwise, she would not have waited until today to enter the chaotic star field.

However, not long after entering the chaotic star field, the rumors about Fang Yi had already shocked her extremely.

Fang Yi really did the annihilation of Corpse Yin Sect and Wanhou Mansion one by one?

If she hadn't known Fang Yi's determination to rule the Chaotic Starfield when they separated, she would have doubted whether that person was Fang Yi.

It should be noted that her father has cultivated for endless years, and now he has only just broken through to the fifth level of the body, but Fang Yi, the boy who was not much different from her own strength, was able to kill the fifth level of the body, how dare she believe it.

During this period of time, the reason why she has been retreating is that she can help Fang Yi when he returns to the chaotic star field.

Breaking through to the body-fitting state originally made her extremely excited, but now...

"Young master, the demons are not easy to mess with. I heard from the master that the chaotic star field may be in chaos. Can Mr. Fang stand it?"

Qiuyue said again, obviously worried.

Of course, what she was worried about was Mr. Wu Qiao. She knew very well what her young lady was thinking, and it was precisely because of this that she was even more worried.

Wu Qiaojun also had a sad face when she heard the words. As one of the top ten sects, she naturally had a better understanding of the demon race than ordinary people. Subconsciously, she couldn't help but think of Hua Lian'er.

The demons want to deal with Fang Yi, so what will happen to the other party?

No way... Her eyes lit up slightly.

"Great! The latest news is that the Kyushu Zong army has rushed to our greedy wolf star."

At this time, an excited voice came from the restaurant.

"Really? Who is the leader?"

The crowd was overjoyed, and they couldn't help asking, after all, no one wanted to leave their hometown.

Moreover, those who are weak can't leave even if they want to. Kyushu Sect is undoubtedly their only savior.

"It's not clear yet, it seems to be the Fire Dragon Demon King of the Monster Race."

"Monster Race? Will they..."

"Don't worry! The Yaozu is no longer what it used to be, and they won't embarrass everyone, and I heard that the Emperor of Nine Provinces will also be there at that time."

The crowd talked a lot, and there was hope in their expressions.

"My lord, what shall we do? Are we still going to Tianshouxing?" Qiuyue couldn't help asking after hearing about it.

"No!" Wu Qiaojun's bright eyes lit up slightly, as if she already had other considerations.

(End of this chapter)

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