Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2025 Heavenly Demon Lord

Chapter 2025 Heavenly Demon Lord

"It's bad, it's bad, the army of demons is almost approaching Greedy Wolf. I heard that they ran amok along the way, and countless spiritual cultivators died at their hands."

"Everyone, run away!"

A few days later, more and more news about the demon army.

The entire Greedy Wolf Star was shrouded in a terrifying cloud.

The demons are powerful, burning, killing and looting all the way, leaving no armor behind, no wonder they are so afraid.

Although the monster army has arrived, the Shura Palace and the Kyushu Sect have not yet been seen. The monster clan alone cannot be compared with the demon clan.

Even if Shura Hall and Kyushu Sect are added, the result is still unknown.

So...their fear is not difficult to understand.

"Young master, what shall we do?"

Qiuyue was obviously also a little worried, and asked cautiously.

With that expression, she clearly wanted to persuade Wu Qiaojun to leave, but she knew her own lady's character very well, so she held back her mouth.

hoohoo! !

At this time, Yan'er also growled twice, looking lazy.

"Why hasn't Fang Yi arrived yet?"

But Wu Qiaojun seemed to be in a daze, muttering in his mouth and frowning slightly.

Based on her understanding of Fang Yi, under such circumstances, she should have already arrived. Even if Fang Yi could arrive at any time because of Fang Yi's tyrannical strength, Shura Hall and Kyushu Sect should also arrive.

Otherwise, once the demons invade, how can they come in such a hurry?

Is it possible...

He took the lead?

Thinking of this possibility, Wu Qiaojun's beautiful eyes lit up, and her heart became more and more certain.

Even if he didn't take the initiative to attack, with Fang Yi's personality, he would never sit back and watch the demons attack and do nothing.

And Hua Lian'er, she would never sit back and watch the demons fight against Fang Yi, did she also come with the army?Can't say...

A flash of firmness flashed in Wu Qiaojun's beautiful eyes, as if she had made up her mind.


Seeing that her young lady didn't respond for a long time, Qiuyue suddenly had a bad premonition and looked a little nervous.

"It's okay! Qiuyue, you can stay in Tanlangxing! I have something to leave for a while." Wu Qiaojun obviously made up his mind, then paused, and said: "If you don't wait for me to come back, you will burn yourself back Tianzong!"

"Don't worry! I'll be fine."

Throwing down a word, Mr. Wu Qiao couldn't help saying it, and turned into a lightning bolt and went away.

"Young master..." Behind him, Qiuyue jumped anxiously.

Because she has already vaguely guessed where her young lady is going, that is an army of countless demons, if...

The only consolation is that Yan'er is there as a company, that little guy is extremely powerful.


In the vast void, a huge planet appeared in sight.

On the planet, there are many strange rocks, and no green can be seen. Obviously, this is an uninhabited star.

However, at this moment, there is a huge team gathered on this planet, and terrifying energy permeates the team, like a black nebula, giving people an extremely terrifying feeling.

It was suddenly a billowing demonic energy.

That's right!

This is the army of demons heading straight to the chaotic star field.

And this uninhabited planet is just a temporary foothold for the demon army.

"Peak Master Bai, we will enter the chaotic star field in a few days, what should we do next?"

In the corner of the planet, a woman in a black robe exuding a strong devilish energy was looking in the direction of the chaotic starfield.

Her face is cold, she is not angry and pretentious, it is Bai Yingying.

It's just that compared to the beginning, there is already a world of difference, not only the appearance and temperament, but the whole person is completely different, as if she has turned into a real devil. It is no wonder that she has been in the demon clan these days.

While developing his own power, he also has to beware of his identity being exposed. How can it be possible without a thorough change.

Today, she is already a well-known Heisha Witch of the Earth Demon Clan.

Of course, this is only a superficial identity, and the demons imprisoned by her in the Demon Palace can already form an army of demons.

"Bastard! How many times have I told you that the demons call me Master Heisha?" Bai Yingying's eyes turned cold, and she shouted.

"Yes! This subordinate is guilty." The person who spoke earlier quickly confessed.

"Lord Heisha calm down, we are about to enter the chaotic star field, and they are talking too fast!" At this time, Xia Houzheng who was on the side also hurriedly said.

At the same time, he did not forget to reprimand the disciple.

It's no wonder that the two of them are so careful, they were fooled once, if their identities are exposed again, then...

"Is there any news from the chaotic star field?"

Bai Yingying didn't pursue further, she paused slightly and asked.

"Return to Lord Heisha, not yet, but the demon army has swept all the way, the suzerain must have received the news." Xia Houzheng replied.

"En!" Bai Yingying couldn't help but nodded.

"Since that's the case, then temporarily stand still and see how the suzerain will act."

"Yes!" Several people took orders.

"Master Heisha, it's not good!" At this moment, another disciple hurried over with a flustered expression.

"What's going on?" Xia Houzheng couldn't help asking first.

"Back to Lord Heisha, Lord Xiahou, Ms. Hua Lian'er of the Blood Demon Clan sent someone to send a message, saying... that the Heavenly Demon Lord is also in this army."

"What did you say?"

Hearing this, both Bai Yingying and Xia Houzheng's expressions changed drastically.

Not to mention the others, all of them looked at each other in horror.

It's no wonder that they are like this, who is the Heavenly Demon Saint, the previous suzerain of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, and a super strong man of the sixth level.

It is said that the seventh level of the clutch is not far away.

It is precisely because of this that he passed on the position of the suzerain of the Wanmo Sect to the Wanmo Young Master, and devoted himself to cultivation, striving to break through to the seventh level of fusion and reach the peak.

Of course, this is just a legend, and it is obviously not that simple for Master Wanmo to be appreciated by him.

"Are you sure the news is true?"

"Didn't it mean that the Heavenly Demon Lord wouldn't take this muddy water? This is just a matter between Master Wanmo and the suzerain. He, a senior of the demon clan, is so disregarding his status and getting involved?"

Xia Houzheng obviously couldn't believe it.

Although this matter has risen to a contest between the Wanmo Sect and the Kyushu Sect.

But, no matter what, it was all because of Young Master Wan Mo and the suzerain. As a strong man of the demon clan, it is reasonable to say that he would not be so disregarding his status.

In fact, the news they got was the same.

But now...

Hua Lian'er's news is obviously not wrong, the relationship between the other party and Fang Yi, they are very clear.

"Spread the news immediately, and let the suzerain know."

Bai Yingying's eyes darkened, and she made a quick decision.

However, she didn't know that there was a figure standing proudly nine days away, looking down at this huge uninhabited star.

The demonic energy of the figure is overwhelming, like a peerless demon god standing between the heaven and the earth.

Black hair like a waterfall, eyes like a knife.

The stars from the nine heavens fell down, reflecting his face, suddenly it was the demon body Fang Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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