Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2029

Chapter 2029

puff! !

Blood was sprayed, and the blood mist all over the sky seemed to be raining blood.

"Yan'er, you are amazing!"

Wu Qiaojun was ecstatic, his face was full of excitement, and the little guy also showed a proud look, very airy, as if he didn't take Ye Mingkong and the others into his eyes at all.

"Okay! Let's go!"

After the excitement, Mr. Wu Qiao did not forget to remind.

Just kidding, the loud noise just now must have alarmed the entire demon army, no matter how powerful Yan'er is, he is definitely not an opponent.

The most important thing right now is to escape.

But the little guy seemed a little reluctant, and his fiery red eyes looked somewhere in the void, with a hint of doubt.

"Want to go!"

Just at this time, a monstrous demonic energy rolled in, like a dark cloud covering the top, and a figure like an abyss stepped out of the billowing demonic energy, like a peerless devil walking out of hell.

Shuo Shuo! !

In addition, there are countless majestic figures, coming at the speed of galloping like lightning, instantly surrounding the two of them.

Obviously, the battle here has alarmed the demon army.

The leader is suddenly Tie Feiying.

"Fen Tianzong? I didn't expect my demons to meet people from Burning Tianzong just after stepping out of the demon realm. What's wrong? You Burning Tianzong also want to take this muddy water?"

Tie Feiying seems to have seen through Wu Qiaojun's identity.

It's no wonder that the sea of ​​flames that filled the sky and the burning purple flames are easily reminiscent of the Burning Heaven Sect.

As one of the top ten sects, they are naturally no strangers to each other.

"Hmph! So what!"

Although Wu Qiaojun was extremely nervous in his heart, his heart was raised in his throat, but his mouth still refused to give in.

However, facing so many strong men...

Her pretty face had turned pale, and she stepped back unconsciously.

"How courageous! But you are the first one who dares to act presumptuously in front of me just after entering the Body Fit Realm." Tie Feiying's eyes turned cold, showing murderous intent, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped to freezing point.

"Elder Tie, that little beast is weird."

At this time, the three of Ye Mingkong finally stabilized their figures, their mouths were bleeding profusely, and they looked at Yan'er with fear.


Tie Feiying seemed a little surprised and a little disdainful.

"It's just an evil animal." As he spoke, he stretched out his giant palm, and terrifying energy spewed out, like a mountain torrent bursting a bank, rushing for thousands of miles.

This seems to be just a random palm, but its power is unparalleled.

The whole world seems to be under the cover of this palm, sealing off the space.

Wu Qiaojun just felt that he couldn't move, as if he was frozen. This was the effect of absolute crushing in strength, and he couldn't resist at all.

If there were no accidents, Mr. Wu Qiao would have died on the spot, and the gods could not save him.

However, this is obviously impossible.

Yan'er also roared at this moment, appearing extremely angry.

With a "crush", I saw the hot flames all over its body steaming up, like a flaming fireball.

The surrounding void was crackling, as if it had been incinerated.

The fiery temperature also swept away in an instant, like a raging storm, irresistible.

Not only that, the fireball has also expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the flames of seven colors are intertwined, which is extremely gorgeous. In a moment, the fireball has become extremely huge, like the scorching sun in the sky, reflecting the sky.

The entire void also instantly turned into a sea of ​​seven-color flames.


The crowd couldn't help but changed their expressions and were stunned.

Some of the weaker ones had already retreated in fright, because the scorching temperature could almost incinerate them to death.

Even Tie Feiying's previous disdain had already turned into shock.

"Monster, I have underestimated you, die for me!"

Tie Feiying roared angrily, with a stern look in his eyes.


I saw him stepping out, the sky and the earth trembled, and the monstrous demonic energy rolled out, like a rushing wave, resisting the sea of ​​flames, not giving in to each other.

The sky and the earth are constantly thundering, and the earth is shaking.

At this moment, it seemed that it was no longer a battle between two people, but a collision between two heavens and earth.

The whole world is crumbling.

However, in comparison, the sea of ​​flames seemed even more raging. Everything it passed was burned up, including the monstrous devilish energy, which sizzled.

How can it be?

Tie Feiying's pupils were full of disbelief.

The tyranny of the flame undoubtedly far exceeded his expectations.

What made him even more depressed was that he still hadn't figured out what the origin of the giant flame beast was.

"kill him!"

At this moment, he couldn't take care of so much anymore, as soon as he gave an order, the strong demons around him came quickly.

However, they didn't dare to get close, because the flames were too overbearing, and large areas of the void collapsed, not to mention them, only a few people could barely get close.

The others were incinerated before they got close, let alone besieged.

hoohoo! ! !

Yan'er also seemed extremely angry at this moment, her huge body was like a mountain of ten thousand zhang, rampaging.

Every shot must take away a piece of fresh life.

Those strong demons were already terrified by the news.

Even Tie Feiying was helpless, even though his cultivation had already reached the fifth level of the combined body, he still didn't have the slightest advantage against Shang Yan'er. Instead, he was suppressed everywhere and dared not confront him head-on.

Fire is the nemesis of all things. Although Yan'er is not a real flame totem holy beast, it is not far behind.

What's more, it has been living in the Temple of Fire, and has absorbed the power of the starry sky behemoth's demon core.

The strength has already reached an unbelievable level.

Especially the control of the flame.

Although Tie Feiying is powerful, he still has a long way to go to take it down.

As for the others, it is not worth mentioning.

Therefore, Yan'er at this moment is like an immemorial ferocious beast that has completely run amok, no one can touch its edge, and anyone who touches it will die.

Those demons who were disturbed by it turned their backs on their backs.

Such a big battle must have alarmed everyone, and countless strong demons began to rush in, but Yan'er didn't move at all, instead, his whole body was filled with arrogance, like a real flame totem.

"Little guy, it seems that you have finally grown up."

Nine days away, Fang Yi watched this scene indifferently, the corners of his lips slightly raised.

Naturally, he had already noticed the movement here.

However, with Yan'er around, he was confident that everything would be fine. In fact, Yan'er was more domineering than he imagined.

Withdrawing his gaze, he looked at the unmanned star again.

"what happened?"

"Reporting to the suzerain, there is a man and a beast trying to sneak into our demon camp, but they have been discovered and are currently being captured."

"A bunch of waste, two people just haven't taken it yet."

In the camp, Young Master Wanmo showed a flash of anger, he strode out, and looked at the sea of ​​flames with awe-inspiring killing intent.


Suddenly, he turned his head sharply and looked somewhere in the void, where a figure slowly gathered.

(End of this chapter)

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