Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2031 Fight

Chapter 2031 Fight

Boom! !

Above the void, two majestic figures stood proudly, surpassing all living beings, like two peerless emperors.

Terrifying energy erupted from their bodies, covering the entire world.

The sound of muffled thunder rolled on and on.

Before the two exchanged blows, the heaven and the earth seemed to be unable to withstand this huge energy. Numerous cracks flickered, like thunderbolts, and finally collapsed piece by piece.

It is like a huge black hole, wantonly devouring everything in the world.

The entire sky seemed to be divided into two.

One side is controlled by Master Wanmo, and monstrous devilish energy billows out, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

On the other side, Fang Yi is naturally in charge, the sound of the big waves is overwhelming, and the shadows of dragons linger around the world, bullying to the extreme.

Jiutian Fengyun moved for it.

At this moment, the crowd all looked at this scene with tense expressions, and looked at the two domineering figures, feeling terrified.

It was as if they were standing in the arena at the moment.

But the two who were actually standing in the field were not too nervous, at least there was no trace of tension on Fang Yi's face, his face was calm and calm, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

Young Master Wan Mo's eyes were as bright as torches, as if there were two blazing flames.

The terrifying murderous intent swept across the world like a storm, and the space was torn apart with a hissing sound.

"Take your life!!"

Without any nonsense, Young Master Wan Mo's aura climbed to the extreme, and he suddenly struck like a thunderbolt.

The terrifying aura raged across the world, like an immemorial ferocious beast that had completely run amok, carrying a monstrous killing intent, annihilated every inch of space where it passed.

He already hated Fang Yi to the bone, wishing he could swallow Fang Yi alive.

It is conceivable to make a move at this moment.

This terrifying blow seemed to be unbearable even by the heavens and the earth. The huge fist shadow, like a fallen star from the nine heavens, pierced through everything and headed towards Fang Yi.

The sound of the strong sonic boom was deafening, and the entire void trembled.

too strong! !

The crowd couldn't help showing horror and fanaticism.

Although Master Wanmo is famous, not many people have actually seen him make a move, and even if there were, it was only a battle as a primordial magic star.

After many years, Master Wanmo's cultivation base has reached the fourth level of integration, which is no longer the same.

But how, but not many people know.

Therefore, they all looked forward to this battle, especially when they saw this blow, their fanaticism became even more intense, even the dozen or so super powerhouses were no exception.

They looked at each other, seeing shock and expectation in each other's eyes.

Obviously, they also hope that Master Wanmo can defeat his opponent head-on, so that the prestige of the Demon Race can be truly revived.

Restore the confidence of the demon disciples.

Compared to their expectations, Bai Yingying and the others looked extremely nervous, and their faces turned slightly pale.

It was really that this blow was too domineering, exuding a breath of destruction.

It's not that they don't believe in Fang Yi, but that Fang Yi is obviously weaker in terms of cultivation. In addition, there are countless strong demons below, which is a great deterrent.

May I ask, in such a situation, who can let go?

and so……

However, their worries seemed a bit superfluous, facing the huge fist shadow like a shooting star.

Fang Yi's expression remained the same, without any change in sight.

If I had to say yes, it would be that the original sharp eyes became more bright and cold, like the scattered stars in the abyss of the universe, giving people a lonely and cold aura.

groan! !

At the same time, a shocking dragon chant also sounded, shocking Jiuxiao.

Exuding an incomparably noble and majestic atmosphere.

Some weaklings, when they heard this voice, were almost scared to worship, not to mention those monsters, who prostrated themselves on the ground one by one, not daring to move.

The real dragon is the king of all beasts, although he has not come in person.

However, Fang Yi has integrated the tail of the real dragon, even if it is not as good as the real dragon, it is not far behind.

The breath of the real dragon is even more fake, so how can these monster races not be afraid.

It is also because of this that the Scarlet Demon Star monster clan will submit to him willingly, otherwise, the Huanglong Yaodi will almost be wiped out, and how can those monster clans obey obediently just by his order.

It's different with the fusion of the real dragon's tail.

It is only natural for the monster clan to submit to the real dragon, just like the iron law imprinted in the soul, so...

Fortunately, the voice of the dragon chant was not aimed at them.

The huge real dragon's claw covered with scales didn't come towards them either, but directly met the huge fist shadow like a shooting star.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The whole world exploded completely, as if countless bombs had been dropped.

That huge fist shadow and that huge real dragon's claw slowly approached under everyone's horrified eyes.

Across thousands of miles of sky.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze, and the punches and claws seemed to become extremely slow. Around them, large areas of space collapsed, as if the end was approaching.

The whole world was shrouded in an atmosphere of extreme terror.

The crowd was all terrified, they didn't even dare to breathe, and their expressions were extremely tense.

Such a big battle, most people will hardly see it in their entire lives.

One can imagine their mood.

The claws of the real dragon met the shadow of the fist, and the whole world seemed to have fallen into a momentary distortion, and the surroundings seemed to have fallen into a deathly silence.

But then, a wave of air swept over like mountains and seas.

The sound of thunder exploded, like a stone breaking the sky, deafening.

"Go back!"

Some people in the crowd drank anxiously.

But unfortunately, it was too late, the roaring air wave destroyed everything, exuding an aura of destruction.

Those demon disciples who were closest to them were torn to pieces in an instant before they could react in time. Even if they reacted in time, they were not strong enough, so they were still thrown into the air and vomited blood.

Only those strong demons can withstand this wave of anger.

Ordinary disciples were already in a mess, with countless casualties.

Such an astonishing destructive power is simply appalling.

It must be known that the center of the battle is extremely far away from everyone, but the result... This shows the domineering of the two.

The entire film set was also completely enveloped by the billowing air waves at this moment. No one knew what was going on inside, only the sound of thunder could be heard.

The crowd looked at it eagerly, obviously wanting to know the result.

Especially those dozens of demon superpowers, all ready to go, Fang Yi's tyranny obviously exceeded their expectations.

From that blow just now, they could already see that Fang Yi was no weaker than Master Wanmo.

Which of the two is better is possible.

Therefore, they are always prepared, but if there is any accident, they will probably take action without hesitation.

Similarly, Bai Yingying and the others did the same, with tense expressions.

Compared with the fierce fighting in the center of the battle, the hearts of the strong on both sides are another fierce battle.

And at this time, the turbulent air wave finally dissipated slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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